(Written by Eshwar – NRG Jay)
Recently a new LEGO video-game has been released; LEGO SUPER HEROES Batman 2. It brings us back to the dynamic-duo from the first Batman game; Batman and Robin, but now they’re back with better suits and cooler getups. And… Superman!!! Oh, and Wonder Woman. Plus Green Lantern. And… you know what? Maybe I should just give you a list of the main playable good-guys plus their abilities in the game. So read on! ๐
โก LEGO Super Heroes Batman: Batarang, Grapple, Martial Arts Expert and just downright epic!

- Power Suit: normal powers, super strength and rocket-launcher
- Sensor Suit: normal powers, invisibility, see through walls and activate switches
- Bat Suit: normal powers, glide and use a Sonic Gun
- Electricity Suit: normal powers, travel through electric barriers, absorb electricity and deploy charge to machinery

โก LEGO Super Heroes Robin: Batarang and Grapple

- Magnet Suit: normal powers, able to walk up shiny walls and magnetic
- Hazard Suit: normal powers, Hazard Cannon (sucks up and shoots any liquid), dive and immunity from all liquids
- Acrobat Suit: normal powers, acrobatics, Acrobat Ball, double jump and wall-bounce off blue and white walls
- Ice Suit: normal powers, immunity to icy conditions and Ice Cannon (freeze people, put out fire and freeze water)

โก LEGO Super Heroes Superman: Flight, Freeze Breath, Heat Vision, Super Strength, X-ray Vision, Invincibility and Super Build

โก LEGO Super Heroes Green Lantern: Flight and Constructing Certain Green LEGO Objects

โก LEGO Super Heroes The Flash: Super Speed, Super Build and Toxin Immunity

โก LEGO Super Heroes Wonder Woman: Flight, Tiara-Rang, Golden Lasso, Super Strength, Invulnerability and Super Build

โก LEGO Super Heroes Cyborg: Laser-Eye, Magnetic, Super Strength

Here is the storyline of LEGO Super Heroes Batman 2: In Gotham City, the Man of the Year Award is about to be given out and the nominees are Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor. Bruce Wayne walks up on stage to receive his trophy and is about to give his speech but guess who drops in? The Joker of course, along with some accomplices like Harley Quinn, The Penguin, The Riddler and Two-Face. They basically wreck the whole ceremony and take the award and all the money they can find for themselves. That’s when Batman steps in. He captures and drives away the four villains, but The Joker escapes, only to be captured at Gotham Amusement Park again. During the raid, Lex and The Joker form an alliance, and later Lex breaks Joker out of Arkham. With The Deconstructor (one of Lex’s inventions), they can destroy shiny, black objects (such as the walls of cells), and Lex hints at using it on Batman’s vehicles. While in Luthor’s helicopter, Joker begins aiming the Deconstructor at different cells and frees many villains. The story and gameplay is about how Batman, Robin, Superman, etc., stop the Joker and Lex. Here is the official trailer to get a feel for the game (and yes, the minifigures in the game are really talking!):
The LEGO Super Heroes Batman 2 video-game is playable on Wii ($39.99), 3DS ($39.99), DS ($29.99), PS Vita ($39.99), PS3 ($49.99), Xbox 360 ($49.99), PC ($19.99). The collectors’ edition comes with Lex Luthor in Power Armour, a Deconstructor and a few black 2×2 bricks to, you know… deconstruct, I guess! ๐

If you purchase the PS3 or Xbox editions, you will get a code for extra characters – both platforms have separate packs, so you have to buy two copies of the game to have all the characters. There is a heroes DLC-pack which includes Nightwing, Shazam, Damian Wayne, Katana and Zatanna. The villains DLC-pack includes Bizarro, Captain Cold, Black Adam, Black Manta and Gorilla Grodd. Sounds awesome to me! ๐
To unlock characters in the LEGO Batman 2 game, you do one of two things. For villains, you go to a Batcomputer (where you can view maps and call vehicles) with a RED light. If the light is BLUE, it has already been activated. A villain will show up on the map, and you have to find them in Gotham City (usually near the terminal used), beat them up, and then buy them using studs (LEGO video-game currency). For heroes, you must collect a certain number of Gold Bricks, find the heroes around Gotham City, build doors for them, and then buy them too. Phew, your stud-wallet will be empty by the end of getting them all!!! ๐

