Here is a LEGO CUUSOO project I have found recently and thought was a great idea: LEGO Female Minifigure Mini-Sets. After so much requests and bugging LEGO finally started adding more female minifigures to their sets and product lines, but the ratio of male/female minifigures is still way off. I guess LEGO is on the opinion that their toys are more appealing to boys, so they have been hesitant to add more female minifigs. Anyhow, they are doing better in this regard, and this LEGO CUUSOO project can also help to get things right. Check it out below and let me know what you think! 😛

Here is what CUUSOO project creator Alatariel says about her idea: “Although recently LEGO has started to design and add more female figures to their sets, they are still a minority. A small set of minifigures, which LEGO has made in the past for different themes, would provide a great opportunity to add women to our LEGO Town or City communities. I have designed some professional female minifigures that also show that girls can become anything they want, including a firefighter or a paleontologist (main picture). Being a scientist myself (geochemist) the geologist and chemist figures are actually based on me. 🙂
Each figure comes with a 6×4 baseplate and a corresponding setting to enhance the building experience and stimulate creativity. The sets also come with lots of accessories, such as birds, buckets, tools, bones, etc. I have designed 13 sets so far, but I imagine a selection of 3 would make a good box size. If the project would come close to 10,000 supporters perhaps a vote could determine which ones are most popular!”
Below are more of Alatariel’s ideas for the LEGO Female Minifigure sets. In this first picture there is a Falconer with two birds, a Geologist with compass and pick-axe, and an Engineer designing a robot-arm.

Then, in the second picture you can see an Astronaut in space (I really like the little rockets!), a Judge, and a Scientist working in the laboratory. Note how ingeniously the scientist’s elongated torso combined with short legs create a long lab-coat effect! I would love LEGO to make these!

In the third picture we can see a Zookeeper with an awesome brick-built tiger, a Business Woman in her office, and a Mail Carrier with her bicycle.

In this last picture there is a female Mechanic, Firefighter, and Construction Worker, all with plenty of tools to do their job.

