I recently ran across a sweet series by LEGO fan Tom Gerardin. If you’re from the UK, you might remember that Tom was one of the contestants in the 2018 season of LEGO Masters. Tom’s brick-built characters are particularly expressive, capturing both movement and emotion in an effective and attractive way.

Tom calls his new series “Best Friends”, featuring Billy and Charlie, two cute brick-built kids who play together, go to school together, like the same girl, get their hearts broken by the same girl, and many other adventures that are yet to come. Here, I have included the vignettes Tom shared so far, and if you would like to see future updates, you can follow Tom on Instagram.

Making brick-built figures look human-like and relatable is not easy, so when you finally find some great builds like Tom’s it’s worth studying the techniques as well as the piece selection.
What do you think? How do you like these two adorable buddies? Do you ever experiment with brick-built figures, or prefer to stay with minifigs? Are there any other brick-built figures that you really like? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below!
These are really well done. Great job!
Awww…… so cute!!! Tom captured the emotions perfectly!
Really cute. Good details. I think they match in size the old Lego maxi-figures from 50 years ago.
The poses are very cute. And the pieces are perfect. I love the hearts used for the eyes! 😀
Oh, my! These are adorable! I wonder how stable they are. Can they be manipulated easily into different poses?
These are so cute! Look at their little feet! 😀
These are fantastic! So cute! Nobody mentioned yet, but the retro TV is great too.
Whenever I see someone do something so creative with LEGO, it makes me love them even more! 🎅🏼
Well, it’s easy to mistake yourself for a “Player with Power” …
By the way, I wonder if that M brick on the backpack is custom or not…
Hmm, there was a similar part produced, but only in red.
And Ninjago City had a similar transparent sticker included, but without a black circular background…
It’s so nice to see people being creative with Lego. Its something that’s not lego themed thats made from the lego company and just Pure Imagination from a Lego fan. Great job! 😁
I’m pretty sure that these are renders of builds, not actual LEGO. So, if you see parts that don’t exist, that’s why.