Are you impatiently and curiously waiting to see what 2012 will bring in the world of LEGO? Well, here I will give you a glimpse of some of the 2012 LEGO sets the new years will bring.
Please note that I will link to some leaked images that will probably be taken down soon due to the fact that they are still considered confidential and thus the public isn’t supposed to see them just yet. So if you want to check them out, do so while you can! 😈
In case you can no longer see the images, I will also describe them in future posts as much as I can, so at least you get a sense of what 2012 LEGO sets look like. (I don’t want to post the images myself as I don’t want to jeopardize my good relationship with LEGO.) Here are the links to the 2012 LEGO sets images:
- 2012 LEGO Star Wars Sets: new minifigs and new Planets sets! (See full description and detailed images here: LEGO Star Wars)
- 2012 LEGO Ninjago Sets: new spinners, new sets, awesome minifigs! (See full description and detailed images here: LEGO Ninjago)
- 2012 LEGO Super Heroes Sets: only the large figs revealed so far.
- 2012 LEGO Friends Sets: new LEGO for girls line! (See full description and detailed images here: LEGO Friends) 😛
- 2012 LEGO Disney Princess Sets: no real set images yet! Only teaser!
- 2012 LEGO Dino Sets: new line from LEGO! Looks great! (See full description and detailed images here: LEGO Dino)
- 2012 LEGO Cars Sets: from Cars 2!
- 2012 LEGO Technic Sets: awesome new vehicles!
- 2012 LEGO Creator Sets: more large and small sets (similar to previous sets).
- 2012 LEGO City Sets: more police & fire-stations! This time in a forest setting!
- 2012 LEGO Racers Sets: okay, I guess.
- 2012 LEGO Hero Factory Sets: both heroes and villains!
- 2012 LEGO Games: Star Wars, City, Minitaurus, Kokoriko… 😯
- 2012 LEGO Duplo Sets: for the kiddies!
I hope you still have a chance to see the images when you read this! If not, stay tuned for future posts on these exciting new 2012 LEGO sets! 😉
i wish i could view the sets but for some reason i cant! but atleast thanks soooooooooooooo much for telling me!!!!!!
It seems the links went down. They were available from last night, until today around noon. LEGO was fast on shutting them down. 😈
But do not worry, I still have the images and I will describe all the different sets in the next few days. I will also try to find new links for you! 😉
i just checked out the new hero factory… looks like there returning with the old heads!!
I’m not an expert on Hero Factory, but if you have a link to what you mean please post it here. It is possible that the picture you are seeing is preliminary and they have used old figs or at least old fig parts as a stand-in until the new molds are ready. LEGO does this regularly.
here are the links: rocka: furno: breez: (cant find evo n surge) jawblade: splitface:
thornraxx: black phantom:
your welcome
Thanks, Andrew! 8)
here it is-look at it quick!
Thanks! Yes, I see what you mean! They do look like the old heads! In fact Surge and Furno looks pretty much like the 2010 release! I do like the old designs better. How about you? 😉
i dont know. and it looks like their “cops”
and it looks like furno is leader for the first time!
Yes, it looks like that! 😀
Wow! I’m so glad I saw the pictures before they were taken down! I have to say that my absolute favorites are the new Ninjago sets! The minifigs are awesome and I love the snake guys! Will you review them please?
Yes, review will come soon on the 2012 sets! I will probably post on the new Ninjago sets tomorrow. I saved all the images, so I have reference.
and please, try to find other images of the ninjago! im waiting for that!!
Hi, i have all those pictures online on
Feel free to show them here or to link to them
Will, thanks for the link! I see you have the 2012 SW pictures, but I don’t see the other sets, like City, Friends, Technic, etc. Do you have those as well? If you do have them all I would change the my current links that no longer work to yours. 😉
I was lucky enough to see the links before they were taken down.
The new girl line looks promising, the only thing I did not like was the minifigs are little figures….
But maybe girls like those?
Also I noticed 2 new 2×4 brick colors, lavender and that new bluish color.
But I loved the laboratory set, with a girl making a robot, just what my girls like!!!