The LEGO Female Minifigures CUUSOO project already gained some momentum with 1,469 supporters as of this writing. That’s a great achievement, but there is still a long way to go to reach 10,000 votes for LEGO to consider production. If you like this project and you think your LEGO minifig collection needs more girl-power, please support this LEGO project here: VOTE FOR LEGO CUUSOO FEMALE MINIFIGURES
So what do you think of this LEGO project? Do you think it is a good idea and would be successful? Would you buy them? Which ones you like the best? And if you don’t like them why not? I would love to hear your opinion, so please feel free to share in the comment section below. 😉
If you would like to learn more about CUUSOO and see other featured projects, check out the following related posts:
- LEGO CUUSOO Summer Review Results
- CUUSOO – Where LEGO Dreams Come True…
- Navigating LEGO CUUSOO…
- Giving Feedback to LEGO CUUSOO
- How to Find What’s New with LEGO CUUSOO
- CUUSOO Changes & Featured LEGO Projects
- How to Make Beautiful LEGO Trees
- LEGO CUUSOO Project: LEGO Birds
- LEGO CUUSTOO Project: LEGO Animals
- CUUSOO Project: Avatar Scorpion Gunship
That is so adorable! How much would each be?
Judging by the size and number of pieces, these all seem to fall in the polybag category, so I’d say somewhere between $3 and $5.
I don’t know. Some would have a higher piece count. granted, it would be a lot of little pieces. I’m guessing closer to $9.99 for some.
I personally think there should be more female minifigures. In almost every single lego set,there is a boy. Some people say lego is for boys,but they are about to change that. These female minifigure sets look great and I think they should make more. The paleontologist,falconer,engineer,astronaut,zookeeper,and mail carrier mini sets really stand out to me. I am definitely voting for this set.
im a guy and ive also noticed how few female minifigures there are if LEGO does sell these i definitely want a few!
plus they should be really cheap and the birdkeeper and zookeeper together could make a really nice zoo and most of the others would be easy to add to city, friends or even the exclusive buildings. overall i have to say these are very well done! 😀
I do like it, but I’m not much of a fan of the the 1×2 brick and the stubby legs. I think printing on regular legs would look better and fit in better with existing figures. Also (granted they are limited by existing elements for the project) I would like them to have faces that are not easily found in other sets. I already have many duplicates of existing female faces, and generally buy multiples of mast female CMFs just for more heads. Having new heads would make it a better set overall, and more desirable. Unfourtunatly, since Friends has started to diversify with their figures, I don’t know if LEGO would even approve these as they conflict with that theme.
Well, I guess since Alatariel made these as prototypes, she used the heads she already had in her collection, as most MOC:ers tend to do. Coming up with new faces would require bigger costs, and I’m not sure if the sets would get a release large enough to warrant the costs.
The general idea is good, though. Small, cute impulse set with a female professional in her environment for maybe about estimatedly 5-6$(?) (The paleontologist and zookeeper look like they might be more expensive than the others.)
Lego set 4429, the hospital set still in stores, has a doctor minifig whose legs are printed with a lab coat. The bad part is that the white printing shows up terribly against the blue/green background. The legs look so bad, I can’t use them. I really wish Lego would fix their long standing issue with printing white.
I can see what you mean… The small legs aren’t really flexible though.
Yea ,I know! I have that same set at home! They need to resolve that issue……
Yeah, I really dislike that kind of printing. It is also there with the recent Lion Knights from the Kingdoms sets. Their torsos supposed to have white and red squares, but the white ones actually look pink. Poor knights! 🙄
Interestingly I have the original Lion Knights (also called Royal Knights) from the 1990s – same thing; white printing on red torso, and there the white looks perfectly white. This is the precise reason that I opted for the Royal Knights when I built my Lion Knights army, instead of the new guys.
Something went wrong with the printing between the 90s and now. Most likely LEGO is using a cheaper process. 😕
The head,hair,and torso are okay,but I do not like those legs too much. I don’t know what type of legs Iam going to switch that with……
Nice website Andy!
i don’t really care for these, but i do like the dino bones.
They are okay. Being a boy I don’t really care about lack of girls also it is not right for girls to be judges firemen and the like. Girls are not supposed to do mens jobs. We see enough of this in the world I don’t want it affecting my toys. I agree the scientists are cool nothing wrong with them. Also some of the sets are really different in size. Take the judge and compare it to the first one. All I need is a girl or too to put in Lego towns and I have six so i’m good. I have to say though, that miss a-something did a good job with the tiger and skeleton. (Animal skeleton not human.) And I agree that the lab coat is cool. I guess some of these are okay and i’m sure will be a big hit with girls but again there should be more everyday sets. Not everyone is and no girl should be a fireman. A-something should make a few normal ones like a table and chairs, a small living room set. You could call it like the Interior Design series. Plus you could add some nice brick built accessories. Imagine a coffee maker!
Ella, as far as I can tell Strider simply shared his thoughts and opinions. There was nothing offensive about his sharing. He did not say girls are not capable of doing a man’s job. He said he didn’t believe that was right. Most girls would love to have a protective guy like that in their life! They are pretty rare these days! 😉
Sorry about my sister there! I just showed her this website, and she does not like to be insulted like that. 🙂
That’s all right. She is always welcome to share her own opinion. 😉
I half agree with Strider because girls are fine with doing any job a man can do, but i think the interior design sets would also be great small sets to add to LEGO City, Friends, or the Exclusive Buildings (also made in micro scale at on point, but I am talking about the Mini Figure scale ones) 🙂