You can get the LEGO Batman 2 video-game at both the Online LEGO Shop and Amazon.com. Just click the links to get there. You can also learn more about the game and see more trailers and screen-shots at the official LEGO Batman 2 website.
So what do you think of the LEGO Batman 2 video-game? Have you played it yet? Or are you planning to try it out? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Also, this is my first post here, and hopefully I can deliver many more soon! I am a KFOL (Kid-fan-of-LEGO), soon to be TFOL (Teen-fan-of-LEGO). My name is Eshwar, but I go by NRG Jay in the comments. Your feedback is appreciated! Thanks for reading! ๐
You may also like to head over to the LEGO Super Heroes section for more news, reviews and discussions, or select from these recent post below:
hey I thought there were comments here.
Taryn, our server crashed, so everything disappeared since the 22nd. I’m slowly adding back up posts, but I cannot restore the comments. Please comment on Eshwar’s article as he is so enthusiastic and I feel bad this happend on the day his post was published. He lost all of the previous comments. So please chear him up! He did a great job! ๐
Ya talk about it, it’s a awesomely detailed post!
Great post.
“Also, this is my first post here, and hopefully I can deliver many more soon!”
How about very soon?
Oh whoops! Oh so thats what happened!
Where can I get the collector’s edition?
J.C., if you look in the Amazon.com that is inserted towards the end of the post, you will find them there. They are the ones with the yellowish lower right corner, and with the tile that starts out with LEGO Batman 2 Limited Lex Luthor. ๐
Thanks. Is Martian Man Hunter a playable character? Also, am I allowed to put my Mocpage as my website?
J.C., sure you can post your Mocpages as your website! That way people can check out your LEGO creations and get to know you better. ๐
Thanks. And what about Martian Man Hunter?
Yes, dont worry martian manhunter is playable. I think you need to get about 100 gold bricks, find him and buy him..
wasnt lex preorder bonus?
aww since im gettin it for wii ill miss out on character packs ๐ hopfully there unlocks aswell ๐
No unfortunately, the Wii doesnt have any unlock codes. You do get a vehicle which you have to complete the game 100% on other platforms easier though! Don’t worry, flying is a lot more fun on the Wii ( Yes, Superman, Green Lantern and others are able to fly in and around Gotham City and levels.)
yeah i knew
wait cyborg? isnt he of teen titans?
So happy the post is back up! Hmm, never heard of Teen Titans, so try searching cyborg superhero on the web. It will probably have a wiki article that says you r looking for either the tt version or dc version.
Teen Titans is a Cartoon Network show.
Yes! It was cool to play him!
Oh awesome- do you have the game?
why was my comment deleted?
Coz, there was a major server crash yesterday about noon. Due to this TBB was reverted back to the 22nd. We lost everything; posts, comments, pictures, videos…
I was able to recreate the posts as I had a backup, but the comments are lost. I do have a copy of them however in my email inbox as I always get a notification when someone comments. It is not possible for me to put back thousands of missing comments as it would take days of work and contacting everyone, but if you would like me to put your comment back from yesterday, please add a new comment and just write in it: BLANK FOR ADMIN
I will replace the โblank for adminโ with your missing comment. I need that as I can edit your comments, but I canโt write a new comment on your behalf. ๐
no problem….I thought I said something bad…
there is a great cheat book for batman 2, it tells you where everyone is. my sons and I are laying on the floor at toysrus, going through the book to find where everyone is. lol
LOL! That must be really funny! ๐
well, people avoid the isle we are in. we double check where aquaman is, supergirl, but did not see shazam or nightwing. it’s great book. Why? we went back to same toyrus and could not find a single one of the books. They just disappear, for $20. yeek way too much for me.
but it’s great:)
Oh, you can also look on online guides for free though… The reason Shazam! and Nightwing arent there is they are DLC packs chracters, as mentioned above.
I got lego batman 2 at gamestop new for $20.00 bucks.They over stock the game for the ds . fun game love the slow motion moves.
if any one wants to be wii or 3ds friends heres my codes:
wii: 4915-0133-8381-7905
my 3ds/wii name is KINGBOOXD (kinda obvious :p)
ill get it 3ds AND Ps3 (but i must take it back from my dumb bro and buy a internet cable) and i got banned on playstation for NO REASON! (maybe ill do a trick to transfer data to a different account :/ or make a different account gain my friends back and start over most likely not though)
anyhoo handheld consoles has exclusives and ps3/Xbox 360/pc? has dlc eclusives however, wii got N.O exclusives :/ thats a
push-over if ya ask me and im the kind of guy that needs anygame portabable AND home console to get lazy and that needs EVERY character dlc etc. that goes “oh my god oh my god oh my god!” “oh im SO willing to pay $100 for this character ill (never/barely/always etc.) use! so ill save school money or whatever and buy lottery and earn bones ($) to buy EPICLY EPIC things (this collectables games AND lego) ๐
I sure wish I had those Lego batman 2 dlcs