As you probably know already the LEGO Star Wars summer sets are now out and available at the Online LEGO Shop. Below are (at least to me) some of the most exciting ones. You can share in the comment section below which ones do you like the most. 😛
➡ #9516 LEGO STAR WARS JABBA’S PALACE: by far this is my favorite LEGO Star Wars sets that came out recently; nicely done structure, nine amazing and unique minifigs (I have been waiting for Boushh all my life!) and lots of play-features. I would say if you get one LEGO Star Wars set this summer, get this one. The price is 119.99. Check out the details, see more pictures and buy HERE

➡ #9526 LEGO STAR WARS PALPATINE’S ARREST: this is another nice LEGO Star Wars play-set with a structure, a small ship and 6 minifigures. I don’t like it as much as Jabba’s Palace, but if you are into getting a bunch of Jedis this is a good set to consider. The price is $89.99. Check out the details, see more pictures and buy HERE

➡ #9500 LEGO STAR WARS SITH FURY-CLASS INTERCEPTOR: This ship is a beast, if I might say so. Gorgeously evil and elegant looking at the same time. And the minifigures are awesome. The price is $89.99. Check out the details, see more pictures and buy HERE
➡ #9525 LEGO STAR WARS PRE VIZSLA’S MANDALORIAN FIGHTER: I doubt this set is going to be a classis like the X-wing, but nonetheless it is a nice ship. It is not too big, not to small, and swooshable. Comes with 3 minifigs – including 2 Mandalorians (and who doesn’t want more Mandalorians?). And it is only $49.99. Check out the details, see more pictures and buy HERE

➡ #10225 LEGO STAR WARS ULTIMATE COLLECTOR R2-D2: If you are into big and more complex sets, consider this R2-D2 model. We have reviewed it previously, so I won’t go into details, but it is a great set for Star Wars fans who like a good challenge (and their own cute droid). The price is $179.99. Check out the details, see more pictures and buy HERE

➡ #10227 LEGO STAR WARS B-WING STARFIGHTER: Talking about big sets, just a reminder that the collector series B-wing is coming out this October. We talked about this set in detail before. Price is going to be $199.99. Check out the details, see more pictures and buy HERE

