BrickWarriors, who are well known for their excellent quality custom minifigure accessories has a number of new products, as well as special promotions and discounts for the holiday season. Besides just being generally awesome, BrickWarriors is a favorite LEGO customizer of mine and I highly recommend everything they make.

Some of the new minifigure products from BrickWarriors include the Archer Accessories: an armor piece with a detachable quiver, a new bow, crossbow, arrows that fits standard holes on LEGO elements, an archer’s hood, and a crossbowman’s helmet. There are several color choices for each item and more colors might be added later (remember that this is a small company so there are limits of how may choices they can offer at a time).

Another set of new products is what they call the Plague Doctor Accessories. I especially appreciate the crutches – something LEGO should have done a long time ago. That beaked mask is also fantastic, and it fits under the brimmed hat. And there is a long coat – an interesting piece with lots of options for dressing up shady characters or even monks… (who may or may not be shady).

Then there are also new wing pieces, a female armor, a wizard hat, new weapons and shields – too many to mention them all here – but you can check them out at

Also, for BrickWarriors, November means the beginning of their 4th Annual Toys for Tots Campaign. From November 1st – November 30th, BrickWarriors is donating 5% of all online sales to Toys for Tots, a non-profit organization that donates toys to needy children during the holidays.

And BrickWarriors also started a referral program, so both you and persons you refer can get a discount. How this works is that first you need to create an account at (Don’t worry, they don’t spam you. I have been registered for a long time and all I ever get from them is the occasional special offers and coupons – which I almost always end up using.) Then tell your friends about BrickWarriors and all the awesomeness they offer. If your friends place an order because you referred them, all they need to do is write “referred by” and your name in the “comments” section when they check out. And then they will get $5 store credit added to their account for their next order, and $5 store credit added to your account for your next order. The more people you tell, the more store credit you can get! To start out the fun of sharing, for your first order you can type in “referred by theBrickBlogger”, and both you and I will get a $5 store credit!

Also, BrickWarriors offers free shipping worldwide on orders over $25, so you may want to take advantage of that as well. What do you think? How do you like BrickWarriors custom LEGO accessories? Do you own any already? Or are you planning to get some for the first time? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below!

