Yabba dabba DOO! The Flintstones is considered the second greatest TV cartoon of all time (after The Simpsons). It was an incredibly fun and creative show featuring a regular family with modern amenities and problems, but in the stone-age. I haven’t seen a whole lot of Flintstones LEGO creations, but there is one on LEGO CUUSOO that I think is worth supporting, or at least checking out. 🙂

The LEGO Flintstones project was initiated by CUUSOO member jjbuilding2, in an attempt to bring the Land of Bedrock to life in LEGO form. It includes The Flintstones’ house, family car, and the four major characters of the show: Fred & Wilma Flintstone, and Barney & Betty Rubble.

I really like the shape of the house. I think it captures the character of The Flintstones’ home really well. The family car is also excellent. The character’s themselves were printed by UK customizer minifigs.me and look perfect.

I don’t know how popular The Flintstones are these days, but I think it has a lot of potential to be a fun LEGO theme either as a one-set special (like this LEGO CUUSOO project) or as a full line with many sets. The characters are funny and the potential for wacky vehicles mixed with dinos sounds like a lot of fun.
If you are interested in The Flintstones LEGO project, and you would like LEGO to consider making it into a set you can vote for it here: VOTE FOR LEGO THE FLINTSTONES. And even if it doesn’t become an official LEGO set, this project can give you ideas for some fun LEGO creations. 😉
What do you think? How do you like the LEGO Flintstones project? Is this something you would be interested in? Or do you think The Flintstones is too dated and there wouldn’t be enough interest for a LEGO set? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below! 😉
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First comment! Cool. I’m not a big fan of the Flintstones, but this is cool.
WOW!!! This is really great… the design and minifigures are dead on… I remember watching a lot of Flintstones as a kid. I would definitely buy this, in my opinion they could have gone after this license rather than The Simpsons, I think it goes more in sync with the spirit of Ninjago and Chima, mixing up technology with organic things. Captain Caveman and Son would be cool to have as minifigures as well.
BTW, last night I bought WildWest Wyldstyle and Panda Suit Guy… haveing a really hard time finding Marsha, I think someone beat me to all four of them at Target 🙁
aw that’s too bad 🙁 She does look like a nice minifgure to get.
you said it pal
Micho, yeah, there is so much that could be done with this license. As far as Marsha, she is definitely elusive. I’m also hunting for her. 😉
If I ever find a sealed box of Movie CMFs I’ll be so happy, because Marsha is so easy to feel out I know I can find both in a short amount of time.
Yeah that’s the nice thing about the huge tail 😛 Same with the Medusa minifgure, her snake tail was very big!
ahem, yeah now I have two (if you don’t count my sisters.) I mean yeah, awesome coffee cups but gees. oh and I also have wild west wyldstile. so that’s cool. and yes I am looking for the mermaid too because she is rare and I would have an army of mermaids! 😈 (which would be three… 🙄 )
yeah, I agree with you micho. it would have been cooler and better than the Simpsons. I’ve never seen an episode but I know for sure this is would have been better and more kid friendly. 😉
You should check out some of their episodes, they have an in-show spin-off called Captain Caveman that’s the funniest one I think, he’s a superhero.
But yes, way more kid friendly then the simpsons.
I’ve never seen the Simpsons or Flintstones so I guess I’m not one to judge.
Now this is an animated license I could get behind! Awesome minifigs!
I agree. The minifigs are great, the setting is fun, and the stories are cute. Definitely not as controversial as The Simpsons. I wan’t a rock-house myself! 😀
So, are these hairpieces original molds?
I’d like to see more “cavepunk” contraptions, such as bird grammophone players and such.
Some more examples… Sorry the page is in Portuguese…
Yeah, that would be really fun! LOL! There is so much that could be done with this theme! 😛
creepy minifgures…
Pretty cool idea but I have a hard time getting behind themes based on funny cartoons. I really like the Flintstones but I don’t think I would buy the set.
Why didn’t LEGO do this instead of Simpsons….. 🙁
But anyway.
MOst likely because The Flintstones is not a current television show. Lego only thinks it worthwhile to invest in an ongoing tv liscense, such as The Simpsons. Mostly because a substantial number of buyers is not guaranteed.
