(Written by Nathan Lyle & Sandy Johnson)
Today we would like to introduce you to a new LEGO project we have been working on; a series of LEGO videos and comics. I know many readers here like LEGO stop-motion videos and web-comics, so thought to share ours. Check it out and let us know what you think! 🙂

The project is called The LEGO Dead. The LEGO Dead is a first for the LEGO community in that there will be both a LEGO comic and YouTube video series for the brand. Our goal is not to make some zombie-frenzy killing-show, but to focus on the characters’ background, and understanding how their lives were affected after the infection. Both versions of The LEGO Dead will follow entirely different groups of survivors. This lends the chance to possible interactions between the two groups in either the LEGO comics or YouTube video series. 😈
The LEGO Dead comics follow a character named Kruger, who was a prisoner prior to the infection. The comics revolve around Kruger and his group in their struggle to survive the infection. The comics are already available with new weekly installments every Saturday! You can follow the series here: The LEGO Dead Comic Series at BrickUltra.com
The LEGO Dead YouTube video series follows a character named Jericho, who was an office-worker prior to the infection. Jericho was one of the lucky survivors in being able to find a safe room just for himself full of supplies. The YouTube series actually begins a month after the infection started, supplies are running low for Jericho and he must face the fact that he has to leave his safe room which he had spent an entire month in. The LEGO video series is currently in the works and will arrive this fall. Here is the teaser-trailer, but of course the final videos will be much better! You can check for the LEGO video series here once they get released: The LEGO Dead Video Series at BrickUltra.com
Our hope for The LEGO Dead is to tell a compelling story about each survivors’ struggles against the undead, while dealing with supplies and bandits. Characters are never safe in The LEGO Dead and the possible interactions between the two forms of The LEGO Dead could prove to be very interesting. You can follow the series at the above links, and also at The LEGO Dead Facebook Page.

I hope your check out The LEGO Dead comics and look forward to the video-series! Let us know what you think! Also, please leave a comment below about ideas that you would like us to incorporate into either the comics or videos and we’ll try to include it! 😉

And you might also like to check out the following related posts:
I read it on Flickr!
And I’ll be putting up episode 13 on Saturday.
Cool, I guess… I’m not much of a Zombie person 🙄
WIKI IS HAVING A SURVEY ON THE SITE AND YOU CAN WIN AN IPAD MINI! I entered but some of the stuff didn’t make sense to me because I only use it for LEGO and two games, but you can win something! Although I already have an iPad mini (yeah… 🙄 )
Sweet! 😀
Hmm I don’t know some of this stuff can be dodgy and what has this got to do with lego………the things conversations can bring up
Well if you win an iPad you can visit LEGO.com or visit TBB or buy LEGOs or download LEGO apps! You need to think outside of the box!
Yeah, I thought of that too… online surveys can definitely be dodgy. But then I thought, wikia is pretty reputable… mostly. So I didn’t say anything, but thanks for bringing it up! It is always best to stay safe!
As far as some of the conversations here having some twists and turns, yeah, it happens at times. I mostly let it play out as long as it remains civilized even if it is a bit off topic, as many people have been around for a long time and sometimes they just want to share something. And Nathan (ntk743) is a contributor here so I give him some extra slack.
I’m not a person to give info, but wiki is huge and I thought it would be fine. I also thought others will be interested in this because a lot of viewers here probably go to Brickipedia. I just saw a connection there.
I recently got into spot motion and it’s super fun! I think it would be pretty cool to have a LEGO Zombie for more older LEGO fans. And for people who enjoy Call Duty.
Nathan, thanks. It’s all good. Now let’s get back to talking about zombies and Nathan’s (the other Nathan) article. This is his first time posting an article here, so let’s stay on topic from here and give him some feedback. 🙂
Agree! Contest can be dodgy, but millions probably view Wiki so it would probably be fine
i’m not a zombie person either. (honestly I don’t like them) sorry
You don’t like zombies?! But… but… they are so cute! Or maybe zombies are overrated. 😈
Same. Don’t like zombie’s but this sounds……..interesting. I should get on with my Chima reviews! 🙂
Hey Nathan! I cheecked out your Flickr page! It’s pretty boss! How did you collect all those zombie heads?
Sorry for some reason this comment didn’t show… 😳
OMG, I love your guys with machine guns on your flickr page! (I know that sounds a little violent) And where did you get all these Zombie heads and these swat team guys?
You can get a lot of the lego zombie heads here:
Yes, CitizenBrick is awesome! I forgot about their zombie heads! They are great! 😈
most of the zombie heads were bought from bricklink.com.
And as for the swat guys if you drop me a message on my flickr page I’ll give you the name of the places to go to who sell the custom parts. And just one other thing thats not Nathan’s Flickr page its mine 69zombieslayer.
I’ve seen these comics before actually 😛 a Facebook page caped Minifigures had been posting every comic episode. Didn’t know a fellow Brick blogger was making them 🙂 the only thing I don’t like abou them is.. The zombies. They are really gross. And all the blood.. 🙁
He-he… looks like a lot of us here are not into zombies. 🙄
Just thought I’d let everyone know that the youtube videos and comics are done by two different people. Nathan was good enough to put my comics on BrickUltra.com and is doing the youtube films.
I do the comic, The Facebook page and that Flickr account http://www.flickr.com/photos/69zombieslayer/is mine to.
Thanks for clarifying that! Would you mention your name (first name is enough), then I can update Nathan’s article. 😉
Thanks for replying to my comment. My real name is Sandy Johnson. And I reside in the UK.
Thanks, Sandy, I will update the article shortly. 🙂
Okay, got it updated. I just added you as one of the authors of the post and linked your flickr account to your name. 😉
Much appreciated.
Just thought I’d let everyone know that the youtube videos and comics are done by two different people. Nathan was good enough to put my comics on BrickUltra.com and is doing the youtube films.
I do the comic, The Facebook page and that Flickr account http://www.flickr.com/photos/69zombieslayer/ is my account, not Nathan’s.
Third pic LOL… Hazardous material is right! XD