Maxx, we shall see if girls like those minifigs. The Belville figs were horrible, and even though these figs don’t look a whole lot better, they do have one advantage; they are very small. Which makes them cuter. 😉
Judging from the pictures they are hardly taller than a regular minifig. But that makes their arms way to skinny! 🙄
But the sets are nice! Nice colors! Not just stupid pink! And yes, I can’t wait for those 2x2s!
oh.. i’m too late.
i found this too-
A fire plane? I guess kids like it, which is the Lego Groups main audience, but it seems like a tired idea.
Yeah, a fire-plane…I did read about some studies that fire-trucks, contruction equipment, police cars, and trains are universally popular with kids. That may be correct, but I rather vote for more trains! 😀
check out bricktuts! heres the link!!!!!
More Fire and Police sets!!!?? I’m glad Lego has decided to make the large, modular sets and some of the new trains, but I wish they’d come up with “everyday” sets like a realistic-looking hospital, school, apartment building, etc. But I guess that’s why us AFOLS are here and we have BrickLink…to build whatever we want! 🙂
I know what you mean! I actually read a post on Brickset where some people were theorizing that LEGO supports the idea of a police-state! 😯
Judging from the constant presence of police sets, and now even one of the Advent Calendar sets is full of police and robbers….hardly a Christmas-y theme! 😆
UPDATE: The links I originally posted have been taken down. Reader Toy however shared a new link where you can still see most of the images. Check quickly before those disappear too!
I really recommend that you save the images on your computer for further reference.
Thanks, Toy! 😉
why, your welcome! if you want me for any posts, just ask! im a big fan off this site!
Thanks, Toy, if you ever want to publish a full post just let me know. I know you are a blogger yourself. 😉
yes. in fact, i should get working-i haven’t been working on it!
If you look under new star Wars picture on hothbricks there is a link to download a full 2012 pdf catalogue
Thanks, Will! Guys, here is the direct link to the full 2012 Catalog! Courtesy of Will from HothBricks:
One thing I don’t see in the Catalog is the 2012 Racers sets. I know I have seen them somewhere else, but unfortunately I have only saved a small image. )c:
added the HERO FACTORY page to the pdf
added some more city and creator pics too.
the pdf is now 14 MB
Thanks, Will, I’m just working on a post for the 2012 Ninjago sets. I will link directly to your PDF this time. 😉
Where’s the good ol’ ‘Castle’ stuff? Getting so tired of all this cross-breed futuristic alien stuff 🙁
Nick, these sets seems to be extremely popular with kids. Especially Ninjago, but I have read about the great excitement for the Dino line too. Kids just love this stuff, and I know when I was a kid I liked it too. It is kind of amusing to adults, but let the kids be happy! After all they are keeping the company alive, and they are also the future AFOLS! 😉
These pictures don’t represent everything LEGO will have next year. The Dealers Catalog includes popular stuff and exciting new themes. Also it is geared towards toy retailers – for kids. So, you won’t see things like the modular buildings and other large sets.
I have a feeling that the Castle theme will be something anchient next year. Something with Romans and Greeks and gladiators. 😛
Although I really liked Fanatasy Era, I find Kingdoms totally boring. There is just nothing interesting in it. Unless they can put a new spin on it, it may be a line that is ready to be retired and replaced with something else.
Agreed. Ironically the best thing about the current knights is everything but the knights, namely, the chickens, goats and some new peassants! When I first saw the pics online of the 2012-Kingdoms sets I thought “They must be fakes, Lego would never produce something as crude as that!” The thatch barn hardly even looks like thatch…by any stretch of the imagination. The blacksmith idea is becoming so overdone. And as for the ‘trees’ in the Kings Carriage set…!!
Yes, love the goats and the chickens! Especially the goats! And you are right, the peasants are great too! Oh, and we got the pitchfork back! That was a big excitement! 😀
Oh, dear, those trees! 😯
I feel that medieval knights have been underrepresented in the Collectible Minifigs series. The recent ‘viking’ and ‘evil dwarf’ figs weren’t very original. Wouldn’t it be great to get an all-armoured knight with armored shoulder piece and hip armor instead of a yet another clown or fisherman, pilot or racing car driver! Or a crusader knight with chainmail and pot helmet and white cape 🙂 It would make sense because then everyone would be wanting to buy it to stock up their legions 😉 I mean, how many clowns or pilots can you have? 😉 Or what about a medieval bishop or a monk? 🙂 Sometimes I wonder whether Lego really thinks about all possiblities.