but Lorca, what about Back to the future. that’s not current. I mean sure, everybody likes that show but its kind of the same concept. then again, to agree with you. they would be able to make more sets with the Simpsons because its still on TV. but still…
That’s actually a really good point about BTTF. Unless someone grew up in the ’80s they likely won’t even know about it.
I’m a big fan of the BTTF Movies. The first time I saw them was as a back-to-back on HBO. I was having symptoms of what might turn out to be typhoid. By the end of Part III, I felt great! Anyways, it’s a bit of a shame the set would probably already be retired by next year’s 30th anniversary…
Hm… so BTTF cured you. Yeah, they were sweet movies. 🙂
I didn’t finish my sentence to let me continue, ahem… but still I think it would have been better to do this theme like other people ( and myself) has said.
and also if in my earlier comments, if I offended anyone about the Simpsons I am sorry.
I haven’t seen too much of the Flintstones, but I do know most of the characters. This looks great, though. The car especially, really like it.
Also I know this is off topic, but I recently found out who comes with all the Lego Movie summer wave sets. I’ll just list one.
Police Dropship- 2 robots, Johnny Thunder, Batman, Green Ninja 😀 , and Emmet.
Are you sure about Batman? It seems a bit much to pay DC Comics extra licensing fees for what is basically a cameo.
Well it’s actually a WB Studios flick, and they own Batman
Aha. That explains it.
On a sidenote, Warner has bought Hanna-Barbera, in addition to DC Comics, and is therefore the owners of the Flintstones, as well.
Hm… interesting! 😀
I read about that Batman will be included also. 😉
I thought that DC was paying LEGO to have Batman, Superman, etc. I guess not.
It’s the other way around; it’s LEGO that pays license fees. 😉
Huh… That sort of makes sense.
I guess Lego sets could be a good thing for maintaining the trademark, but yes, Lego gotta pay up.
I don’t think old cartoon shows like Flintstones are used for easy kiddie-hour reruns like they used to. Probably in large part because most of the independent tv stations that relied on cheap syndicated programming got swallowed up in the rise and fall of UPN and the WB network.
After Cartoon Network gravitated towards their own original shows, they stopped using the classic stuff. They even created a spin-off network called Boomerang to house the old shows, but frankly I’ve never even seen it among the hundreds and hundred of channels on my cable line-up. (Ah, according to the Boomerang website, they run a mix of the classic shows from decades back and the old CN originals from 10-15 years ago. Including Flintstones.)
Ray, that is interesting and it makes sense. It is sad though. Many of those classic shows are much better than what they have today. I don’t watch television, I don’t even have one, but recently we stayed with some friends and I watched Cartoon Network with their son. The shows were not just bad, they were actually painful to watch. Lame stories, ugly characters, mind-numbing conversations. Even the kid said that the only shows he really likes are from LEGO (Ninjago, Star Wars). So we ended up just dumping all his LEGO on the floor and started building. 😉
I had Boomerang at some point of my life, and I, frankly, hated it. I grew up in an era of s-s-snazzy 21st century graphics, and those old school toons were really jarring…that’s practically the only reason I haven’t read some comics such as X-Men: Days of Future Past.
This is a really good idea. Though it seems like the house should have a bit more to liven it up a little. I know it is made of rock but I don’t think kids will go for it as much if there isn’t a bit more color. Not a huge deal. However, I believe parents who grew up watching this will think it’s great and they will certainly buy it for ther kids. (I really like the look of the minifigures myself, and I like the house too so I will almost definetly be buying it if it comes out.)
Strider, please note that everything sumbitted on CUUSOO is just a suggestion. In otherwords, even if it makes it to 10,000 votes and LEGO considers it for production, they will have their own professional designers redesign the set and minifigs according to their own standarts. So it is always a good idea to look at CUUSOO projects this way; don’t look for details or shortcomings by the original submitter because it will be changed anyway. What we need to look out for is the idea itself. If you like the idea, vote for it. 🙂