There are a bunch of new items from LEGO customizer CitizenBrick that I wanted to show you today. If you are not familiar with CitizenBrick, they are one of the best LEGO customizers in the USA (they can also ship worldwide), focusing on very high quality custom printed LEGO minifigures and accessories. I personally own many of CitizenBrick’s custom printed items and I’m very happy with them. The quality and detail of the printing is top notch and very durable. So let’s take a look at some of the new items. 🙂

➡ CUSTOM LEGO SCOUTS: “Learn the necessary skills to master the Great Outdoors as you gather enough merit badges to crush your enemies!” There are three newly listed custom LEGO scout minifigs, one older scout with a full array of badges, and two young scouts in blue uniforms. They are $12 each, and very cute. Perfect gift for a young scout in your family!

➡ CUSTOM LEGO ZOMBIES: “How do you apply a life sentence to the undead? This and other questions are yours to ponder with your new Inmate Zombie minifig! Priced cheap, so you can build a whole cell block full!” Note that these minifigs are fully printed, even on the side of the legs! You can also get extra head pieces with different expressions if you choose to, as CitizenBrick offers several different zombie heads. The zombies are $10 each, which is very reasonable for fully custom printed minifigures.

➡ CUSTOM LEGO US AIRBORNE: “The next in our line of deluxe WWII minifigures, CitizenBrick’s US Airborne. Pad printed from head to toe, and including a BrickArms proto M1 Carbine!” CitizenBrick is well known for their incredibly detailed military minifigures, and this latest addition is no exception. Torso, arms, legs, head and helmet are all fully printed. The price is $20 for this guy – not cheap, but totally worth it.

➡ CUSTOM LEGO ELVIS ENTHUSIAST: “If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, this minifig is the flatterest. To be clear, this is not an Elvis minifig. It’s a minifig of a guy impersonating Elvis. Get it?” This minifig is fully printed at the front and back of the torso, the arms and the front and side of the legs. And I particularly like his facial expression. What a stud! This minifig is $15 and comes with a microphone.

➡ CUSTOM LEGO MINIFIG PARTS: Besides buying fully custom printed minifigures, you can also buy minifigure parts, minifig accessories, printed tiles, and many more items from CitizenBrick. Some of their latest offerings are pictured below. Custom printed accessories can range anywhere between a $1 and $6, depending on the amount of detail and complexity. You can check out all the items at CitizenBrick’s Online Shop.

So what do you think? How do you like these custom printed minifigures and accessories by CitizenBrick? Do you have any of their products already? Or are you planning to get some? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! 🙂
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Holy moly are these awesome! The “International Importing” and “Norweigian Black Metal Enthusiasts” are by far the best:-) I wish I made more money…lol
Yeah, they are really fun. Also, the quality is excellent. Worth saving up for. 😉
More adult themed than expected…
I think I miss out on a few of the pop culture references, though…
Really great stuff. I have a custom Doctor Who (10th Doctor – David Tennant) minifigure… but what it lacks is the 3D glasses head. As soon as I saw that in this post, I was on their site placing an order.
Can’t wait to complete the look of “The Doctor.”
This would have looked even better if I had the glasses!
LOL! That’s great! 😛
…or Spider Jerusalem…
Ah, yes… Spider too!
They are well printed, but however they are much too expensive for me.
Custom printing is still expensive, but I’m pretty sure as technology advances and prices on printers come down we will get better and better prices. It is already happening. Few years back custom printed minifigs costs three times more as they are now.
I disagree about the cost. When comparing the cost of a custom minifig to a desirable official minifig, they compare quite well. Many official figs are more expensive on the second hand market than CBs customs, and considering the scale of production and equipment costs for them, I think they are good value.
I’m not saying they are cheap of course – they are certainly expensive, and if you want a large scale WWII army, that’s going to cost you more than a plastic arm and a leg, but too expensive? I don’t think so, for what they are.
Full disclosure: I just bought myself the full Dragon Sword Fighter Force set and they are superb. Even as a birthday present to myself, the cost still stung, but I have no regrets…
…apart from the fact I will inevitably spend far more than original cost building vignettes for them!
Yes, I also find the cost reasonable. Having just one or two custom minifigs can be a highlight of ones collection. Also, you can just get some custom printed torsos, faces, etc. which are awesome enough in themselves and are inexpensive compared to a fully custom printed minifig.