(Written by Chi-bacca)
Welcome to Part 2 of the little series I’m doing where I share an experiment of giving myself a LEGO building challenge using limited LEGO parts and time (you can read Part 1 here: The LEGO MOC Challenge – Part 1). This time I’m using elements from the #2192 LEGO Hero Factory Drilldozer and #2194 LEGO Hero Factory Nitroblast sets to create two villains to fight the heroes I shared with you in Part 1. The time-limit I set myself for this challenge was 20 minutes, which includes taking pictures. So let’s see whatย we got this time! ๐

The first of the villains is called Ember. I mixed the building techniques used in the two above mentioned LEGO Hero Factory sets. He is equipped with both a blaster and a razor-sharp saw-blade. He is heavily armored, but his saw-arm is actually quite mobile due to the numerous small joints.

The second villain is called Iron Giant. He is not considered a giant compared to the heroes, but his friends call him that anyway. He has industrial-strength armor on almost every part of his body, which makes him a very tough foe. However his armor-plating also limits the mobility of his arms – which is his weakness. His odd colored blue hand was stolen from a hero, after his was cut off in a previous battle. (And due to the fact that between the two sets I used for this challenge there was only one hand included, so I had to improvise.) ๐

I have been having lots of fun with this challenge, and I would recommend you try something like this too. It helps with developing your LEGO building-skills as well as engaging your creativity. If you would like to build your own custom LEGO Hero Factory characters you can check out the Online LEGO Shop for currently available Hero Factory sets.
So what do you think? How do you like the LEGO challenge idea and my custom hero figures? Would you like to try the challenge yourself? What would you build? Let me know in the comment section below! Also, I’m a TFOL (Teen-Fan-of-LEGO) and this is my third article here. You canย check outย my previous posts below. Thanks for reading! ๐
As the Chima Gorillas would say: Dude, That’s Awsome: Anyway Awesome Post!
Yeah, dude ๐
nice one chi-bacca, now uv had 3 i want 3 ad my second one is already sent off ill start my 3rd one as soon as im on my lapto
Thanks! ๐
I wonder what your 3rd will be probably some sort of Star Wars thingymajig ๐
I’ve also sent in my 4th and contributors page so look out for that and I’ve planned my fifth to be jek-14s starfighter review ๐
Chi-bacca, please note that I didn’t include your heroes fighting the villains picture, although I really wanted to. There was just too much clutter in the background and I couldn’t crop them out, so I decided against it. One easy way to create a cheap background for your MOCs is to use a white bedsheet, or a large piece of contruction paper. Just a suggestion. ๐
That’s ok it’s just really hard to try and fit them all in without seeing my other stuff ๐ I’ll try to make a background of some sort for my fith post (jerks starfighter) or I might use a blank wall………
Blank walls also work fine. I have done that before. Now I use a photo-tent I really like, or for large models a bed-sheet, or big piece of paper, like I mentioned. ๐
nice, don’t rob all star wars sets plz. L ๐ L (I just tried a new lol so if its wrong sorry). Im thinking it might be a game review if that’s ok with admin. I was thinking I could do chima speedorz as that has just had the 3rd and final cup released
I won’t nick any…..I promise ๐
Game review sounds cool and I would do the same apart from the fact I don’t have any of the new ones like undercover. But I might do hero factory brain attack if your review goes down well unless you wanna do it ๐
i have undercover got it about half a month after it came out… BIRTHDAY PRESENT WII U AND UNDERCOVER lol. if it goes well i would do chima online but as u know ,chi-bacca, it isnt out in our country. brain attack sounds good i havent played it since before first main update HAHA, ill start my review tomorrow then 4 will be galaxy squad bug battle.
Nice! The latest tech I’ve got is an ipad 2 LOL
You have time to write reviews on school days?!? I get homework!! Not alot but its still work.
And completely off topic of everything lol but I’m thinking bout maybe writing a story for no particular reason but I’m torn between medieval (LOTR style) and modern timeframes. Any suggestions anyone?
How about a story that includes both? Like it’s LOTR style, but there is some time-travel involved. Just sayin’… ๐
So your talking bout BTTF Styling then but traveling to the medieval period instead……. Nice idea ๐
Yeah, basically. ๐
LOL it’s a good idea though……
yeah I can fit them in after school which finnshed 2:50 pm so im home about 3:10 then I have to do it before my mum gets home 5:00 ๐ (that’s my limit I give myself cant forget my second hobbie GAMING)
I finish at 3:00 and normally get back about 20 past as I walk with my friends. Then I go on my ipad and check out what the new post is and watch some Youtube and then maybe do homework ๐ I might try and stick some writing in……..
cool stuff!! not to be cheesy but, challenging yourself is always a good idea! that sounded way better before I wrote it ๐
That’s not cheesy (gets out crackers) LOL
It is a good idea! Actually, a lot of people talk about it, but never do it. So it is one of those over-talked, but under-acted topics. However when someone really does it people still think it is cool and they wish they would have done something like that. So yeah, it sound cheesy, but when it is the real deal it is really awesome! ๐
I just read about this lady, who is 64 years old, and went swimming from Cuba to Florida. 110 miles, 54 hours non-stop! The first person who has ever done it, and without a shark-cage! And she only did it to challenge herself. She had tried it several times before since she was 28, but always failed for some reason (storms, jelly-fish, sickness, etc.) Now that is awesome and not cheesy at all! There is no cheese in the ocean – only lots and lots of salt-water, which made her throw up pretty much non-stop the whole time. But she did it anyway! Even with no cheese! ๐
