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LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe

Usually LEGO Creator sets are not the most exciting, and not the ones that get LEGO blogs and forums buzzing. This is actually quite sad because LEGO Creator sets are well designed, often include instructions for building 2-3 alternate models, and are in general the closest to classic LEGO sets. There is one LEGO Creator sets this year however that has been viewed with lots of curiosity; the #31026 LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe.

#31026 LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe Box

We have talked about the LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe before when it was first revealed at the toy fairs earlier this year, however now that official set pictures have been revealed by Amazon, it is worth discussing it again. Especially since this is the first time we can also see the alternate models. So let’s take a look. 🙂

#31026 LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe

First of all, the reason the LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe is so interesting is because it obviously looks like a smaller version of the highly popular LEGO Modular Buildings. Both the Bike Shop and the Cafe section is nicely detailed inside and outside, giving the buildings a more fuller look then most LEGO City structures.

But there is more to be excited about! While the LEGO Modular Buildings have removable levels, the LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe opens up like a doll-house, allowing play inside, as well as expanding the street-view of the buildings if you choose to leave them open.

#31026 LEGO Creator Auto Repair

And if that is not enough, the set can be rebuilt 3 different ways; as a combination of the Bike Shop & Cafe, or as Auto Repair Shop, or a Flower Shop. It appears that both the Auto Repair Shop and the Flower Shop has an apartment attached next door (also the Bike Shop has a second-story apartment), making the setup quite like in the LEGO Modular Buildings.

#31026 LEGO Creator Flower Shop

Here is the official description of the #31026 LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe to give you more details: Open a world of adventures with this exciting 3-in-1 Bike Shop & Cafe. Serve delicious muffins and espresso coffee to your customers at the cozy cafe. Then visit the neighboring bike shop, buy the cool red bike that’s for sale, mount it on your car rack and head for the hills! Fold out the Bike Shop & Cafe for your very own main street, where you can add your own LEGO creations! What kind of shop will you build next? You can also rebuild the set to create an auto repair shop or a flower shop. Includes 3 minifigures: 2 men and a woman. 1023 pieces. Price: $89.99

  • Includes 3 minifigures: 2 men and a woman
  • Features 2 separate buildings: a bicycle shop and a cafe
  • Bicycle shop features a loading ramp, removable red bicycle, tools, and first-floor apartment with kitchen area
  • Cafe features outdoor seating, a bank ATM, money bill, cash register, 2 muffins, espresso machine with cups
  • Also includes a car and buildable bird

I’m really curious to see how the LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe will be received by LEGO fans. I like it very much, and I believe that if it becomes popular LEGO will be inclined to produce more such sets to create a series – basically offering a smaller and more affordable alternative to the LEGO Modular Buildings. Actually, even if you just get multiplies of this one set and build the different versions simultaneously, you get a whole LEGO City street setup right there!

The LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe should be available this summer, and in the meantime you can check out the currently available LEGO Creator and LEGO City sets or browse the LEGO Buildings section at the Online LEGO Shop (just follow the links to get there).

Shop LEGO Creator Buildings

What do you think? How do you like the LEGO Creator Bike Shop & Cafe? Are you looking forward to this set? Would you like to see more such buildings in the future? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! 😉

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{ 14 comments… add one }
  • Michelle April 13, 2014, 1:46 PM

    This is an AWESOME looking set! I think your suggestion of buying multiple units is an inspired one – with the different builds available you will have a fabulous looking City Street at a much better price than the modular buildings. I’m picking it will be extremely popular – and one to keep an eye out for when it comes on sale somewhere. Here’s hoping it is released in New Zealand too, we have a more limited range available here – and everything that is released, is DOUBLE the price of the retail in USA… 🙂

    • admin April 13, 2014, 2:49 PM

      Michelle, yeah, I’m really looking forward to seeing this set too. I think a line like this would be a very good substitute for the Modulars. I’m sorry to hear about the staggering prices for LEGO in your country! I always complain that it is expesnive here… until I hear from one of you guys down under. But LEGO is still a cheaper hobby than golf. 😉

  • BLProductions April 13, 2014, 2:15 PM

    This set is a little confusing. So it has an A-model of a bike shop & café, a B-model of an auto shop, and a C-model of a flower shop? Huh, didn’t see much of a flower shop. 😕 And the B and C models have apartments w/ them.
    I’m not interested in this set, in fact the only 2014 Creator set I want now is the 31025 Mountain Hut. And I’m also trying to work for the Parisian Restaurant. That set is awesome! 😀
    Actually, after watching the video, it seems like the set comes w/ some good parts for house MOCs. 🙂

    • admin April 13, 2014, 2:51 PM

      The Mountain Hut is a nice set too. The interesting thing about this one is that it is basically a mini-modular. It is certainly not as detailed as the modulars as it is on a much smaller scale, but it could become a nice alternative in city dioramas. I really have to see it in person to make a final judgement, but right now I like it. Wishing you the best in saving up for the Parisian Restaurant! That is one gorgeous set! 🙂

      • CVJ April 14, 2014, 8:21 AM

        I think this set is pretty nice and would be easy to build upon with your own bricks due to the color choices which was why I liked the Creator Sets to begin with.

  • Guy April 14, 2014, 8:53 AM

    I think this is a great set and I would love to have it. Ill have to try to save some money on the side to get it. Creator sets are just so beautiful and the details are mesmerizing. Cant wait for the next holiday set.

  • Kim April 14, 2014, 12:51 PM

    I think it looks better than the first photos I saw of it. Was the design or colors changed at all? I’d definitely like to get it now.

    • admin April 14, 2014, 1:04 PM

      Kim, I’m not sure if anything has changed, or official pictures just look better. The video in the article is from one of the toy fairs, so that’s how the set was originally represented. It is a sweet little set for sure. 🙂

  • Clumsybumsy August 2, 2014, 11:18 AM

    If they would do one of this type of set each year it would be very good for city building for people with limited space or a limited wallet.

    • admin August 2, 2014, 4:21 PM

      That’s a very good point, and I hope it will happen. 🙂

  • Debbie November 16, 2014, 7:33 AM

    I wish this lego set has given more bikes as this set is called a bike shop and cafe. I also think that Lego forget to include a Barrista figure in this set.

  • Zak December 26, 2014, 12:48 PM

    I’ve mounted the base one, but looking well the other two i see that they use less pieces. How much? Why they haven’t used all the pieces to build a model more big? I don’t know… At least another car or some details…

  • PrashBricks November 19, 2016, 12:46 PM

    You don’t have a article about corner deli (acorrding to me it looks better than toy and groccery shop)! #sad :’)

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