As you probably know the weekly episodes of the LEGO Legends of Chima TV show started on Cartoon Network with new episodes every week. However if you miss the episode, or if you don’t have Cartoon Network at your location, you can watch them here as they become available. So let’s continue with the legends! ๐

There are links to the previous episodes at the end of this post, and here you can watch Episode 9. This episode of LEGO Legends of Chima is called the “Gorillas Gone Wild” where Cragger gets the Gorillas really mad for disturbing them in their meditation and they plan to teach him a lesson…
โก LEGO Legends of Chima Episode 9: Gorillas Gone Wild
โก Watch Episode 1 here: Episode 1 – The Legends of Chima
โก Watch Episode 2 here: Legends of Chima Episode 2 – The Great Story
โก Watch Episode 3 here: Legends of Chima Episode 3 – The Warrior Within
โก Watch Episode 4 here: Legends of Chima Episode 4 – They Joy Ride
โก Watch Episode 5 here: Legends of Chima Episode 5 – Market Day
โก Watch Episode 6 here: Episode 6 – Attack on Eagle Spire
โก Watch Episode 7 here: Episode 7 – The Hundred Year Moon
โก Watch Episode 8 here: Episode 8 – The Biggest Race of All
So what do you think? How did you like this episode of LEGO Legends of Chima? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! ๐
You can also check out the LEGO Legends of Chima section for more news, reviews, videos and discussions, or select from the following posts:
One of the best epiosdes so far! But I’m still ashamed at my men!
Yeah, that they got beaten in their own back-yard… I think you gotta have a talk with them.
What should I do with my men?
You’re making me feel like a loser…I feel special! ๐
That was a good episode ๐
I still want a shadow wind figure though ๐
shadow wind? what’s that? am I missing something here?! or is it just me?!
watch episode 8 and look who saves laval
Me too! He/she is awesome! I’m pretty sure LEGO will make one. They would be crazy not to. ๐
best episode. 3 little bello plants to keep you high and dry *pop* 2 little bello plants to keep you high and dry *pop* 1 little bello plant to keep you high and dry *pop* ! the bello plant thing is totally awesome, also did I tell you GORRILAS CAN FLY!!! ๐ I think shadow wind will be reviled at episode 10
shadow wind has the horns of a spider,strength of a gorilla,lion speedor and eagle head.what the heck is he?
No idea, but can’t wait to find out! Very mysterious! And cool looking! ๐
Shadow Wind is super mysterious. I want to know if Shadow Wind is a girl.
I’ve been neglecting the show lately but I’m all caught up thanks to you for keeping us updated.
Allen, you are very welcome. Enjoy the show! ๐
shadow wind could be an elephant.
i think this because he has tusks they could be part of his helmet but i think his helmet has slots for his tusks to go through.
does he remind anyone of darth vader.
Something went wrong with the mouthing or music or something around the time that cragger and crooler were arguing in the swamp. Did that happen to anyone else?
Yes, that part is really weird. In fact Chima has a very poor sounds quality compared to for example Ninjago. I have noticed this from the very first episode. But this one is the worse. ๐
You know, at 16:36 cragger seems to have a more mature, more evil-sounding voice. Why can’t he sound like that all the time?
when dose episode 10 come out
New episodes usually come out once a week on Cartoon Network, although sometimes there is a replay instead.
Do you know How many episodes there are expected to be. I think it’ll be alot as there isn’t much continuation from each episode like ninjago. But that’s just a guess ๐
No, I have never heard anyone mentioning how many episodes are going to be there. You are right; the episodes are kind of stand-alone films in themselves with not much continuation between them. Which could mean that LEOG could probably go on with them forever, or at least as long as we get sick and tired of those talking animals. ๐
Thanks anyway ๐ though I’m not sure what LEOG is (legendary & epic organisation of gorillas??? LOL)
Have you seen the views on animal videos on youtube!!! Take the dramatic chipmunk for example (check it out!) and baby monkey.oh and a little bit o trivia- watching funny cat videos increases productivity so watch one before making a MOC!
I think he just misspelled LEGO accidently.
Admin the episode keeps stoping did that happen for anyone else.
Pia, yes, that can happen when there are a lot of people who want to view the video at the same time. Unfortunately the video is not available on YouTube which has a much more resources and a much more reliable player. So we just have to work with what we got from RuTube. I would suggest that you come back later and try again. There are times when it plays flawlessly, and other times when it gets a bit choppy. So just give it another try. ๐
Thanks Admin!!!!!!!
…..I have been searching for episode 10 all day..
It is not up yet. It usually takes a few days until it is uploaded somewhere. But keep checking. I’m also doing the same. Let me know if you find it, so we can post it here as well. ๐
If found episode 10!! I don’t know how to link on an ipad so.. Search legends of chima episode 10 animeflavor
Thanks, Jay! I checked it in the morning and it wasn’t there yet, but it looks like they uploaded it by the afternoon. Sweet! I will post it Sunday morning. ๐
no prob admin ๐ glad I could help!
hey guy s i know you never heard of me but i wached lego chima episode 10 just now
Nice to meet ya! We actually do have Episode 10 posted already as well. Just check the Chima section in the left-hand side-bar. We always post them as soon as they become available. And if you are good at finding them ASAP you can help out by letting me know. ๐
Oh i din’t tell you my favorite chima figure is cragger the crocodile.
Hey i can always tell you if a new episode come’s in so just ask me.
Sorry i keep commenting but if you have a lego chima online beta profile my name is hyper molten talon. so if you are a level 20 meet me at eagle end at about between 1:00 and 8:00.
hey im changing my name to cragger the powerful ok
oh ok i’let you know when they come out with new ones.
Hey admin do you have a chima online beta profile.
If you do tell me what time zone you live in.
I played Beta a few times, but the site is currently unavailable due to being under maintenance. I’m in Florida, under Eastern Time Zone.
Ok im centrel time zone me andyou should meet tell me your name profile name i may have you as a friend
I can’t remember my name for sure, but I think it is something silly like Agile Hoppping Lion. ๐
Oh i don’t have that friend name what level are you.
Cragger, I have no idea what level I’m at. Probably something beginning. I will try to find you next time I’m able to pull up the site. ๐
My name is hyper molten talon level 20.
hey! did you know Rogan has a crush on Eris? and Furto is on the bad side?
Furto or Furtivo anyone you’ll prefer ๐
Hey! me again! I’m gonna tell you the new episodes coming out soon ok Episode 10: Foxtrot (watched it So sad ๐ ), Episode 11: the CHI Jackers, Episode 12: Balancing Act, and finally Episode 13: Crocodile tears
Four little bellow plants to keep you high and dry! If one pops, will you go bye bye?… Cragger is too funny.