When The LEGO Movie was first released back in February Toys’R’Us ran a fun and free event at their store locations. Participating children were provided the pieces to build Emmet’s car from The LEGO Movie, and even got instructions to build an alternate flying car version. And of course they could keep their little masterpiece. 🙂

The LEGO Movie building event was so popular that Toys’R’Us decided to repeat it. Tomorrow, Saturday, April 12th, from noon to 2 PM you can stop by at your local Toys’R’Us to participate (borrow a kid if you don’t have one… just sayin’…). Expect that the event will be full, so arrive early.

If you can’t make it to Toys’R’Us tomorrow, there is actually a little LEGO set that is quite similar to Emmet’s car; the #3177 LEGO City Small Car that was released back in 2010. The set is now retired, but you can still get it on Amazon if you don’t have it already. See here: #3177 LEGO City Small Car on Amazon
You can either build the LEGO City Small Car for Emmet as it is, or if you want it to look exactly like in The LEGO Movie, you can follow the instructions below to modify it. The instructions for both Emmet’s car and the alternate flying car version have been scanned and posted by flickr member just2good. See a larger version of both instructions here.

If you do make it to the Toys’R’Us building event tomorrow let me know how you liked it! Are you planning to go? Feel free to share in the comment section below! 😉
And you might also like to check out The LEGO Movie section or select from the following related posts:
Nice, but I don’t think there are any TRU’s near me…….
Seems to be pretty standard parts, however. Right now, about 80% of my collection is down in the basement, but I believe I’ve got all off those parts somewhere…
I have that small car! its so awesome! I also used the small car for the ordinary to extraordinary competition!
I got it on Saturday! I love the flying version, and I modified it to make it able to drive on the ground 🙂 !
They had that here in philly. The parts and the instruction were gone in 1/2 hour of the event, it was suppose to be a 5 hour event…..it blew. I contacted lego and toyrus about this and neither would help me. Lego will not stand by it the even if you can get any parts at the event or instructions and toyrus don’t care. suggestion, u have the instructions and use the parts at home to make a nice one. I am getting frustrated about these “lego” event when they do not have any parts 1/2 hour in.
Yeah, same thing is happning at my TRU. You really have to be there early for these events.
I got there 24 minutes late and there were plenty of parts, and I’m near Philly.
No way will I be there. No, I will be at the shore washing windows on my grandfather’s shore house. 😕 😀
My brother has small car, and I used to think Emmet’s car was Small Car. The instructions still show that they’re pretty similar.
Even so, I could not even do step 1 without borrowing pieces. 🙁
BTW, admin, are you going to have an article on this?
http://brickset.com/article/10871/brick-wonders It’s ok if you don’t 😉
I don’t have the book so I can’t write about it, but I’m interested, so if I do get it I can write a review. And of course if you get it first you can write one too. 😉
Well that’s definitely cool! Unfortunately I have family pictures tomorrow so I won’t be going :/ I actually thought Emmet’s car and the Small Car were the same but after seeing the two together it’s pretty easy to see the changes (mostly color changes).
hur hur, I built mine into a mech =P
I have the small car, actually two of them as I purchased it on my own once and then later it came bundled with a set I bought at Walmart 4 years ago. I’ll be excited to get those modified instructions.
Kim, if you already have the small car, then yeah, it would be fun for you to build Emmet’s car as you likely have all the parts needed. 🙂
My little brother got it, never knew its value before 🙂 I have most of the parts though now, from trading and such.
I wish I had that, sadly events like that don’t happen in my county 🙁 but on a happier note for the Collectable minifigs I found wyldstyle and on of the robots in a dress
cool avatar kai! 😉
I went today and there were barely 6 people there (Perks of being in a small town lol).I built Emmet’s car,a cute 5 year old built the flying car and it was cute watching him go “Pew Pew” and we had a fun time together.Me and him are now BFFs,be jelly B)
We went the first time around. Probably the first dozen in line; we were allowed to grab the parts and bag them and build it at home. Cute little thing.
In Canada today they had a Captain America build not this repeat. It was a 16×16 mosaic shield with two tiles with the star printed on them.
It was insane – to say the least.
There weren’t any bags premade and it was all 1x1s. Kids at these thing are getting younger and younger. 3, 4, 5, 6 year olds count out 256 pieces! My son wanted to build it right there. We in at the end. I made the mistake of just grabbing as he needed and they ran out of red before he finished. Luckily the star was the first thing in our bag.
At home used what we already have to fill it in.
Kristina, thanks for sharing! Looks like you guys had a fun experience, even though these events are pretty hectic. 😀
I actually thought Emmet’s car and the Small Car were the same but after seeing the two together it’s pretty easy to see the changes (mostly color changes).
Excellent post
fabulous post i have the little auto, really two of them as I acquired it all alone once and after that later it came packaged with a set I purchased at Walmart two years back
My son and I missed this event but I will make sure to attend the next one.
Fabulous post and informative as well. Thanks for sharing!