And you might also like to check out the following related posts:
The crutches are great! So are the holiday boxes. Time to place another order?
Hm, I should look into those arrows and bows. I need some, but have not been able to get any from Lego sets (excepting Chewie’s bow and 2 other crossbows). The crutches are definitely a great idea.
Also (though I’m 99% sure you’ve seen this, admin), the Detective Agency’s picture is out: . Looks awesome! I see some great part usage there, it could be the best 2015 set yet. 🙂
Yeah, I got the pictures yesterday (there are actually two, but Huw didn’t post the second one). Neither Huw or I wanted to publish them first as we didn’t want to ruin our good relationship with LEGO, but now that others posted it, it is safer to repost them. I may write an article today, or wait until better pictures are available. The set should be revealed officially this upcoming week. But yeah, it looks super awesome! The shady part of town. 😈
I heard something about an announcement on the 21st, that’s probably it. Huw mentioned it being on display at LEGO stores on Brick Friday, so I’ll be able to get lots of pictures of it, since I’m going to one on that weekend. 🙂
You are???!!! I’m so jealous! This is my grumpy, jealous face: 😐
Yep! I’ll be in Disney that weekend (and the whole week after), and I’m making sure my family goes on Saturday so I can get the promos. I’m also thinking to try and get them to the store on Tuesday so we can get a MMMB, since we have none. 😕 Wow, your grumpy face is my normal face, this is my sort-of grumpy face: 😕
That would be my grumpy and sad face. I’m not sad, I’m happy for you, and still very jealous!
Oh yes!!! Perfect for the shady part of town!!!!! It’s going to be hard to choose which one to get first. This or Parisian Restaurant. Do you know if this one has the January release date?
Yep, it is going to get released on January 1st. You just have to be really-really-really good for the rest of the year, so Santa brings you both at the same time? 🙄
But in case Santa sees some tarnish on your report-card, both sets are excellent (and they also look really good together). You will not get disappointed with either. My #1 favorite is still the Parisian Restaurant, then the Detective Office, then the Pet Shop, then the Town Hall. But that’s just me. 😉
One thing I really like about the Detective Office is that it looks excellent from the back! In fact I like the back more than the front! 😛
I want the Plague Doctor accessories and the wizard hat. I’ll order some once I finish my Christmas Shopping. I like the referral program. I hope the keep a while.
For the first time ever I’ve seen custom lego parts I want! As an aside also the first modular I wont be tearing straight for parts!
Yay! Two good things on one day! Interesting that I also wasn’t truly impressed with the Modulars until the Parisian Restaurant. I mean I liked them, but didn’t bother getting them until the last set. Then I got two of the earlier ones that I liked, but this last one is truly unique! It is a whole world on its own! After seeing the pictures last night I spent an hour educating myself about the culture of barber shops! 😛
I have bought a few modulars in the past (3x emporium) but purely 2nd hand as I wanted them for parts. The others havent appealed much mainly due to cost/parts for what I like to build but this one I might actually build. I was tempted by the parisian restaurant and cinema but again purely for parts.
This however I might get. And actually build. I like the darker side of architecture so I guess it’s the appeal….
Yes, it is a very unique set in that regard, and a bold move from LEGO. I just wrote an article about this set, so we can talk about it more extensively. It should be published sometimes next week. That was the earliest I could sqeeze it in the schedule. The dark and shady side of LEGO is coming to a store near you. 😎
I really like the Brick Warriors stuff I bought. I bought less of it because I’m not as in to the weapons and stuff, though, that may change as I am working on getting at least, display space for more the Lego themes outside of city. I cleared some space in my house for more bookshelves and the 5 shelf ones I can keep out of reach of my cats. I’m planning on putting Pirates and Castle there, and maybe some space as the Exo Suit has changed my feelings about space to more positive. I also am trying my hand at KRE-O which I feel safe to say since you have links to it on your site. All the KRE-O is on sale at Toys R Us website right now and and I don’t get paid until Thursday and have not enough credit room. But I did put two sets on layaway so that I could maybe get two and see how I feel about them and get the rest later. I got G.I. Joe ones since I was a huge G.I. Joe fan when I was growing up. I figured a sale price was a good time to experiment. But I’ll need a place to display them. But yeah I’m super excited about getting more space so I can justify getting sets in the castle and pirate themes now that I’ll have a place for them. =D
Kim, I’m in no way opposed to other brands (as long as they are not total crap), or even other hobbies, so you are welcome to talk about them. This is not a LEGO forum with strict rules or something, just LEGO fans hanging out together. Besides all the awesome historical weapons and stuff my favorite item from BrickWarriors is the grapes. Unfortunately last time I ordered they were out of the natural colors (dark-red, lime and green) and only had them in weird colors. I already have some, but I can never have enough. I’m glad you like the Exo Suit. LEGO Space is a wonderful theme. Have fun filling your new shelf-space! Cats have a weird relationship with LEGO! 🙄
Good to know. I’ll definitely let you know how I like them when I get them. I’m hoping that sale is still going on when I get paid Thursday. I got some of those grapes. I think I ended up with a red one and a green one. Or maybe just a red. I can’t remember. I also really liked the thorned rose and thought that had potential for some interesting MOCs.
These accessories are so awesome! I really need to buy one some day soon! 😀 Which is the best to buy medieval type things, brickwarriors or another customizing LEGO website?
I would say Brickwarriors, but Brickforge has some pretty nice medieval accesories too. Check them both out! Also, if you enjoy medieval building, I started a sort-of role-playing game on the BF forum, which needs some momentum, so it would help to have you join.
Do you know if the accessories made by this brand, are compatible with other brands? I see some of their products have clips or connections. Are they just like standard clips, or not?
Yes, the clips are the exact same size as LEGO clips. So for example the armor pieces with clips at the back can hold wings made by BrickWarriors, and also LEGO wings (pretty much anything that is a standard bar size).
Hey admin, I bet you realized that you are probably going to have at least $50 store credit by the end of the year. Right? 😛 I also have a quick question: is the BF Arabian Helm potentially usable as a standard medieval European pikeman helm?
LOL! That would be great! A lot of LEGO fans are very strict about using only LEGO though, so I don’t expect to become a millinaire by the end of the year, or even a $50-aire. I try to sneak in these articles once in a while because I like to support small LEGO customizers and their businesses, and frankly, I don’t see why anybody would avoid them. Their products are excellent, and they go way out of their way to fulfill the wishes of LEGO fans. Anyway, yeah, I think the Arabian Helmet would work just fine as a pikeman’s helm. Especially in silver or black! 😛
Thanks! Also, will the referral program continue after this month?
Yes, my understanding is that this is an ongoing program, so you can continue referring your friends. 🙂
Brickwarriors just released a couple minutes ago some new elements, among them a custom ninja mask! Also a plastic cape for your Spartans so that they can “show off their chiseled ab muscles” 😛 😛 I am so loving the ninja mask, and I will probably get some to spice up my Ninjago figs!
Yeah, saw that! Too bad I just missed them as I placed an order a few days ago.