Now that the Christmas shopping season is over, it is time for stores to get rid of their leftover inventory and free up shelf-space for items coming in the new year. LEGO fans are especially lucky in this regard because LEGO always comes out with a huge range of new LEGO sets in January – which of course stores want to carry – so they have to be very aggressive with their pricing to clear out the shelves. Thus, this is an excellent time to pick up LEGO sets for yourself for a fraction of the regular price. This is also the time when LEGO fans who operate a BrickLink or eBay store to go bargain-hunting to refill their inventory. So let’s talk about where are the best places to look, and compare notes on what we find! 🙂

One of the obvious places to find after Christmas LEGO sales is of course at official LEGO stores as well as the Online LEGO Shop. If you have a LEGO store near you I would highly recommend stopping by as you can find some real bargains. If not, check out the Sales & Deals section of the Online LEGO Shop. LEGO’s after Christmas sale is usually 20% off, and as much as 50% off on some items. Better deals usually go extremely fast, so take a look as soon as possible at the Sales & Deals section of the Online LEGO Shop. Also, remember that some of the 2015 LEGO sets are already available, so if you are struggling to meet the minimum for free shipping, you might want to check those as well at the What’s New section of the Online LEGO Shop.

The next best place to look for LEGO sales is at local big-box stores that regularly carry LEGO. I highly recommend checking at Wal-Mart, Target and K-Mart. You can also check Toys’R’Us, although they are not known for having great deals after Christmas. Keep in mind that many times labels on the boxes and prices on the shelves will not be adjusted right away due to the after Christmas chaos, but you can take up the boxes to one of those price-checking stations to get the most current price. It is a bit inconvenient, but the good thing about it is that nobody else will know that LEGO is on sale so you don’t have to fight the competition. It’s all yours for the picking. 🙄

Online another place you can check is the Amazon LEGO Store. In general Amazon’s prices are the best, and with free shipping over $35 and no tax to most states even a smallish deal can save you a bundle. Here is the link: Amazon LEGO Store