ok what?! that is awesome!!!!!!!! now I’ll tell my grandma (who is 65 and proud of it!) she can do well, maybe not that but something! Also that lady must be in VERY good shape! and as a little inside joke, cheese is good for you!
Yeah, vote for cheese! Yes, that lady is in very good shape. People age differently, depending on their genetics and how well they took care of themselves thru their lives, but it is a fact that this lady has been inspiring many-many older people to stay in shape and try something challenging. ๐
Not to be off subject but has some one played chima online?
I played it a little bit the other day. It was pretty fun. ๐
Really? I’m may try it sometime. Is there a free version or is it free anyway?
It is completely free, but still in Beta. ๐
but for americans and canadians only, SCREW U I WANNA PLAY
Yeah it’s so unfair ๐ I was just wondering if it was free though. Do we get a beta as well or is it exclusively America and Canada? That’s what I wanna know ๐
It’s on the LEGO website right? So if I changed my country to America would it work? So many questions LOL
As far as I know the final version will be released everywhere and soon. Yeah, I guess if you change your country it can work, but please note that you have to sign in with your LEGO ID, which I think will automatically change the page to your country. I’m not sure. Anyhow since it is in Beta, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. There are days when I can play it with no problems, other days I can’t even access the page. Beta means they are still working on it, so just keep that in mind. ๐
that game is fun! even though its chima… ๐
Nice article! I’ve done something like your challenge before.
If I remember right I only used pieces from Black Phantom and Jawblade…no, wait, I can see at least one piece from Furno Breakout series. Anyway, it’s fun to make your own stuff! Also see this one:
WOW! That’s some neat MOCs there! ๐
I have black phantom and jaw blade as well but I like them too much to take apart ๐ I also didn’t want to take apart von nebula, stormer Xl, bulk version 1 and core hunter whose pieces would have proved useful for my black character but I might sometime…………
I am beginning to like Hero Factory. I guess it just took some getting used to since I was an avid Bionicle fan for six years. Great post Chi-bacca. I’ll have to try one of these challenges myself! ๐
Glad your liking it ๐
I haven’t got any of the new brain attack series so i can’t suggest any of them ๐ but the challenge is great fun and I’m happy for anyone to join in you can even write a post under The LEGO MOC challenge and I’ll stop putting “part” into the title so we don’t end up with part 5978 LOL or if you’d rather me feature some of your pictures then email admin for my email or get her to send it to me.
This goes for everyone Btw ๐
That’s actually a great idea as far as the MOC challenge. Yeah, if others want to join in you are welcome.
In regards to Brain Attack, I have a couple of sets, and althought I like the characters, I hate those brains! They are so weird! I would love to see what you guys would do with them! They are these weird rubbery things that look like giant bugs. Eeeks! ๐ฟ
Hey, you can always use the brains for Galaxy Squad MOCs! ๐ And that’s a good idea, Chi-bacca. Maybe I’ll take you up on your offer. My brother built a Fell Beast recently out of his spare black Hero Factory elements. He stuck a Nazgul on its back and it looked stunningly freaky. Freakier than the brains!
A fell beast sounds epic!!? There’s one on cuusoo at the moment actually that’s awesome if you wanna check it out its here: http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/41453
Galaxy squad MOCs sounds cool and admin should totally try that sometime (I can’t though as I don’t own a brain attack figure or a galaxy squad set ๐ )
What head did your brother use? And was it using exclusively hero factory or other pieces as well. I’m interested as I may try it sometime….
He connected two armor plates (the plates that serve as Firelord’s boosters on his jetpack), one upside down and the other right side up and used this combination as the beast’s head. I can’t remember exactly how he did it, but it actually looked very realistic……much to my surprise. It was completely comprised of Hero Factory elements – well, until he put the Ringwraith on top.
Thanks I may try that or at least something like that ๐
It’ll probably end up as a turtle…….. LOL ๐
It would be cool if you put up photos somewhere.
I used some old Bionicle parts to build a raptorish dino. Looked kinda cool.
Yeah, I could do that… but they are so creepy! ๐
Are you gonna add the yoda chronicles episode 2 ๐
I would love to, but so far I haven’t found it anywhere. But I keep looking. ๐
I ment Admin are you gonna add the yoda chronicles episode 2
I’m back! After a long hiatus, I’m finally back! Now my apartment have a Wi-Fi, so I hopefully can keep up. I’ve been catching up on Chima and the posts. Oh yeah, Chi-Bacca, since this is your third post, It makes you legible to get a contributor’s page. I highly recommend you start writing that. Tip: Don’t make it as long as mine. Nice creations by the way, although if you ask me creating one hulking behemoth is probably more fun of a challenge than two. I also did something like this, but with Jetbug and Raw-Jaw. If you remember, Robots are my niche. I’m preparing a post of some more of my robots. Here’s a standout: A robot with a jet engine piece as a torso, built completely using the pieces of the Space Police III 5972 Container Heist!
Hey there ๐
Glad you approve of my builds I actually have a picture of a massive thing I stuck together when I first got them on holiday my friend also got some and his was much better than mine is all I’m gonna say ๐ oh and the contributors page…….Done ๐
Nice to have you back, Fikko! ๐
They’re okay compared to what I can do with them.