Couldn’t agree better! Love the idea for the crusaders, the monk and the bishop! 😀
Why don’t you write LEGO about it? I have found them to be quite responsive thru their Facebook pages. Especially the LEGO Shop FB page. I wrote a post about LEGO on Facebook. You can find the links there: LEGO on Facebook
It is at least worth a try! 😉
He-he…I see you like smilies too. If you want to see the whole range of smilies you can use here, check this out! How to Comment?
Please be aware my blog adress has changed, it is now located at and all pics and pdf file for 2012 new stuff is there now
Thanks for the update, Will! 🙂
Just to let you know, new pics are available, I host them here :
Thanks, Will! I see you have been having to move them around! 😈
What do people think of the forthcoming 2012 ‘Kingdoms’ Joust set (10223)?
Nick, I know I will get it myself. I really like the Medieval Market Village set, and this is a nice addition to it. More intricate building techniques than the regular castle sets, the colors are wonderful, and there is a lot of playability as well. The minifigs are really nice too! At least that is my opinion. I’m planning to write a review on this set, so if you (or anyone else) has some thoughts on this set, please share! 😉
I like the buildings and the new torsos. However, too many of the minifigs are the ‘usual suspects’ from previous sets…the king and queen, the soldiers, the page boy. I like the new printed armor plate of the black knight. For the rest he is a bit bit dull – black, white… Couldn’t they have spruced him and his horse barding up with some colors?…yellows and/or blues for instance to add to a sense of pageantry ? Not sure why the Falcon emblem either? Its a bit too tame for me. My real gripe tho is that they re-used the red-silver Lion horse barding. It looks more like a battle barding than a typical jousting barding. Surely, at the price of this set, they could have given us a different barding? and come to think of it.. a wider array of new torsos. Afterall, its just a bit of ‘design’ and ‘paint’ 😉
Nick, is your comment about the 2012 Kingdoms Castle Joust set?
2012 LEGO Kingdoms Joust Set
It seems it ended up in the wrong place somehow. 😉
I also found the black-knight a bit lackluster. It would have been also nice if the black knight gets a squire. But I would say the building itself is fantastic with lots of potential for expansion. I haven’t noticed the horse-barding, but you are right, that is a battle-barding, not for jousting. Anyway, maybe LEGO will get it right before the final release. 🙄
I can see the new Lego sets here.
Margot, thanks! Yes, now that the images are public, they are starting to be listed in several places. The LEGO wiki is a great place to see them! 🙂
I’m sad to not see any new Harry Potter sets. I thought there would be some related to the last movie.
Margot, I have read somewhere that LEGO felt the last HP movie is too dark for their target audience. 🙁
UPDATE: Many of the 2012 LEGO sets are now available from LEGO! See details here: 2012 LEGO Sets Available Now!
May I know where can I subscribe or obtain future catalog from Lego as I’m living in Singapore and i can’t seem to register as legoclub member as well.
Annabel, if you can’t register for LEGO Club from your country, I’m sorry to say that it means that membership is not available in your country. 🙁
I bought a new boster pack for my old spinner and i had my hopes up but when i got home they didn’t fit. And no where in there does it say you have to have a new spinner so i’m mad about to complane.
Adam, I agree with you; LEGO should have made it clear the booster-packs only work with the new spinners. The idea of the booster-packs with all the stuff you can add to your spinners is really fun though (I especially like the chains), so if you have a chance to pick up a new spinner, I would recommend it. 😉
season 3 in ninjago are pirates whats season 4 and 5
Mary, please note that Season 3 is not yet confirmed. There are strong rumors about it, but there is no confirmation from LEGO as of yet. There may be one more season of Ninjago coming, but that is still far in the future. 😉