The LEGO Collectible Minifigures series is going to take an interesting turn with Series 14 that will be released this fall. Instead of random minifigures like we have seen in previous series, or minifigures tied to a movie like LEGO The Simpsons and The LEGO Movie, this time we will get sixteen spooky minifigures – just in time for Halloween! 😈

While various preliminary images of LEGO Collectible Minifigures Series 14 have been floating around for some time, this is the first time we have a chance to see four of the final minifigs. The picture was first posted on French LEGO fan-site, along with a list of the upcoming minifigures: Rocker Monster, Crazy Witch, Skeleton Guy, Vampire Lady, Mad Scientist, The Fly, Gargoyle, Grim Reaper, Phantom, Bigfoot, Tiger Woman, Werewolf, Zombie Cheerleader, Zombie Businessman, Zombie Pirate Captain, and Plant Monster.

I’m pretty sure that these minifigs will have a huge demand. Especially the zombies. And not just because of Halloween, but because zombie/post apocalyptic LEGO creations have been very popular. Amongst the final figures I particularly like the Skeleton Guy with the new pumpkin piece that will also be included in the upcoming LEGO Scooby-Doo sets. As a reference, I’m also including below some of the preliminary images we have gotten before, which includes eleven of the upcoming minifigures. Amongst these my favorite is the Zombie Cheerleader. Love her new hairpiece! 😀

What about you? How do you like the upcoming LEGO Collectible Minifigures? Do you have a favorite? And do you think it is a good idea to have all sixteen minifigs fall into the same theme, or do you prefer a more random collection? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! Also, you can find the currently available LEGO Collectible Minifigures at the Online LEGO Shop.