Those are the places I would check for after Christmas LEGO sales. If you find any good deals please report back to the rest of us. Members of the online LEGO community have been excellent at supporting each other in previous years. And it’s also really fun. I will update this page in the comment section as myself and others are finding LEGO sets on sale, and you can do the same. So grab your shopping gear and let’s go for the big hunt! 😉
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And the hunt is on! I did find a couple of sets on sale at Walmart, but nothing spectacular. Target didn’t have much either, which is surprising. The online shop though has some good deals. Some of them are shown as sold out and call for availability, which does work. Good luck everyone!
But TRU does have lots of 2015 sets I’m am going there in….5 minutes.
I’ll tell you guys what I find.
Have fun! Looking forward to your report! 🙂
Ok, sorry it took soooo long but here goes. So I went to TRU and they had NO 2015 sets but I got a heck of a lot of polly bags (resell). But thank goodness we have a Target right beside our TRU and they had practically all the 2015 sets. A few searches on E-Bay I new what I was getting, informed somebody about resell got them to buy almost two of every 2015 set for resell. So I got a few of Rocket Racoon, Dareth vr. Nindroid, and one more of the polly bags (resell). As for sets I was limited on money because of taking care of my new puppy, but I got a Bionicle set (for me, the new Bionicle are awesome!), Star Wars Hailfire Droid (resell), and a Chima battle pack (resell).
It looks similar in my town; no 2015 at TRU, but plenty at Target. I’m glad that you had a great haul! Those Dareth and Rocket Racoon polybags should have an excellent resale value both now and in the future. 🙂
Rocket raccoon polybags are rather rare here in the uk and are already $12-15 on ebay if you can find one.
Gutted as I missed out on the arctic base at 60% off for my sons Christmas present for next year.
Tom, sorry to hear that you missed out on the arctic base. It is a nice set. I would gess it will be on sale again at some point. Probably close to when it gets retired. Just keep your eyes open.
To be honest, I don’t see that big of a sale on LEGO Shop. A few 10-15% off items, mostly keychains. This happened last year as well from what I’ve heard. And the few items that are on sale have been on sale since last week, so where’s the other stuff for “after Christmas?” 😕 At other stores I will need to check, I may be going to Target today, so I’ll see what they’ve got. Probably empty shelves…. 🙁
Also, merry late Christmas! I wasn’t here yesterday, so I’ll say it now. 🙂 I actually did get the Unexpected Gathering, as well as the mini Reindeer set. That one surprised me. My brother got an IR Remote and Receiver, another brother got the 42027 Desert Racer, and the last got the Coast Guard Plane from City. They all got a Mixel as well. So a pretty nice Christmas, ignoring the fact that our tree fell over on Christmas Eve…. 😉
There are a lot more sets added to the Sales section than it was a few days ago. For some of them you have to call in for availability though. It is not such a huge clearance as we have seen in previous years. Last year and the year before there was an incredible sale, but everything was sold out was within 15 minutes after midnight. I did get an email from LEGO UK that they are planning their big sale on January 1st. So perhaps the US site will put up more sale items at that time as well.
I’m going to check my Wal-Mart later today, and maybe drive over to Target. A couple of years ago I found some incredible deals. You really have to take up stuff to the price checking things stations to see what’s on sale because the shelf prices may not be adjusted yet.
Yes, I see all the stuff now. Still nothing that interesting to me, though. I’m waiting for January 1st. AND the Exo-suit says “available now,” though the out of stock note is still there. 😕 Probably won’t be there for long. At least I have my own. 🙂
I want to Wal-Mart today, and they indeed had a whole bunch of sets on sale, 20-50% off. Legends of Chima, TMNT, Super Heroes, Star Wars. Also, the shelves were pretty much fully stocked, which was quite surprising.
The series 12 and Simpsons minfigs are $2.98. Still can’t get series 13. It did let me order an Exo-suit. I use some VIP points and saved some. There’s a couple little sets on my wishlist I may try to pick up this weekend.
Yeah, the Exo Suit it back in stock after so many months! I already got a couple from Amazon, but if someone is still looking for it this is the time the get it before it get’s completely sold out. As far as Series 13, I think it is a January release.
I have to stop looking at these Lego promotional posts…
They never are true for the Dutch On line official Lego store and there is just no physical official Lego store to be found in the Netherlands.
The last two days with reported Double VIP-points… not over here… the amount of Lego on sale in the On line Lego store at the moment: zero…
Ah well. There are enough posts with other subjects on here.
That’s sad… you guys don’t get any promotions and sales at all? I thought some of them were universal, like the Double VIP Points periods. Why doesn’t LEGO like you guys? 😕
Some promotions and sales we get too (albeit mostly later than you), like the double VIP-point periods. But all the extra things that come along here (like two extra days of double VIP-points etc…) we don’t get. It’s not that we are completely left behind 🙂
I don’t know why there is no official Lego store in the Netherlands.
I think TLG does like us…. I think our country is too expensive for them? I really don’t know.
I’m sure LEGO does extensive market research before they open a store somewhere. Relatively speaking there are very few of them here as well. Only at densely populated areas, or close to other attractions that draws families (like in Downtown Disney in Orlando). But I also have to drive over two hours to get to the nearest one.
Oh, thats ironic….
I just found out I can drive into Germany and visit a store in Koln…. It’s a 1 hour and 12 minute drive…
Okay, okay… I’ll stop complaining 🙂
See? You have it better than I do! 😛
Barnes and Noble has some and Chima sets on clearanace. They even have the LEGO architecture book for 50% off. Look for the big red dot stickers.
Thanks, Chris! 😀
I found a couple polybags on clearance at wal-mart. The Arctic miniplane was $2.50 and Mikey’s Shellraiser was $1.50. Both were in a Mixels box in the regular LEGO aisle. Neither was marked so I had to use the price checker. I never saw the Mini Shellrasier at Walmart. Only at TRU when it was a promo bag.
Nice find! 😛
My nearest Target was marking down Ninjago and Chima sets. They had some large sets. The only set I know retail price was a Chima spider tribe set. The LEGO price is $24.99 and it was down to a little over $17. So I’m guessing the other sets had a similar markdown.
Yes, I have seen that as well; Target, Wal-Mart, and Amazon have been putting Ninjago and Chima sets on discount. Even the new ones! 😛