When we discussed The LEGO Neighborhood Book by Brian and Jason Lyles, I mentioned that there are a couple of websites that offer high-quality instructions for custom LEGO Modular Buildings. The authors themselves run BrickCityDepot.com, and BrickBuildersPro.com is another great resource. Besides custom LEGO instructions, Brick Builders Pro also started offering custom stickers and printed parts. The demand for these naturally grew from the need of LEGO fans who wanted to customize their official and custom LEGO Modular Buildings. Stickered and printed shop windows, food items, signs, and other accessories can really enhance a LEGO city display, while also making it unique. I recently placed my first order for custom printed parts at BrickBuildersPro.com, so I thought to write a review of my experience. 🙂

We talked about the custom LEGO Modular Buildings instructions by Brick Builders Pro in the Brick City Depot & & Brick Builders Pro review, so we won’t be discussing those today. In summary, I would just say that there are some exceptionally nice designs in the selection, compatible with the LEGO Modular Buildings, and/or LEGO City in general.

Brick Builders Pro also caries a vast selection of custom printed LEGO elements. Comic books and magazines, computer and gaming console parts, vending machines, arcade games, tiny LEGO set boxes, and more.

Brick Builders Pro also has a large selection of printed food items; cereal boxes, food jars, snacks, chocolate bars, sodas, takeout boxes, pizza boxes, bakery items, and more. Other food-related items are gumball machines, candy dispensers, printed menus, and printed window signs for restaurants, grocery stores, and bakeries.

LEGO Space is another theme Brick Builders Pro covers to some extent, with some really sweet LEGO Classic Space, LEGO Blacktron, LEGO M-Tron torso prints, consoles, etc. One of the items I got is a very large LEGO Classic Space Super Computer on an 8×16 tile. It’s such a beauty! Speaking of large printed tiles, they have some other interesting prints on the same large tile piece.

I also really like the large printed murals pictured below. They are perfect for covering the outside of a building, or even the inside of an arcade, record shop, coffee shop, candy shop, etc.

Unfortunately, the navigation options of Brick BuildersPro.com are not well developed, so you pretty much have to take the time to go through all the pages to familiarize yourself with the products and find the items you might be interested in. If you register to the site, there is a wish-list option, which is very helpful to save some of the items you may be interested in.

The items I got from Brick Builders Pro are high quality, with vibrant colors and sharp edges. I’m very happy with them. In fact, I’m already thinking about placing another order. It’s actually better to order all the items you want at once, as it make the shipping fee more affordable. However, since I was just trying out the products for the first time, I didn’t want to go overboard. Now that I know I like them, I can place larger orders. Unfortunately, some of the items are only available in small quantities. For example, I could only order one blue LEGO Classic Space torso, because that’s all they had in stock.

One other thing I was not too happy about is that when I checked out at the BrickBuildersPro.com online shop, there was a notification that there may be several weeks of delay due to processing a large number of orders. I did get my order in exactly three weeks, so the waiting time wasn’t too bad. However, it’s a good idea to keep in mind that this can happen with small shops that are run by an individual or small team.

All in all, I’m very happy with my first order for custom printed items at BrickBuildersPro.com. The printing quality, color matching, and design selection are all excellent. I wish shipping was a bit cheaper and faster, but I can live with that now that I know what to expect.

What do you think? How do you like these custom printed items by Brick Builders Pro? Have you ever placed an order with them for either custom instructions or printed LEGO elements? Feel free to share your own reviews in the comment section below! 😉

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Hmmm, that Spidey baseball cap is pretty cool, but I’m a bit wary on ordering stuff from the US with the current tariffs…
Yeah, I have heard you guys get heavily penalized for buying stuff from overseas! 🙁
It goes both ways, I think…
We don’t have taxes on imported goods, and shipping is cheap or free (by free I mean I don’t get charged for shipping). I regularly shop from BrickLink/eBay sellers and LEGO customizers from other countries.
Look at all those pies and cakes! Yummm!!!! These are really well done.
I love the bakery and grocery items! They even have key lime pie! Are those printed on cheese slopes?
I mean the cake and pie slices. Are those sideways turned cheese slopes or a custom piece?
Yes, that is correct. They are cheese-slopes turned sideways and printed. 🙂
Do they carry other Classic Space parts? That console is very well done.
I got three Classic Space parts from them; the console, 2×2 blue tiles with the Classic Space logo, and a blue torso with the Classic Space jacket (LEGO only made this in red). I do know that the same torso is available in other colors, and they also have some other small Classic Space tiles.
I like the reference to the old Classic Space Camera Screens…
(Otherwise, those parts could be quite expensive…)
Yeah, I like that too! 😀
I like the big billboards and advertisements on the bricks. Would look great with the modulars. I might get some of those.
I thought of getting some of those too in my next order. I was just hoping they will get more of the blue Classic Space torsos, so I can pick them up at the same time to save on shippin. 🙂