One of my favorite things about the LEGO hobby is walking to the mailbox. What’s going to be there today? I regularly shop for loose LEGO elements on BrickLink and I also purchase from LEGO customizers, so on any given day there is a good chance that there might be a LEGO package in the mailbox. Lately though, I have been really busy and haven’t had that much time to build or shop. So I was really surprised when a couple of days ago I found a little packet in the mail. There was no indication of the sender, so yeah, a mystery package! That’s even better! I love surprises! What could it be? After getting inside I carefully examined the package. I made sure it was actually addressed to me as sometimes the mailman mixes up houses and streets. Yep, it had my name on it. The package looked international based on the stamp. Did I place an overseas order recently? No, I didn’t think so. By this time I was super curious, so I cut open the package, and inside I found…

Six little LEGO owls! I instantly recognized that these were from UK-based LEGO customizer Minifigs.Me. In my recent review of their products (see: Custom LEGO Printing by Minifigs.Me), I mentioned how much I liked their custom printed LEGO owls. So I guess Nick and Caroline (the husband and wife team behind Minifigs.Me) decided to send me some – thank you guys! And this is another of my favorite things about the LEGO hobby; meeting awesome people, and making friends – even internationally! So after unpacking my owls, I immediately set down and built them a small tree.

I don’t know why, but I always really liked owls. In fact there are several very large barred owls who live in our wooded yard. They sleep during the day and laugh like drunken maniacs at night. And the babies have a high pitched whistle, begging for food all night long. The adults are fearsome and silent hunters of the night, and the neighborhood songbirds are always in high alert when they spot any of the owls. The smaller birds even gang up on them and try to chase them away. But despite all these annoying habits, I still like them, and their cute, round and fluffy looks and big eyes are perfectly captured by these custom LEGO owls by Minifigs.Me.

Owls are also very colorful. Not brightly colored like songbirds, but they do have a very rich and beautiful color variation of whites, tans, grays and browns. Even reddish and orange-ish rusty colors. Minifigs.Me didn’t miss this detail, and they carry a variety of six owls; white body/white head, tan body/white head, tan body/dark-tan head, brown body/dark-tan head, brown body/light-gray head, and dark-gray body/light gray head. The owls are made up of three pieces, a 2×2 round brick for the body, a 2×2 dome for the head, and a 2×2 round plate with a rounded bottom for the feet (so they can bobble around a bit, which is very cute). You could also mix and match the colors, but since the printing is done on a full assembly it sometimes doesn’t align perfectly.

While Minifigs.Me has a huge variety of custom printed minifigures, tiles and other elements, I always felt that their most genius design is this three part assembly. And the owls are not the only characters they make this way. There is also Finn and Jake from Adventure Time, Pokemon characters, Kerbals from the Kerbal Space Program, Minions from Despicable Me, Slimer from Ghostbusters, Olaf the snowman from Frozen, penguins, ladybirds, and more! All adorable and collectible! If you want to check them all out they are under the Brick Figures section of the Minifigs.Me shop. And of course I recommend all of their other products, I was just inspired to write about the owls today. 😀

So what do you think? How do you like these custom LEGO owls? Am I the only one crazy about cute roundish birds? And what about the other characters? Do you like them? Have you ordered from Minifigs.Me before? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below! 😉
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Very cute:) really does a good job with custom printing.
p.s. You might want to fix the title and change cutsies into cutesies 😉
Thanks for noticing that. Had it fixed. 😉
This is so cool, they make some amazing things
OMG those owls are sooooo cute!!!
Yes, they are! 😀
I love lego!!
They are so cute! Do they still have them?
just stopped by to say hello