We have discussed the upcoming 2014 LEGO sets extensively at the 2014 LEGO Sets – London Toy Fair Report and the 2014 LEGO Sets – German Toy Fair Report, however I have found two more videos from the German Toy Fair that I think you will find interesting. 🙂

The first video covers most of the upcoming 2014 LEGO sets, including their functions and features. The video includes 2014 LEGO Technic, 2014 LEGO Legends of Chima, the new LEGO Ultra Agents, the upcoming LEGO Mixels characters, The LEGO Movie sets, and the LEGO City trains and LEGO City Arctic sets.
The second video features the most exciting minifigures in the 2014 LEGO themes. It starts out with The LEGO Movie minifigs (we have seen most of these before), then covers the 2014 LEGO Legends of Chima minifigures (look at all those new tribes!), then there are the 2014 LEGO Disney Princess mini-dolls (I like these even more than the LEGO Friends minifigs – they are very cute), next up are the 2014 LEGO Friends mini-dolls (lots of them!), and finally The LEGO Movie Collectible Minifigures that have been released already.
I hope these videos give you an even better idea of the 2014 LEGO sets and minifigures. They are both well-edited videos by the German toy website spieletest.at focusing on the best aspects of what’s coming. Let me know what you think in the comment section below! 😉
And you may also like to check out the following related posts:
What’s that mecha-thing with the rotating blades at 2:25? Is that from Chima?
ATTENTION ALL! That green mech thing in the first video is in the Agents Ultra Hurricane Heist set, and its just a weird helicopter.
(I’m pretty sure, anyways. I have seen it before.)
That’s from the new Ultra Agents series. 😉
I realy like Benny’s spaceship I plan to get that set Emmet’s Construction Mech is cool but I prefer Benny’s Spaceship
I also noticed that there are blue mixles (I wonder what they look like)
and what was that green spaceship mech thingy
And purple mixels! There’s always a need for more purple!
I have a high-res picture of the upcoming Mixel waves in an article that will be posted sometime between March 20-30. It will be my first post. Hope you guys like it!
Yeah, I also liked Emmet’s Mech, and I might still get it, but the set I will definitely get is Benny’s Spaceship. 😀
If you go on the mixels site and look at the instructions you can see the next two waves
You stole my thunder… 😐
There are some better images on this blog post.
Not sure if they’ll be sold in Sweden, and the price here, but they seem to be decent parts pack for going Mecha Moc Amuck… All the slopes in various color, for one…
Yeah, I’m also looking forward to them because of the parts. I’m thinking of collecting them all, but I’m not 100% sure. I like the first wave, but some of the later ones are not as cute. But they may still be great for parts. We shall see…
I’m trying to convince my parents to let me try to pick up a few Mixels sets to get pieces for smaller, more expressive mechs-Thing is, my dad thinks the Mixels line is especially childish. I’m considering making 2014 a year for me to focus on CUUSOO, polybags, Mixels and a few sets on the side…
Maybe focus on the creative and educational aspects of Mixels; like how they come with unique pieces for mechs and how they can be recombined to make other characters. It is not easy to convince parents. 🙁
The CUUSOO sets are really good this year! The Mars Rover is nice, the Ghostbuster set is excellent, and I know the Exo Suit is going to be awesome! 😀
Hm… This about sums up what I would have done at the NY Toy Fair. But my parents say that you need a pass to get in, and I don’t have one. Plus my dad won’t drive up there for 3 hours just for toys.
I note also that both videos don’t seem to show the Ninjago. I really want someone to get a good shot of that X-1 Battle Charger!
Yeah, you need to be part of the media. The NY Toy Fair is not open to the general public. If any of you want to go in the future and you are over 18, I can send you as our representative. 😉
hip, hip, hooray for ultra agents, when that theme was discontinued it was, shocking, to say the least. as for the mixels I do NOT plan on getting those, I mean, sure, they have unique pieces but honestly, its freaky. also has anyone seen anything new for the ninjago summersets? 😕
Well, I just found something very awesome!!! It was on brickipeidia and it was a ninjago 2014 summer set called ninja battle machine. The number is 70727 and yeah, there’s a picture!!! So cool. Just if anyone didn’t know about that.
That’s actually a really nice vehicle. Nice find! 😀
I knew about this set for a while. The set is officially the X-1 Ninja Battle Charger (or Machine) 70727. It comes with Kai, 2 nindroids, and Kai’s Techno-Blade (As usual in the hands of the Nindroids). It’s basically a cross between a red Batmobile and the Bat Tumbler, as it is a large car that, when you open up the front, deploys a small bike like the one Lloyd has in Overborg Attack.
I wish it would come with Cole and his Blade, though.
Chima kust got alot cooler in my opinion! AND I CANT WAIT TO GET MY HANDS ON BENNYS SPACESHIP! im leaving to see the movie now and im exited! 😀
You will not be disappointed brick addict!
I was…
ending was terrible.
I understand because it was cheesy, but the part (spoiler alert don’t read this if you haven’t seen the movie!) with the people made me kind of, uh, bothered, but then I thought we’ll, it’s like another world or dimension so now it doesn’t bother me anymore.
Wow, it really seems that LEGO is trying to cool things down this summer!
I am so pumped for those Chima Mammoths! Their Ice Stomper looks truly epic. I also like the new polar bears and huskies. I also really, really like the look of the Ultra Agents villain from the Tremor Track Infiltration. The actual agents themselves aren’t as good as the villains in my opinion, but I’ll have to wait for better images become available.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that LEGO likes making vehicles or structures that either convert or detach to form airplanes. For example: LEGO Chima Phoenix Fire Temple, LEGO Chima Maula’s Ice Stomper, and LEGO Ultra Agents Hurricane Heist. But that’s just so far! 🙄