➡ LEGO STAR WARS PLANETS & BATTLE PACKS: If you are into smaller sets, you will probably like the LEGO Star Wars Planets series and the ever-popular battle packs.
There are more recently released LEGO STAR WARS sets I haven’t mentioned, like the #9497 LEGO Star Wars Republic Striker-Class Starfighter, the #9515 LEGO Star Wars Malevolence, or the #9499 LEGO Star Wars Gungan Sub. You can check out the details, see pictures and buy at the Online LEGO Shop. In summary; there is quite a bit of a selection to satisfy the needs of any LEGO Star Wars fan this summer! 🙂
Now lets get to the rumors about the 2013 LEGO Star Wars sets. According to the website Jedi News these are the sets expected next January:
LEGO Star Wars Planets set for 2013 – Series Three:
- Kamino with Astromech Droid and Jedi Starfighter
- Coruscant with Clone Pilot and Republic Assault Striker
- Asteroid with TIE Bomber and TIE Pilot
LEGO Star Wars regular sets for 2013:
The Old Republic Battle Pack
Clone Troopers vs. Droidekas Battle Pack
A-Wing including Admiral Ackbar, Han Solo and an A-Wing Pilot
AT-RT including Yoda, Clone Trooper and Assassin Droid
Z-95 Headhunter including three Clone Troopers
The Rancor Pit (to go with Jabba’s Palace)
Again; remember that these are rumors at this point so take them with a grain of salt, although Jedi News has been pretty accurate in the past. Hopefully we will be seeing some pictures soon. 😎
So what do you think? Which one is your favorite LEGO Star Wars set released this summer? And which one are you looking forward to the most? Or are you disappointed with any of them? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
You may also like to check out the LEGO Star Wars section for more news, reviews and discussions, or select from the following recent posts:
No Jango’s slave 1 next year? Looking forward to the At-Rt.
That sith fury class intercepter has a pretty sweet shape. 🙂 And the minifigs with it look pretty cool too.
I have jabba’s palace, the skiff, the sith fury class intercepter , pre viszla’s mandalorian fighter and rebulic striker class starfighter. I am very happy. ( happy birthday to me.)
It’s your birthday?
Nice! Maybe you can share which is your favorite and why? 😉
2013 sets sound awesome!
Can’t wait for the rancor pit. I just don’t get why lego took so long to make it into a set. I’m also excited to see if the droidekas have a new design (if that set isn’t a myth)
Good question! But better later then never! 😉
I think it just recently became possible for Lego to start making larger scale “mini”-figs. The Hulk and LotR Cave Troll probably led to the possibility of a rancor.
Well, a couple days ago. It was my birthday.
Well happy birthday!
Well, a couple days ago . It was.
OOPS! I said it twice
I like the jabba ‘s palace the best, because you can do so much with it. I plan on building around it to exspand it a little. Add a prison section and maybe a driod torturing section. ( I hope LEGO comes up with max rebo and his band or jabba will get very bored . We know what happens to people when jabba gets bored.)
LOL! Yeah, we don’t want Jabba to get bored, do we? 🙄
A Max Rebo set would be awesome. There’s a lot Lego could do with this. I love the way the rancor pit will sit below the palace set. They could keep adding to this idea.
I’m hoping for a Jabbs sail barge. BTW in the last 24 hours ive watched IV, V, and VI.
While I’m loving most of these new Star Wars sets, I fear Lego is pricing me out of them. I try to keep my Lego purchases right around the magical $.10/piece price point. These recent licensed sets are WAY more than that. I’ll keep waiting and hoping for clearance events.
Eric, if you can wait, you will be rewarded. There are some excellent LEGO sales before Christmas, and also right after. 😉
I want to get the droideka battle pack there my fav clone wars charecters
And the a wing there so cool and there useally cheap! 😀 😀
Good grief!!! All these sets seem more expensive today than they would’ve been four years ago. Like the Palpatine’s arrest. It’s looks like it should be more like $50 or something.
Jasper, LEGO Star Wars sets have been around the 13 cents/piece range for quite some time now, going over the 10 cents/piece standard of non-licensed sets. Yeah, LEGO is not a cheap hobby, especially if you are into licensed themes. I would suggest perhaps waiting until the holiday sales towards the end of the year if you are strapped for cash. 😉
I would love to see a knew jabba’s sand barge set. I wish they hadn’t ruled out the idea of a celebration scene set. that would have been neat. And a new cloud city set should be released also.
A new Cloud City is a great idea! 😀
The Old Republic battle pack? AWESOME! I mean, I’m cautiously optimistic about this one. I didn’t think TOR sets would work because players are already dishing out about $15 a month to play the MMO, but with the free-to-play option coming out this fall I hope that this set is not a rumor.
I am also a sucker for the planet sets. I hope that the miniature TIE bomber is a taste of things to come…
Gabriel, yeah, the Planets series is sweet! Hopefully we will be able to get pictures soon! 😉
Accually the rancor pit was confirmed at comic con this year. Lego posted a picture on their official Facebook page.
I was in FL last week, I saw all of these at the lego store except the A-wing. Also you failed to mentioned anikin’s interceptor.
I wish I was still on vacation. Also remember legoland is not owned by lego, so VIP points cannot happen and if it rains, all out door rides stop.
Recent rumors of Pong Krell/Umbara set. Fingers Crossed!
Yep, krell is for sure gonna be in the z-95 headhunter
Gotta have these
The Old Republic Battle Pack
Clone Troopers vs. Droidekas Battle Pack
A-Wing including Admiral Ackbar, Han Solo and an A-Wing Pilot
AT-RT including Yoda, Clone Trooper and Assassin Droid
Not sure what the head hunter is so i will see 😛
i want the headhunter for krell alone: just think of the four armed minifig! 8)
i thought the 8) was the guy with sunglasses!
Yeah, for some reason that smiley stopped working. I have noticed that too. No idea why. You can still use “cool” for it thought between :: That still works. 😎
yep admiral ackbar would probably be the only reason i’d get that set 🙂
the rumors are true 🙂
Yeah, I have seen that too! Pretty cool, huh? 😀
these sets i need all of them good thing they come out after xmas
Of all the summer releases ther has not been one clone Wired!
These prices are…CRAZYYY Yeah I bet most of you dudes get more money to spend on your birthday besides fifthty bucks!!! When my grandpa dies it will be thrity he gives me twenty each year. $100.00 a year to spend on lego. Man when I turn thirteen I will mow so many lawns and buy the death star. But now I am only twelve and have one cent. I dont think LEGO is about to lower their prices. And my set is probably the one that costs less judging by my.current finances. Sorry.about the mispellings and periods in this coment but I still havent got typing on my kindle.
Looking forward to the old republic battle pack since I am ganna but the sets
The headhunter comes with pong krell to! Look it up on euro brick forums they the prices to!
The old republic battle pack comes with 2aith troopers and 2 republic troopers
Good post but you left out a lot of stuff
Jay, please note that this is an older post, since this was published a lot more new info surfaced. You can always add the new info in the comment section for the benefit of our readers. 😉
ok pong krell comes with the z-95 headhunter 😉
Like minifgs and prices 😉