LEGO added a new section to the Online LEGO Shop that is currently available on the USA and Canadian site: LEGO Sets Retiring Soon. The company is trying to cut back on calls from disappointed shoppers who are upset that a set they wanted got retired. To eliminate this problem LEGO added the Retiring Soon tag to items and the LEGO Sets Retiring Soon section. Sets on this list won’t be going on back-order and no more will be produced. Once the current stock is sold, they are gone for good. 😕
Above are the items on the current list of retiring soon LEGO sets, including the #10193 LEGO Castle Medieval Market Village, the #3677 LEGO Red Cargo Train and the #8043 LEGO Motorized Excavator. There are also some smaller sets, including Ninjago and City.
The sets on the retiring soon list are not on sale, however if you want to get them before they are gone this is your last chance. I did compare the prices on Amazon, and the #10193 LEGO Castle Medieval Market Village is selling for $89.86 with free shipping and no tax to most states, so you might want to pick it up on Amazon instead. But either way if you want them don’t delay and be sorry later. You are probably aware that once a LEGO set is no longer produced prices immedidately increase on the secondary market.

I also added a link to the LEGO Sets Retiring Soon section in the right-hand side bar under LOOKING FOR LEGO? for your convenience. There is also a link there for the LEGO Sales & Deals section which is also worth checking on a regular basis – especially during the Christmas shopping season, and right after Christmas. In previous years this section was full of excellent deals that were moving really fast!

What do you think of the LEGO Sets Retiring Soon section? Do you think LEGO is making the right move to inform customers of what to expect? Or perhaps this is just going to be a way for eBay resellers to buy up mass quantities of sets and make a killing? Share your thoughts below! 😉
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Smart move on their part. People will buy more than they intend when they see sets are going to retire.
Yeah, but this is also the reason why this feature is still in beta. There is some concern that eBay sellers will buy up all the sets, making the situation of retired sets disappearing from LEGO stores even worse. We shall see if it will stick. 😉
Even if ebay sellers to stock up on these kind of sets though, it shouldn’t really matter to LEGO, right? After all, they get the money no matter who buys it!
That is true, however what LEGO is trying to do here is help regular customers, not resellers. Although LEGO would get the money either way, it does hurt their image if there are lots of disappointed customers. Decisions like this are not always about the money. I mean it is of course, but sometimes they have to think long-term (money) rather than short-term (money). 😆
I do like this addition. I’ve been burned in the past waiting too long to buy a set.
I’m shocked the Death Star is not on that list. It seems like it’s been out forever.
I never did like it when a set i was intending to buy disappeared.
Eric, yeah, I also like this new section. I have it bookmarked. As far as the Death Star, there has been rumors of it retiring for at least 2 years now. I’m pretty sure that everyone and their grandmother has a bunch of them stashed away in their closet for reselling in the future. My suspicion is that it is the resellers who are keeping this set still on the market. 🙄
By telling them, get it now or it’s gone!!! Probably makes you want to buy it more right now. They’re probably going to make cha ching with this section.
OH-NO i love that village and it’s leaving NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Same for me. I don’t collect Kingdoms sets, but I love learning about Medieval times. Maybe I should buy it… 😕
Also, The Medieval Market has a wonderful piece count.
Well, this seems to be your last chance… MMV is an excellent set. You would not be disappinted. 😉
When do they REALLY retire? I’m thinking about wishing for the MMV for Christmas.
Noah, they are already retired. That’s the point of this list. Which means LEGO is no longer making any more. So whatever they have left in their stock-rooms is how much there is. You better talk to Santa really soon because with Christmas shoppers hitting LEGO stores and the online LEGO shop next week, stock will likely run out really soon. 😕
I was planning to order MMV and then found it on Amazon for less. I was going to mention it and then saw you did 🙂 But man I know how it feels when the thing you wanted goes out of stock. I had the task of ordering all my little brothers, (sometimes bothers) presents and I had it all worked out. Then I get on and what do you know Ninjago is already leaving. Little brothers have breakdown. I have breakdown inside because now I have to hunt all over the web to see where else I can get them. But it worked out okay. Although Amazon sure is sneaky selling sets for less then when LEGO doesn’t sell them they raise the price.
I had to buy the seaplane before it sold out 😛
LOL! Yeah, that’s a cute little set. I always liked LEGO planes too. 😀
Lego planes are neat but I dont like how nowadays the front is all one piece.
My sister is very dissapointed that the bank is on the list.
Admin do you have mmv?
Yes. 😀