We have talked about the 2014 LEGO Legends of Chima sets (see: 2014 LEGO Legends of Chima Sets), so I won’t repeat that information here, however I would like to share a couple of pictures of the 2014 LEGO Legends of Chima minifigures from the back of the new Chima instruction manuals, as shared by Huw from Brickset. So let’s check out the new tribes! ๐

If you have been watching the Legends of Chima series on Cartoon Network, you know that after a lot of squabbling between the animal tribes (especially the lions and the crocs), they finally united when the Chi-falls seemingly dried up. Together they have decided to go the dangerous and unknown Outlands to find the Legend Beasts, hoping they will be able to help to restart the life-sustaining Chi.
In the first picture you see all the main characters from the “good tribes”. The lions Laval, Lavertus, and ShadoWind (who is finally revealed as a member of the lion tribe). Then there is Eris the eagle, Rinora and Rogon the rhinos, Cragger the crocodile, and Gorzan from the gorilla tribe.

The “bad tribes” are now the scorpions, spiders and bats. Scorm, Scutter and Scolder are from the scorpion tribe and look excellent with highly detailed headpieces, armor and printing. Sparacon, Sparratus and Spinlyn represent the spiders, and the most talked about in LEGO forums. Spinlyn especially is an excellent minifigure. Braptor and Blista are the bats, and I find them incredibly cute. ๐

Also, it is worth noting the weapons. There are some interesting combinations there. Under each minifigure there is the identification number of the set(s) they will appear in, so if you really like any of the minifigures you can plan ahead which ones to get. And in the meantime you can check out the currently available LEGO Legends of Chima sets at the Online LEGO Shop.
So what do you think? How do you like the idea that the crocs and wolves are now part of the good tribes? And what do you think of the baddies? Which one is your favorite LEGO Legends of Chima minifigure? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! ๐
And you might also like to check out the LEGO Legends of Chima section for more news, reviews and discussions, or select from the following:
First Comment! Scorpions Spiders and Bats, oh my! I had thought Lavertus and Shadowind were Lions, but I guess not. I am totally getting the sets. And I got the Flying Flusher, Getaway Glider and Cloud Cuckoo Palace that my sister took and my dad hid ๐
Lloyd, I’m not sure what you mean Lavertus and ShadoWind are lions… ๐
yes, they are Lions… ๐
shadowind and luvartus are both the same guy
i have seen a pic of luvartus and it said shadowind
Yes, please note that this is an older post and discussion when this was not yet clear. Always check the date of the article under the title. Also the date of the comments. ๐
the spiders are so COOL!!! ๐ Especially Sparacon and Spinyln! those guys are so sweet! I want those minifigs!
Cool, but that spider scene from the Desolation of Smaug discouraged me from wanting any spiders. The only sets that I really like are the Legend Beasts. I wish that you could get Scorm in a smaller set, because I don’t want his tank-like thing.
The bats look like the ones from the great mouse detective!! ๐ Cant wait to get the new speedor sets!!! I want shadow wind a ton! and is lavertus, shadow wind?
Jay, my understanding is that Lavertus is ShadoWind, however there has been no confirmation so far, so I didn’t want to directly mention it. If you look at the faces though, you will see they are the same. ๐
Ok ๐
My brother got Royal Roost and Croc Chomp for christmas. And I will probably buy Ice Tower And Swamp jump today ๐
Nice! ๐
I like Scorm, but, not a fan of Chima.
I noticed that Spinlyn is in a set with Eris and Rogon. That means that the set will hopefully not be an expensive one. I guess I now know which Chima set I will be getting ๐
I quite like the new Chima sets! I’m looking forward to Spinlyn’s abdomen piece, that will be useful for many things.
My son is really excited about the new 2014 legos for Legends of Chima. Gonna get him some of the new sets when they come out!
if u look closely at spinlyn, its a girl spider ๐
Yeah, the meanest spiders are always the girls.
I wish I had one of each of all the Chima minifigures
I really like the spider tribe sets. I will get a few of those.
Pretty cool tribes. But this Hungarian website (the one that usually leaks LEGO sets) have even more tribes, such as Mammoths, Panthers and even something to do with Phoenixes. So it goes from a swamp-like theme to a fire and ice theme. Here is the link: http://www.legomarkabolt.hu/index.php?oldal=katalogus&by=csoport&cs=104
Zubashi, yeah, that site listed a whole bunch of summer 2014 sets. Here is the list of the 2014 summer Chima sets you were referring to:
#70141 Vardy Ice Vulture โ 217 pcs โ $25
#70142 Eris Fire Eagle Plane โ 330 pcs โ $35
#70143 Sir Fangarm Sabre-tooth Tiger โ 415 pcs โ $50
#70144 Laval Fire Lion โ 450 pcs โ $60
#70145 Maula Ice Mammoth โ 604 pcs โ $75
#70146 Flight to the Phoenix Fire Temple โ 1,301 pcs โ $150
And the new CHI sets (minus Laval and Cragger)
Yeah those are pretty cool. I like the vulture and the mammoth. I noticed that it says Cragger only comes in one set not two. But he really comes in two the crocodile legend beast and scorm’s scorpion stinger (I might be wrong about the set name of the second one please correct me if so). also I changed my name I was called Crawley awesomeness but im Rattle Shake from Skylanders SWAP Force.
I thank God that the Crocodile Tribe, especially Cragger, is on the good side from now on into the future!!!!!
This looks awesome!! When are they getting released? I’m a HUGE chima fan ๐
Hey, ive found episode 25, but not 20-24-admin do you know where those are?:
pt 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbJrGDm8UlQ&feature=em-uploademail
pt 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTwHTzNmQGo&feature=em-uploademail
pt 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JVaUnIVpRQ&feature=em-uploademail
Nice find! I’m going to watch them tomorrow morning. I wasn’t looking for the other ones in between, but I will do a search tomorrow. Surprizing that 25 is just there all by itself with 20-24 missing.
Yeah, i know. not sure why the others aren’t there, but will keep looking:)
Iv heard that Lego Legends of CHIMA season 2 Quest for the Legend Beast airs march 15th. Post an update about it admin. please.
I hope that’s true. If I hear anything solid I will certainly post about it. If you see an official announcement let me know. ๐
It says so on the lego club magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just got proof. Go to Cartoon network.com go to videos click on tv schedule then go to Saturday and scroll down until you see CHIMA.
So this Saturday? That would be cool! ๐
lavartus is shadowind