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I like the idea, it allows for some great figures, but really, more zombies? Those are getting irritating. Think of something new! Like the Plant Monster, he sounds interesting, I may try to get him. I also like the sound of the Grim Reaper, hopefully he has a good scythe. The rest of the series seems rather boring, but I will wait for official pics before making my final judgment. And admin, I don’t think that pumpkin piece comes in any Scooby Doo sets; the pumpkins in those are a headpiece mold.
Also, for some random reason, the Ninjago Airjitzu Flyers (all six) became available on LEGO Shop US today. No idea why, but they’re there. 😕
You could be right about the pumpkin. I think I was thinking of the one in the Mystery Mansion. Zombies are hugely popular. The zombie from Series 1 is selling for $30 on average. And the only other sets we got some zombies in was Monster Fighters, so it made sense for LEGO to release some more. I’m also waiting for final images to make a judgment, but at this point I predict that these will be hugely popular. Especially since they get released right around Halloween! 😈
I know zombies are popular, I just don’t get why. Why are people fascinated by the idea of being attacked by walking dead creatures and having their brains eaten? We should use our brains… not eat them. I get that they’re meant to be dumb and scary, but now it’s also rather boring. 😕
Yeah, being released near Halloween will definitely put a spotlight on the CMFs. I think my negativity comes from the fact that each CMF is $4 now, which is too much for my budget. I make about $2 a month, so one minifig is hard to make up. 🙁 But I will have to get at least one from this series, now that I’ve missed Series 13. Images will decide which one, and we’ll have to wait a few months for those.
I have never been into zombies but every kid I know between the ages of about 6-10 are totally into them. They think zombies are funny. Kind of like how kids think that drunk people are funny, and shooting and falling over dead is funny. It’s just a game. Once they get older and see that these things can be real and serious they no longer think it’s funny, but for little kids, yeah, it’s an entertainment.
And for AFOLs apocalypse related MOCs have been popular, which means there could be some zombies involved too. I think this has to do with the recent trend of a lot of movies focusing on post-apocalyptic themes.
I still love Romero’s zombie movies. I like the mood of these films. I haven’t read or watched The Walking Dead, really, but I still understand the appeal.
Horror is escapism, but the appeal is not really due to being an experience you’d really like to go through. Rather managing your fears through fiction, and such.
(Besides, minifig zombies are rather cuty and silly, and impossible to take seriously…)
I don’t allow any scary looking minifigs in my house, but yeah, I’m a sissy. 😕
I finished off my june order today, and I got the Morro guy he is awesome!
Maybe it’s just me, but I am a little disappointed in this set. Don’t get me wrong, it looks to be a great set. But one of the great things about the past sets is they had a decent variety of themed minifigures, creating an appeal for a large audience. While there were very few sets where I felt I needed all 16, there was always a few that would appeal to me. Being this whole series revolves around Halloween and Horror themes, I think it really limits its mass appeal. But for those that it will appeal towards, I think they will more likely by majority, if not all, of the minifigures.
Having said that, I do see a few that I am interested in, but probably more so for the novelty of them than for them to be actually useful in my town. So far, I like the idea of the Grim Reaper, the skeleton could be fun, the plant monster since I like costumed minifigures, the mad scientist, and maybe the zombie businessman and cheerleader. I’ll be interested to see what the gargoyle, the fly, and big foot look like. The werewolf, I may want only because I have the lumberjack and they are both in the same outfits.
I also like the more versatile collections better for the same reasons as you do. However it might be worth for LEGO to experiment with themed releases as well just to see how people respond. As long as they keep a good variety I don’t mind. I don’t collect the series, just get the minifigs I like, so from this theme I will probably get a few, and leave the rest – just like I always do. I would be curious to hear from collectors though how they view a series like this. Would they find it boring and homogeneous?
Best be selling my stockpile of series 1 zombies and excess monster fighters then! Out of these though the plant monster and grim reaper sound very appealing….
You have a stockpile of Series 1 zombies??? You better keep that quiet! 🙄
I picked up about 20 when they were around £4 each. Given they are now £25ish each yes… been slowly getting rid of them since I dont need them any more. I’ve given away a few as well as many of my collector friends refused to pay the silly prices they go for now….
I usually don’t really like monster or spooky themed things but this would make some good additions to maybe some Ghostbuster or Scoopy Doo story ideas. I was also thinking of some kind of Ghostbuster or Scooby Doo crossover where the Scooby Doo gang gets in the way (those meddling kids!)
That’s a great idea! 😀
Yeah. I heard this line was considered as an inofficial marketing venture to coincide with the Scooby Doo theme.
I don’t think there’s been an offical Scooby Doo and Ghostbusters crossover yet, though Scooby Doo has met Batman and Robin, Addams Family and Harlem Globetrotters, IIRC.
While I am excited about the theme, I am afraid the execution may be less exciting. I don’t feel *three* zombies are necessary in one series when there are other monsters that could be given a slot, and the mad scientist that was pictured looked more like a minion than a minifigure. This is, of course, just my personal opinion. But there are enough others that I AM interested in that I feel overall I will be happy with it. My favorite so far is the plant monster figure. Looking forward to seeing what the “mystery” figures – reaper, bigfoot, fly, etc. – look like. Although I will bet that the bigfoot figure is just a recolored yeti …
I love the plant monster! It looks a lot like the one in Little Shop of Horrors! As for the others, the Grim Reaper sounds quite intriguing, as does the phantom, but the werewolf is a bit boring in my opinion. I do like that this mad scientist is completely different from the others, with his large head. I think it’s something that Lego has needed for awhile. I hope the fly and bigfoot ones are as good as some of the others.
The mad scientist made me think of the adorable MegaBlock Minions. Those things are stoopid cute!
Yes, for sure! Have you seen the ones made by They are very cute! 😀
I saw the entry you did on them but we had already gotten my grandson a couple small sets of the MegaBlocks Minions so we were covered in that department.
As subjects of minifies they’re just tooooo perfect!
I saw those MB minions and they are very cute. 🙂
A couple of them are cute. Some, less so.
The interesting thing to me is that the wolf man reminds me of the Fabuland figures of old. ; >
IS there anyway to PREORDER the series 14 HAlloween set?
Not to my knowledge. The series haven’t even been officially announced yet. Everything we got so far were leaks. Once the series becomes available you should be able to find it at most LEGO retailers. Amazon is the only LEGO retailer that sometimes does preorders.
Well, I picked up a couple today and very fortunately got two of the five I really want from this series – plant monster and zombie pirate! Skeleton guy, rock star Frankenstein and tiger suit girl are the other three I want. Not bothered about the rest. I much prefer non-themed serieses.
On series 13 by the way – for UK readers they’re currently reduced at John Lewis (£1.49). I picked up four, including the elusive Hot Dog Guy!
Thanks for mentioning that. We have quite a few readers from the UK, so this should help them out. I also prefer non-themed series, but I guess to have a themed one once in a while is okay. 🙂
My 7 yr old son is sooooo excited about these! He started to get into Lego’s towards the end of the Monster Fighters series. Thankfully we were able to get him the Castle and the car set. He just saw this on a youtube video and ran in to tell me about them and see if it was a new or old video. This is ultimate favorite series. I can’t wait to get them for him!
Maria, nice to hear that your son likes these! Perfect for setting up some creepy Halloween scenes!