The LEGO Ninjago TV show had a long hiatus with no new episodes since July, but finally the last two episodes of Ninjago Rebooted will be airing back-to-back tonight on Cartoon Network! ๐

โก LEGO NINJAGO EPISODE 33 – THE VOID: In this episode the Ninja have to quickly adapt to space as they race the Nindroids to retrieve the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu. But getting to space is one thing, getting safely back home is a whole other problem. Will the Ninja be able to deal with such unfamiliar circumstances? Below is a teaser-trailer for the episode.
โก LEGO NINJAGO EPISODE 34 – THE TITANIUM NINJA: In this episode the Nindroids make it back to New Ninjago Cityย with the golden weapons, and it’s a matter of time before the Overlord uses them to become the Golden Master and seize New Ninjago City’s control and power. Luckily, the Ninja find a way back home from Comet Arcturus, just in time to face the Overlord. Unfortunately, one Ninja must make the ultimate sacrifice in order to save Ninjago and become “The Titanium Ninja”. Below is a teaser-trailer for the episode.
Both Episode 33 and Episode 34 of Ninjago Rebooted will air tonight on Cartoon Network, so make sure you don’t miss the fun! The timing for Episode 33 is 6:00 PM in Eastern and Pacific Time Zones, 5:00 PM in Central Time Zone, and 4:00 PM Mountain Time. Episode 34 airs 6: 30 PM in Eastern and Pacific Time Zones, 5: 30 PM in Central Time Zone, and 4:30 PM Mountain Time.

Also, youย probably know already that Ninjago will continue in 2015 with a new season titled LEGO Ninjago Return of an Ancient Evil. It will premiere on January 18, 2015. The villains being Stone Cultists including a stone Pythor. And the Ninja will be joined by another female character in orange ninja suit, named Skylar. The season will revolve around the Ninja discovering they are not the only ones with elemental powers. We have previously discussed the 2015 LEGO Ninjago sets coming (see: LEGO Ninjago 2015 Sets Pictures & More!), and you can also check out the currently available LEGO Ninjago selection at the Online LEGO Shop.

So what do you think? Did you like this season of the Ninjago TV show? Are you looking forward to the last two episodes tonight? And what do you think of the new season coming next year? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! ๐
And you might also like to check out the LEGO Ninjago section for more news, reviews and discussions, or select from the following posts:
Wait, wasn’t this out already? I watched it on that watchcartoonsonline website that I think NRG Cole always posts links to about a month ago.
I watched it too, but that was a leak from other coutnries where it was released earlier. The official release in the USA is today. ๐
Yeah, but we still got to watch it earlier ๐
Yeah me too
Yeah, I saw these in modest quality too on youtube a couple weeks ago.
This sounds awesome!!
I will definitely be catching these tonight!
MAN, IT WAS TORTURE WAITING FOR THESE EPISODES! Well, at least I know that the long anticipated episodes 33 and 34 where worth the wait because GEES! I’VE BEEN WAITING FOUR MOUNTHS FOR THIS MOMENT TO COME!
Yeah, for some reason they were released in the USA the last. It probably has to do with the arrangement between LEGO and Cartoon Network. Otherwise I’m not sure why there has been such a long wait. I really liked how the previous season were released one episode per week. That was awesome! This two episodes every four months doesn’t seem to be working nearly as well. ๐
Yeah, I think they wanted it to last longer this time
Nice to have you lurking around, NRG Cole! ๐
I’m always around Watching…From the shadows…
Like a real ninja… ๐
Is it just me, or am I the only one who hasn’t seen these? Why does the US have to be last for the episodes! ๐
Good question, to which I have no good answer. But, no, my brothers and I have loyally waited for these episodes to come on. But they’re on now, and I probably won’t get to see them until tomorrow! ๐
THESE LOOK SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I’m really excited right now. I haven’t seen the second trailer. does it give to much away? ๐
I think the trailers are fine. They won’t be spoiling the story for you. Just teasers. ๐
I have already seen these about 2-3 months ago on And if I wouldn’t have had Anime-flavor, then I would have never seen the Rebooted series. I don’t live in the US, so they never show up on CN. Rarely they show a Rise Of The Snakes episode, but the latest has been episode 5 which I watched just because I was bored…
The DVD for episodes 31-34 is already out in my country
Yes, finally! I’ve been so tempted to watch them on youtube already, but have resisted. Also, admin, you labelled the Titanium Ninja “episode 44,” not “34”. ๐
What do you mean by Stone Pythor? I take it he’s not actually made of stone, right? So I guess these guys are not Anacondrai, just the snakes came from the remains of the Anacondrai tribe. ๐
Also: Cool, but not my favorite series. ๐
We shall see what the next series brings, but it sounds interesting from what I have heard about it so far. As far as Series 13, I’m just writing an article about it as we speak. It is also not my favorite series, but there are some really sweet minifigs and accessories that I will definitely get them for. Fixed the number – I guess my fingers liked 33 and 44 better.
