(Written by Maxx)
First of all, I would like to thank all of you who commented on LEGO Bayer Test-Strikes – Part 1. I really enjoyed your comments.
The first part on “Bayers” (short for Bayer-test-strikes) and LEGO was an introduction into test-bricks. It allowed me to tell you the broad story.
Maybe now I can show you some other things about the strange but wonderful world of LEGO Bayer test-bricks and things involved in making them.

Remember; here you have one great company (LEGO) asking another great company (Bayer) to improve their product. LEGO – and presumably Bayer – agreed to hold it secret and this seemed to work. Myself and others have tried to find out more, but neither parties would tell us anything (or they simply don’t know).
You can imagine my excitement when I found this ad on Ebay from a collectibles seller! (You can click on the picture for a larger view.)

“We make the chemicals out of which the biggest toy (game) of the decade is made.
This toy (game) is hard work for Bayer, the man who had this idea came to us and set requirements: he needed building bricks of a specific hardness and a specific elasticity. They must have beautiful, long lasting colors, be absolutely resistent to change – and kids must be able to put them in their mouths. Only if all of these requirements are met – when we have found the right plastic, only then a big idea becomes the biggest toy of the decade.
Newer and better developments: that is Bayer!“
So here is Bayer using LEGO in their ad, not naming names, but clear for all to see. Telling the world excactly what they did!!!
And for those that did not catch the connection the first time, yes, this is the same Bayer that makes aspirin! Chemicals are chemicals after all and it may explain why these bricks never give me a headache. 🙂
This ad originates from 1967, so right after Bayer succesfully completed their first few years of testing for LEGO. It was printed in a German magazine, called “Der Spiegel” in the number 29 issue of that year. Copies can still be found online.
I could not wish for a better connection between the two companies to add to my collection. Just shows you how interesting developments can happen in the life of a collector at any time. It’s not enough – there are still many more secrets to find out – but it’s a start. And it gives my collection extra depth.
Now comes the hardest part, finding a nice frame to hold my new-found treasure. 😀
If you are interested in LEGO Bayer, LEGO colors and LEGO history you may also like to read:
What a great find! Just curious though; you said you found this on ebay, did the seller list the individual ad, or was it the whole magazine. I’m just wondering how did you find it. Yes, definitely frame it!
The individual ad was listed, but only under Bayer, no link to LEGO.
You can find lots of Bayer items, because it’s such a big company.
Next I needed to find out it’s origins, not only for myself, but also for others.
A few of my fellow collector friends wanted one for their collection, so I had to find out from which magazine.
Luckily for me, the seller new the magazine and I found the number by using google after I received the ad.
If you dive deeper into any collection, in the end it always needs a bit of detective work to find out more(c:
Very nice find! I could be wrong, but I thought I saw this picture before, but in color. I seem to remember the car. I remember red wheels. But it was long time ago so I may be mixing it up with something else. I didn’t know Bayer was making aspiring!
David, if you ever find that picture, please share it(c:
And yes, these wheels are red.
Sure, I will. It is just a fuzzy memory I have. Like maybe it was on a lego box, or in a magazine or something. I have to think about it. BTW, thanks for the great articles! Very interesting!
Very interesting info! I didn’t know that the same company that makes Aspirin also makes my Lego! So I checked up a bit on Bayer, and I have also found that they Heroin was also a Bayer trademark! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayer
I guess that explains Lego’s addictive nature! Hurry, hide the children! 😀
Sssssshhhhhhh don’t tell anyone that part…..(c;
Reading your post makes me feel that LEGO (colour bricks) collection is an adventure… it’s an interesting one that you will keep coming across new colours, discovering little secrets and stories behind it… It is of so much great FUN… aNd i lOvE iT…
Hi Chris,
That is exactly the feeling I have, but it is not only about my colored bricks.
Others try and find out things about old LEGO too, see one of the other contributors, Gary.
If you are interested in anything LEGO, go buy his new cd, it’s packed full of LEGO and little discoveries.
Some of it not even known by LEGO themselves:)
Simply said, the adventure begins when you start wondering just where these little plastic bricks came from.
Not many people know that LEGO used to be a brand name of wooden toys.
Only later did it become these little plastic bricks.
LEGO is an adventure(c:
The Lego commercial I just saw had a jingle of Alka-Seltzer. Plop plop fizz fizz Oh what a relief it is. I said these two companies must have partnership or related as the same company in order to do that. I said there’s no way that could happen otherwise. Google search, . . .then I saw your site.
Glad that even after all these years people still find this helpful 👍
OMG, Maxx! Long time no see! 🙂