you hit the figurtive nail right on the head 2×4 brick
Thanks! 😀
oops… Can you delete one of those admin? It said duplicate comment so I figured it didn’t go through… 🙄
Done! 😉
Nope, most girls want a man that respects their agency and is an equal partner in the challenge of life. Like my awesome husband who builds Legos with me and encourages my nieces to be strong, empowered women that don’t need a man to succeed.
No offense. I have no doubt girls can’t do things like that but it is not really right. I believe that men are the protectors of women not the other way around. And I did not mean to insult anybody by saying that, forgive me if I made you mad.
Yeah, there is there sliding scale of “chivalrous” with gender differences versus “sexist”. To some, there is no line, and they are one in the same. To others, there are degrees of differences which there is no hard line when it comes to the acceptable/ unacceptable difference, and even then, that will vary with individuals. I think your heart’s sorta in the right place with a “women and children” first mentality, but not great from a equal treatment of all people standpoint.
As for the gender inequalities in LEGO: Regardless of what your opinion of what women “should do”, the human population in most of the world is about 1:1 when it comes to gender. However in LEGO (granted, this is getting better), the ratio is closer 1 female to 10 males. Different themes show variation, but even with basic city civilians who are not doing a “job”, the ratio is still mostly male dominated. I’m not saying that it needs to be 50/50, but a better ratio that more closely reflected reality would be much appreciated by AFOLs and girls who dislike the friends figures.
Being a boy, I’m not totally into this, but then again, I don’t have many girl heads, so I’d love to have more. Also Strider, even if men are the protecters of woman, how does that keep girls from being firewomen and judges?
nace (would you rather me call you noah?) i toatly agree with everything you just said in that post!
Just call me Nace please. 😉
I agree with your first comment Nace
Politics aside, the theme shows possibilities for expanding, such as police officers, arts or musics-oriented professions, as well as sports. I could imagine a skateboarder on a quarter pipe. (I know Friends include some sets around the same subjects.)
One comment, I believe a businesswoman is more likely to use a cellphone. 😉
i realy like how they did the tiger!!!
Happy New Year!!!!
Happy New Year to you too! 😛
htis year i will become a teen, or should i say T-F-O-L, i’m so excited!!!
I like the idea! 🙂 you did a good job! 🙂 oh and something else……..Happy new year!!
These are sone really excellent builds. Great idea. Love that dino skeleton.
Well, I was about to reply to this yesterday when the power went out… anyway I agree with Strider in general, plus I kind of doubt LEGO would do this anyway with Friends already running. As far as the inequality in numbers of female figs to male, it doesn’t bother me at all as I rarely use more than twenty figs for any set-up. And I don’t see that there would be much point in a theme like this if LEGO wasn’t going to give each one it’s own head.
If the theme would be accepted, it’d be relatively easy to construct new heads. If the sets have a limited release, it’s likely it would lead to increased costs, however.
Yeah, I don’t see why LEGO wouldn’t do new heads. It would add to the cost a bit I guess, but likely not much, as all the CMFs have different heads and Series One was sold for on $2 per fig… (though now it’s at three)
Maybe girls don’t want to use the Friends line because they want to be something other than vapid and shallow.
Hey one thing we didn’t go over. There are a LOT of LEGO themes based on movies and if you are counting those in your ‘gender ration’ don’t that’s the movie’s problem, not LEGO’s. Also, have you seen how many more females they ARE adding to sets? recently, in Galaxy Squad we probably normally wouldn’t have a single girl, but there is one on the Orange Team. There is a girl Mini Figure, Nya, in Ninjago and she’s in quite a few sets. She even has a whole set based on her! And in PotC, there’s Angelica and Elizabeth. In Star Wars, there’s Princess Leah (is that how you spell it? I know its pronounced lay-uh) And in LEGO Friends (oh don’t even get me started!) There is one male, ONE MALE, in all LEGO Friends sets.
You are absolutely right, LEGO has been making an endeavor to add more female minifigures. I think they are doing a good job. Even in Legends of Chima, some of the animals are female. So LEGO is definitely working on improving their ratio. And yes, the movie-based female figures are some of the best! One of the good things that came out of licensed sets is the explosion of female hairstyles! 😛
The ratio is still skewed, anyway. The only set I can think of with an equal ratio is the Harry Potter set 4840 The Burrow.
Yeah, the LEGO male/female ratio is worse then in China! I guess LEGO guys will just have to marry Barbies. 😉
…or start picketing…
It’s Princess Leia… Apparently Leah is the traditional spelling, and Leia originated with the film, although nowadays there seem to be females having the name Leia as well. Apparently it means something like “gracile gazelle”…
Oh. Ok thanks! 🙂
Hey did you guys see the LEGO Train in the new LEGO Catalog? It had 3 female to 3 male ratio! LEGO really IS improving! YAY! 😆
Everyone look at the new catalogue: More females are coming out, especially in LEGO city, although the police are not female the fire fighters are, as are construction workers. And they even said in the minifigure description for the bullet train “2 female passangers” and “2 male passengers” and the flatbed truck model has “1 businesswoman”!
Oh, you got the new catalog already? I got the LEGO Club magazine, but no catalog yet. 😕
Real men care about female representation. If you don’t care about having strong men and women in the world, you’re simply not a decent human being. My husband, when he was younger, and now all my nephews love to play with dolls. They do not enjoy Legos because they don’t like there’s more boys than girls, and they realize that’s unfair. So actually, some boys do care there are no female figures: the decent boys.
Those of you that don’t care about female figures, you’re a shining testament to your mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and daughters.