There have been confirmed there are ten episodes for return of an ancient evil
Only ten? Well, I hope they aren’t splayed across the year like they were this season. ๐
Well, 2 more episodes than we got this year, so hooray!
Stone pythor? but isn’t pythor *spoiler episode 34* miniaturized?
Partially off-topic, but for those wondering about Legends of Chima, I can say that the show has ended completely. And, for people who haven’t seen the last two episodes, SPOILER ALERT. And I mean that. โ Anyways, so the last two episodes were on at noon last Saturday, and all of the 2015 sets were seen in them. Well, I didn’t see Strainer’s Saber Cycle, or the Mammoth Base. Eris even said at the beginning that it was the “last Legend of Chima.” Basically, Flinx helped complete a perfect illumination, and everyone was fixed. I must say Sir Fangar went from crazy to freaky when he was changed. ๐ And also I can say that the 2015 sets have quite a few faults, especially Flinx’s Ultimate Phoenix. But we need three more pictures to be sure of that. And of course, all the events of the show can be blamed on one character: Laval. ๐ End spoilers. ๐
Hm…. interesting. I guess that’s why they have been releasing so many tribes, to finish off the theme with a bang. I never liked Laval – this I never really liked the show. He is so annoying. Caused so much trouble, and he is always like; “Ooops, I made a mistake. Sorry…”. Then goes ahead and those some other stupid thing. ๐
Ok, just watched episodes 40 and 41 (Wings of Fire and Heart of Cavora). Some thoughts:
At the beginning of Heart of Cavora, Eris says these are the last legends of Chima. Does this imply the series is over?
At the end of the episode, it shows that Chima is just a giant floating rock and there is much more to explore beyond it past the outlands… Is this just a dramatic ending or does it mean Chima will continue on with more episodes? Or a spin-off series could even replace it with new characters and such of what was going on below Chima’s floating rock?
Kinda disappointing that the 2015 winter wave of Chima sets only got two episodes’ coverage.
There was so much hype built up about how the Ice Bears were insane and battle crazy, but a bit disappointing NONE of them really had any of these characteristics at all. I mean, they just kinda showed up and started fighting for about 5 or so minutes.
I really feel that the story arc with these two episodes really could have been dragged out for at least 5 or six more episodes, kind of like what they did with the Outlands season… The whole fire wing collecting seemed very rushed and the Ice bears had no character whatsoever.
At the beginning of Heart of Cavora they explained where they found the Fire Wing harnesses, but they were only shown finding four… Again, they could have easily dragged this out even for ten episodes, with the first eight of them finding one harness each eposes and the last two summarizing what happened in the final fight once they got all the harnesses in Heart of Cavora.
Anyway, just some thoughts, I really wish that it hadn’t been so rushed and it had been spread out over more episodes. Also, if Chima really is over, that would be very sad. Watching the episodes every weekend sort of became my routine…
In a way, I guess they left the ending open to a possible next season as well, although far more subtly than Galidor (if anyone remembers that ending). They could have easily zoomed out just to the edge of Chima, but they decided to show the entire land (and the Chima we know is just another floating rock) I guess that they left it like this to see if the customers would ask for Chima’s return. If LEGO was spammed with calls, they would have something to work from to reboot Chima (the rest of the land) whereas if they didn’t get calls, they could just end the series with this and it wouldn’t be that much of a cliffhanger. Either way, it allows the story creators to have something more to work with for a possible next season that the Ninjago story writers did…
Very thoughtful analysis. Thanks for sharing that! I also had a feeling that Chima was rushed. Not just at the end but in general. The story has so much potential in so many directions. I guess, as you said, it will just depand on how fans react to the end to see if it makes sense to continue.
That scene at the end confused me. For a moment I thought it was a flattened Cavora over a changed land. ๐ It just looked… odd.
The problem with the episodes being dragged out is that it was showed as in real-time; since the battle was so short. Though I wish there was more ice-bears-vs.-bears shown. But yeah, it was kinda rushed. ๐
I also doubt there will be another season: Chima ran its cycle of three seasons, like Ninjago. The only difference is Ninjago had such a huge fan base that wanted more that LEGO ended up making more episodes. I don’t think Chima has that much support, but it does have its fans. There is potential, though….
