The highly anticipated #60134 LEGO City Fun in the Park – City People Pack is now available! It is interesting to note that this set got more publicity and attention than many of the much larger sets of the year. It’s a small and inexpensive set, but a clear winner – as you will see from the details below. 🙂

The most talked about features of the #60134 LEGO City Fun in the Park – City People Pack are the brand new LEGO wheelchair piece, and the super adorable baby. The wheelchair is really well designed with a number of attachment-points and back wheels that are somewhat larger that the standard LEGO bicycle wheel. The baby is also a new piece; very-very small and very-very cute. In the video-review below JANGBRiCKS will show you some comparison pictures of the baby with other LEGO pieces to give you an idea of how tiny it is.
This is not the first LEGO City People Pack ever released, but it is definitely the most exciting one. And it is not just because of the wheelchair and the baby. Practically every minifigure in the set has new front and back torso printing, giving you a large selection of very useful LEGO City characters. Also, several of the minifigures have two facial printings to give you greater variety, and the hair pieces are also really nice.

There are some additional features of the set that are also worth noting. The dog has a new printing. the bus stop sign is printed instead of stickered, and there is a new hotdog piece included that so far only appeared in the LEGO Angry Birds line. The baby carriage – although doesn’t include any new pieces – is a very nice design as well.

The #60134 LEGO City Fun in the Park is $39.99, and with fourteen minifigures included, plus all the extras, that’s a great price! I’m certain that this set is going to be super popular. The minifigures are all very useful, the minifig accessories and other extra pieces are excellent, and the wheel-chair and baby are all over the news, not just LEGO blogs and forums. So, if you want to pick one up, I would suggest you do it as soon as possible before it becomes hard to fine. It should be available at LEGO retailers and you can also get it directly from the Online LEGO Shop.

So what do you think? How do you like the LEGO City Fun in the Park set? Are you planning to get one or more to populate your LEGO City? And what do you think of the new wheelchair and baby? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below! 😉
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Just placed my order on I was surprised to see it is already out-of-stock with an expected ship date of June 16. It is definitely going to be a very popular set!
Yeah, I saw that too! It is still better to do as you did – place an order now and just wait until the set ships out – then wait until it is back in stock. I’m positive that this set is going to be crazy popular and very hard to find.
WOW! Out of stock online already? I had a feeling that might happen but I didn’t think it would happen THAT fast!
Yeah, I really hope that LEGO didn’t underestimate how popular this set was going to be. EVERYONE – including just causal LEGO fans – want one. So hold on to yours tight. 😉
I picked up 2 sets yesterday, first day they were available at the Lego store. My 10 year old daughter got one and I got the other. I put it together as soon as I got home. I’m torn on getting a second set for myself or not. I really do like the minifigures and I know I could use them but there are a lot of other new Creator and City sets that just came out too. I might hold back for a while on getting that second set.
I am disappointed that the legs on the kids don’t move. Can’t really kick that soccer ball, can you?
Awesome that you were able to get them! Short minifigs legs never moved, but there is a customizer who makes really sweet movable short legs. I wrote about them here: