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LEGO Train History & New Metal Train Tracks

There has been some exciting development in the LEGO train hobby. Canadian LEGO customizer Michael Gale recently announced the new FX Track System – a new system of L-Gauge metal tracks compatible with 9V and RC LEGO train tracks. The FX Track System restores all of the key advantages of running LEGO model trains on metal rails, including limitless power without batteries, reliable smooth running, and more options for control.

In the video below, Michael does a really good job at summarizing the history of LEGO trains, the different trains systems LEGO offered over the years, and how the FX Track System fits into this history and the benefits it offers to LEGO train hobbyists. This is really a big deal and LEGO train fans are already excited for the FX Track System.

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As mentioned in the video, metal rails have tremendous benefits. They are more durable than plastic rails and resist bending and twisting for better alignment, they avoid environmental impact from disposable batteries and save money from battery replacements, they let you run your trains all day long without having to wait for batteries to recharge, and they deliver more power to the track for heavy and/or fast trains with your choice of DC or DCC power sources.

The FX Track System is made of injection moulded ABS plastic in dark-bluish gray (same as LEGO train tracks). The rails are nickel-plated copper-beryllium alloy, which is corrosion resistant with excellent electrical conductivity. The rails are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use with UV safe plastic and corrosion resistant metal parts, so garden railways are definitely a possibility! And as mentioned above, the system is compatible with LEGO-brand 9V track elements and accessories LEGO-brand RC track elements, and L-Gauge plastic track elements from other manufacturers.

Michael announced in the video that the first element available in the FX Track System is the S32 double length straight track, followed by the R72 curve track. More elements such as the R88 curve track and S8 straight track will follow later in the year. If you would like to check out what’s currently available and what’s coming, visit the FXBricks.com online store.

By the way, the people behind FX Bricks are well known and highly trusted in the LEGO fan community. Michael Gale is the founder of FXBricks.com with a background in hardware and software engineering, and he also runs his own personal website, BrickDimensions.com. Jason Allemann is the co-founder of FXBricks.com also with a background in software engineering, and he is well known for his amazing kinetic LEGO creations which you can see at his website, JKBrickWorks.com.

If you have been dreaming about setting up a working LEGO train layout that doesn’t require batteries, I encourage you to take a look at the FX Track system. I think you will like it. And if you are new to LEGO trains, there are also several currently available LEGO train sets to get your started. The #60197 LEGO City Passenger Train, the #60198 LEGO City Cargo Train, and the #71044 LEGO Disney Train and Station comes with a full circle of tracks as well as battery-operated electrical components to make the trains run. The #75955 LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Express and the #10277 LEGO Creator Crocodile Locomotive do not include powered elements or tracks, but they could be motorized fairly easily. You can find them at the LEGO Trains section of the Online LEGO Shop.

What do you think? Are you excited about the new custom metal tracks? What other components would you like to see added to the system? And how did you like the video about the history of LEGO trains? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below!

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{ 14 comments… add one }
  • Avery Horowitz March 11, 2021, 1:31 PM

    Great video. Sums up decades in a few minutes.
    A new source of metal train tracks is always welcome. I’m sure every LEGO train fan has his own wish list, but straight tracks should top everyone’s list.
    Wider curves, half and quarter size straights, cross tracks in new configurations, a double cross (as briefly existed in plastic) would all be on my list.
    As usual, price is always a consideration.
    Good luck to FX Track!

  • Håkan March 11, 2021, 2:13 PM

    I don’t have the time, space and money to set up a Lego train track, but sounds interesting. Does this system allow some setup flexibility lacking in Lego’s own track system?

    • Thita (admin) March 11, 2021, 8:46 PM

      Hakan, what do you mean by setup flexibility? Are you talking about the lack of different sized curves and such?

      • Håkan March 12, 2021, 8:01 AM

        Yeah, things like that, and bridges, train switches and so on…

        (Lego used to have train switches way back, although I’m not sure if they’re producing any, currently. The 60’s train switches were pretty fragile, though.)

        • Thita (admin) March 12, 2021, 8:45 AM

          Reading through the website, it appears that the plan is to offer a large variety of tracks and also accessories. This will obviously take a while, but if you’re interested, keep an eye on their website. I will probably also do an update in a year or so.

  • Martin March 11, 2021, 7:32 PM

    The video is fantastic. And I like what this guy is doing. I think I will wait until he has a larger selection, but I would love to try out his stuff.

  • Brickteller March 11, 2021, 9:21 PM

    I certainly wish this venture success.
    Space constraints are my primary barrier to running a Lego train system, but I’ve also been disheartened with how Lego has abandoned solid technology to promote alternatives that seem in many ways inferior. I hope Fx will also consider introducing an analog speed controller, as it would be useful for trains as well as GBC.

  • Daniel March 11, 2021, 9:31 PM

    Really well done video. I’m looking forward to these products. He even said there will be a motor coming!

  • SergeiS March 11, 2021, 10:37 PM

    Fantastic video on train history. I wish Michael the best in bringing back metal train tracks. I hope they will lights, railway crossings, and the like. I get excited just thinking about it all!

  • Bidyut Sen March 12, 2021, 9:51 AM

    Great video. Has definitely raised my expectations and I will be looking forward to the launch of the motors and associated controls late 2021. I have two 9 volt sets from 2001 with additional tracks and eagerly look forward to an upgrade.

  • Mark H Avery March 12, 2021, 11:58 AM

    In reply to some comments about space, the key question is how one can complete the electrical circuit without a loop. I would think that one could run wires between the two ends of a straight track to do the job. That would solve the depth problem on shelf layouts.
    Ideas would be welcome!

    • Håkan March 12, 2021, 5:24 PM

      Hmm, loops are sweet, though. And they’ll also save you from the problem of having to move the train back manually when it’s reached its destination…

      (Unless you are able to program an automatic reversal, I guess…)

  • Håkan March 13, 2021, 2:17 PM

    A review has now appeared on Brickset.


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