As you probably know the weekly episodes of the LEGO Legends of Chima TV show started on Cartoon Network with new episodes every week. However if you miss the episode, or if you don’t have Cartoon Network at your location, you can watch them here as they become available. So let’s continue with the biggest race of all! ๐

There are links to the previous episodes at the end of this post, and here you can watch Episode 8. This episode of LEGO Legends of Chima is called the “The Biggest Race of All” where the animal tribes are racing for the largest golden CHI orb ever,ย but there are some unexpected contestantsย who show up forย the race…
โก LEGO Legends of Chima Episode 8: The Biggest Race Ever
โก Watch Episode 1 here: Episode 1 – The Legends of Chima
โก Watch Episode 2 here: Legends of Chima Episode 2 – The Great Story
โก Watch Episode 3 here: Legends of Chima Episode 3 – The Warrior Within
โก Watch Episode 4 here: Legends of Chima Episode 4 – They Joy Ride
โก Watch Episode 5 here: Legends of Chima Episode 5 – Market Day
โก Watch Episode 6 here: Episode 6 – Attack on Eagle Spire
โก Watch Episode 7 here: Episode 7 – The Hundred Year Moon
So what do you think? How did you like this episode of LEGO Legends of Chima? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! ๐
You can also check out the LEGO Legends of Chima section for more news, reviews, videos and discussions, or select from the following posts:
admin will u put my post on tomorrow, I sent u it about an hour ago
Benny, hold your horses. Post will get published when there is room to publish them. Usually within a week. This week is already full, so it will be sometime next week. My guess would be Tuesday or Wednesday. ๐
ok I guess I could wait ๐
That episode was quite good. The peacock was one of the greatest racers of all time?!?
I think shadow wind is pretty awesome and would say that he was in fact crooler if he hadn’t saved Laval. ๐
I hope we get minifigs of both of these in some kinda large speedorz set. That would be awesome! ๐
Yeah, I would love to see those guys in minifig form! ๐
Maybe a 20$ speedor set with both of them!
you do realize they r making ninjago in a different way. like shadow wind in place of samuri! the little gorrila just lile nya! they adapted the green ninja fighting to cragger and laval as kid being better woosh and not green ninja!
Really? Dom De La Voosh? This wasn’t the right time to introduce him to the show. That should’ve been done in the first 2 episodes. Otherwise, great episode!
I’m the better Woosh! ๐
No…all I remember is that I’m the better Woosh!
LOL! ๐
What’s so funny? I seriously woke up in the morning and remembered nothing but “I’m the better Woosh!”
Me too! ๐
LOL! ๐
i think shadow wind is laval’s mom!he/she saved laval and had a lion – like speedor.i would have to say it is laval’s mom!
Hm… that would be VERY interesting! ๐
This show is sorta weird…NINJGAO FTW! ๐
I wonder who that shadow…Win? is. He/She looks awesome
Anyone who guesses my favorite LEGO theme will get a free ticket to LEGOLAND.
You also have to guess my favorite tribe from Chima!
The crocks? ๐
Sadly, not the correct answer. I thought you out of all people would guess it! ๐
Well, you are Cragger, the Prince of Chima, so you MUST like the crocs best, otherwise they might dethrone you. ๐
Please don’t tell them I don’t like them! I’ll do anything! Pweeze! ๐
He-he… this is interesting… I won’t say anything, but the Ravens might have overheard you. ๐
… you almost guessed the correct answer… but you didn’t say it in a sentence I can understand…
Oh! Are you telling me the Ravens are your favorites? Okay, so the Prince of Crocs secretly roots for the Ravens – interesting twist in the story! ๐
You guessed it! To claim you’re prize, go to the nearest LEGO store and ask them for a copy of this month’s LEGO club issue and I think in the last few pages there will be a free child ticket to LEGOLAND. I don’t know what you will do with it since you are not a child. (I suggest you use it for toilet paper… ๐ )
LOL! Thanks! I already have the LEGO Club Magazine though, so I have plenty of toilet paper material. But I would never use anything LEGO related as such. I save all my LEGO Club Magazines, Catalogs, and even LEGO box inserts and flyers. Valuable stuff! ๐
is it the wolves
Legends Of chima >:)
Nope! Today is just not you’re day!
finally another interesting character. just like the green ninja we have to find out who shadow wind is.
Yes, you are right! Very much like him! BTW, I’m posting Episode 9 on Saturday, and the mysterious character appears again. ๐
I know that shadow wind is similar to the green ninja, but with a couple differences. Some people don’t think it as important to find it out since he isn’t the main character, or the big mystery that lasts three fourths the season or something.
The mystery made the green ninja special.
the only clues about him/her is that his/her speedor is a lion’s one.
it has been 2 years since i commented on brickblogger and it is good to be back.
Good notice! And nice to have you back! ๐
I am dying to find out who shadow wind is
Yeah, me too! ๐
I’ve been reading up on future chima sets and characters, and I think I might know who Shadow Wind is, but if I’m right, it might just spoil the rest of season one/all of season two. It’s just a rumor right now, but do you think I better not say anything?
(Has someone used this name before???)
Windra, that’s a tough one. On the one hand people like rumors, on the other hand they don’t like spoilers. I will leave it up to you to decide. ๐
Thanks for the reply! And yeah the last thing I would want to do is spoil the show for someone or up their hopes just to have them dashed by reality. I think what I will do instead however is tell you all where to find the info if you are still interested (or where to avoid if you don’t want the possible spoilers! ๐ ) First, is actually the article for chima on wikipedia. It contains a lot of new info on characters for 2014, and seems pretty accurate, but once again could just be made by a fan. The second is to look up 2014 sets on sites like brickipedia, especially the ones containing the names of new characters. Put two and two together and you just might solve this mystery! But is knowing worth spoiling the entire show? That is for you to decide!
Windra, nice solution! I’m impressed with your negotiating skills! ๐
On a more rumory less story-spoilery note, I heard that they may be making some legend beast sets! Now that would be cool!
Yes, we already talked about those in the 2014 sets discussion. It is under the Other News & Updates section. ๐
Hey guyz I know who shadow wind is he is not a warthog he is not a elephant but he is a skeleton with tucks look at his cap you might just make it out
Soz I meant tusks and cape
The video freezes eight seconds into it. I have tried everything from refreshing to restarting the internet. When I full screened it, the video length was 404 hours long. I’m watching this on my phone and episodes 1-7 worked well on the phone, but this one is different. what’s going on?
Not sure what it could be. I just double checked and it is playing fine for me. All I can think of is that maybe the phone connection was a bit weak when you tried. Maybe stop it and let it buffer. That’s what I would do. ๐
[Spoiler] Ok, a couple new things about lego chima. 3 new tribes are coming. (Bats, Spiders , and Scorpians) and everyone wanna know who ShadoWind is so want the answer? โฆโฆ.. ShadoWind Claims to be a LION wanna know what lion he his? Lavertus