Also, I’m (hopefully) going to watch 33 and 34 of Ninjago in a few minutes; I’m currently surrounded by little plastic Ninja, who are waiting for the show. I feel too pressured. ๐
LOL! I know the pressure. I have some of those little rascals right here on my desk! ๐
Episode 33:
Episode 34:
Enjoy ๐
Gosh! That’s really good quality! Thanks! ๐
They’re down!
The 2015 Ninjago sneak peak!!!!!!! I’M SO EXCITED I CAN’T STOP JUMPING UP AND DOWN!!!! :DDDDDDDD
Why didn’t you post a post about how Chima aired it’s last two episodes,40 and 41 last week.I see a lot of bias against Chima.
Because I didn’t know about it. It is up to Chima fans to let me know if there is major news. I can’t keep tab of every single theme and TV show. Ninjago fans alerted me right away when the TV schedule became available. ๐
The Chima series finale surprised me because it was soooo good! I loved it and I think it was better than the Ninjago season finale :O
Finally, after not commenting since the last 2 episodes, I am back.
So… will you say something? How did you like the episodes? ๐
the second one was good, the first didn’t have the best plot to it. the second had a special factor to it because of zane, the first simply was a race. overall i liked them both, but the second one was far ahead of the first. (p.s. i did get sad at the end of the second one. talk about heartbreaking.)
A little late for it, but happy thanksgiving.
I don’t like this new season of Ninjago very much. The episodes feel very rushed. However, I really like the sets, with the Mech Dragon being one of my favorite sets. I also can’t wait for the new series. Hopefully it will be better than this season.
I’ve searched some major plots for the new season, it appears that when the Overlord/Golden Master was destroyed, his power went everywhere and some people got elemental powers. Kai, Jay, Cole, Lloyd, Nya and possibly the two Sensei’s go looking for them, some refuse, others join like Skylar the Orange Ninja.
On the way Pythor is going to avenge and somehow get some Anacondrai and Anacondrai cultists. That’s all I know but I’m impressed. I saw the sneak peek and I’m out of this world, looks like Ninjago is going to have a more ninja-like theme to it. It was disappointing that rebooted lacked a ninja-feel to it, all the high tech was a distraction.
That sounds like a great plot for next year, and yes, it is nice that the ninja are back to a more traditional setting. Although I would have really like to get some space-suit ninja and that spaceship too – it is so sweet! ๐
Ninjago Episodes 35+36 Descriptions!
Nice find! ๐
I’m not kidding when I say that I almost DIED waiting for these last two episodes.Four months is a really long wait that required a lot of patience I didn’t think I had.I had to resist the temptation of watching them on other sites.Geez.Anyway,I had a huge grin on my face for practically all of The Void(Jay was cracking a LOT of jokes)until it got to the end.And I’m not gonna lie though,I cried when Zane sacrificed himself for the others,even though he knew he wasn’t going to make it.That selfless act of heroism is what being a Ninja is all about.
Then there was the whole preview of 2015,(I completely fangirled,while my brother looked at me like I had totally lost my marbles)and I have to agree when you guys say it seemed a lot more Ninja-esque.I mean,we typically see a lot of weapon usage with everybody,so to watch Kai beat that guy with his fists on fire was the most epic thing I’d ever seen.I think the others would agree with me!
Now all we have to do is wait for 2015,and I’m hoping that Cartoon Network doesn’t decide to air an episode every two or three months.That was just some new-found way of cruel and unusual punishment for me.Anyway,I’m going to start doing a lot of extensive searching for any scrap of information I can get on the new season.*Sighs*A fan’s work is never done,but I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t love Ninjago!
I agree with you
Happy Ninja day
That’s really awesome! Happy Ninja Day! ๐
I wonder what skylar’s elemental power would be? Each ninja’s colour more or less corresponds with their abilities, possibly with the exception of Lloyd. Can any of you think of anything that would work with orange, fire has already been taken, possibly the ninja of nutrition ๐
Ninja of orange trees? ๐
Does any one have a sneak peek not from YouTube.
YouTube is always your best bet. It is also the safest. There are other websites that may post episodes and teasers, but you will be bombarder with ads and viruses. Stay safe.
Hey. I found this
If you look at the last seconds you can see that Zane is not dead. And the next one episode the whole island this is a trap to take away everyone’s elemental power.