With all the new sets that were just recently released, I forgot to mention that the #21128 LEGO Minecraft The Village set is also now available, but currently only to LEGO VIP members. General release will be in just a couple of days, on June 1st. The LEGO Minecraft The Village is the largest LEGO Minecraft set to date, so it is worth taking a closer look. 🙂

Let’s begin with the official description of the set: Build and protect The Village! Enjoy endless adventures at the busy Minecraft village. This hive of activity features a library, blacksmith, butcher and a marketplace. Have the iron golem patrol the streets to ward off zombies and other hostile mobs. Join forces with Alex, and combine your Minecraft know-how to mine, craft, create, grow vital crops and tend to the livestock. But keep an eye out for the exploding Creeper and the enderman that roam after nightfall! Includes 4 minifigures: Steve, Alex, zombie and a zombie villager, plus a Creeper, enderman, pig, baby pig, iron golem and 2 villagers (a farmer and a librarian). 1600 pieces. Measures over 5” (15cm) high, 19” (49cm) wide and 17” (44cm) deep. Price: $199.99 – BUY HERE

I have to say that the set has a very pleasing overall look. The buildings, the colors, and the layout all come together nicely. This is just a very good looking Minecraft village. It is interesting to note that while the village looks like a cohesive unit, it includes rainforest, snow and desert biomes, so you can seamlessly integrate them with other Minecraft sets.

The village itself features a watchtower, library, blacksmith, butcher’s building and a marketplace. The library and butcher’s building can fold out for a different look and for playing inside, and the marketplace has a really clever fold-up roof to access the interior (watch the video-review below to see how it works).

Speaking of different looks, the entire village is modular with smaller units, so you can easily reconfigure the layout. There is also a second instruction booklet with suggestions for alternate layouts. Having so many options for configuration makes this a very dynamic set. (I should note here that all the other LEGO Minecraft sets also come with alternate instructions and configurations.)

As far as the minifigures included, there are plusses and minuses. The four regular minifigures are Steve, Alex, a zombie and a zombie villager – we have gotten these characters in other sets, so nothing too exciting here. There are also two villagers; a farmer (brown robe) and a librarian (white robe). These minifigs use short legs and a very interesting extended torso piece. I’m very surprised that LEGO didn’t include the other Minecraft villager professions; priest, blacksmith, and butcher. Especially since they did include a blacksmith and butcher’s building. With the price, size and exclusivity of this set, and the fact that this supposed to be a village, not including enough villagers just feels wrong to me. And I would have also liked some baby villagers! We do get a Creeper, an enderman, and an iron golem as extra characters, plus a pig and a baby pig. Some cows would have been nice too.

Piece selection is excellent in all LEGO Minecraft sets, and The Village is no exception. They are basically big boxes of standard LEGO elements in beautiful earth-tone colors. Also LEGO Minecraft sets are a great source of large plates. I have no complaints about any of the sets in this regard, and would highly recommend them even to those who are not into Minecraft, but would like a nice selection of LEGO bricks in earthy colors. In the video review below JANGBRiCKS will show you the set in more detail.
As you can see, the LEGO Minecraft The Village is an undoubtedly nice set. If you own any of the other LEGO Minecraft sets, I’m sure you will be pleased with this one as well. My only complain is not getting enough villagers… and the price. This is a 1600 piece set for $200, which comes to 12 cents a piece. That is too high for a set that pretty much only includes basic LEGO elements and only a couple of unique minifigures. A $150-$160 price would have been a lot more reasonable. It seems like we have been talking quite a bit about the high prices of recently released LEGO sets. I hope this is not going to become a general trend, as LEGO is an expensive hobby to begin with. However if you do have a solid LEGO budget, and/or some VIP Points saved up, this is definitely the ultimate LEGO Minecraft set to get. You can find it under the LEGO Minecraft section of the Online LEGO Shop.

What do you think? How do you like the LEGO Minecraft The Village set? Do you like the buildings, the layout, the minifigures, and other features? Have you been collecting the LEGO Minecraft sets? Which one is your favorite so far? Feel free to share in the comment section below! 😉
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Meh, I could probably get most of the pieces off the pick a brick wall and the rest from Bricklink and then pay for the villagers on eBay and get it for like $100. However it seems boring like if that was entered in a LEGO contest with normal figs (so not supposed to be Minecraft) I would get like 200th out of 201. I would much rather buy all the new Spider-Man (Spider-Men?) sets and get the town park thing.
Good points, but this set is not designed to appeal to all LEGO fans. It is a niche product for a niche audience. I find it interesting that Minecraft continues to be one of LEGO’s most successful lines, but online reviews on them are mostly neutral or even negative. There are obviously fans of the sets out there, as the line continues to sell very well, but somehow the LEGO fans who buy them don’t appear to be active at any of the established online LEGO fan communities that I’m aware of. I would add though that most AFOLs also very much disliked and didn’t understand the appeal of Ninjago, even though it has been hugely popular with kids. I just haven’t been able to pinpoint who is buying the Minecraft sets and I’m curious… 🙄
It’s probably like one of my co-workers (he who shall not be named) who is like a 12 yr. old who just works to buy games, so it is probably gamers who buy the stuff and never review it or talk about it ’cause it’s probably just on their TV stand. I’ve seen who buys them on a few of my 4 hour LEGO store trips (don’t ask…) and they all look like the gamer type (no glasses, black t shirts, goes strait to the Minecraft section, and goes to Game-stop after).
LOL! Looks like you are onto something! Interesting! Maybe they are super secret Minecraft agents? 🙄
Yup actually they are…..and they also..djrghnmK ;oy0IB<yuj SORRY TBL HAS NOW BEEN ALIENATED, HAIL MINECRAFT!
Ohhh!!!… 🙁 🙁 🙁
Can you remind me when the new Spider-man sets come out, I’ve been out of town for about the past two months.
They are scheduled for release in August, but as usual, they might start creeping into stores earlier. But the official release is August, so that’s when LEGO stores and the Online LEGO Shop should have them.
August… :tear: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! My wallet will be dead, dying, and diseased in August…
Well, on the positive side, you got two months to start a new business venture, or clean house and sell something. 🙄
…I’m booked for the entire summer with jobs, work, selling, etc…
Raise your prices? 🙄
So, you work too hard to earn any money?…
Or have I misunderstood?…
You have misunderstood, I just save 50% earned regardless and I spend too much in LEGO……..:grin:
Looks like a very expensive parts pack to me as I believe someone else said above. Although I build lots of medieval/castle mocs I could pick up vastly more useful parts from PAB for that price. Yes if it was maybe 30-40% cheaper I’d pick it up, but even then I’d be cautious. One as a possible for a 50% off. To be honest, beyond big Ben and the bank all the large sets this year have been disappointing to me. The bat cave is just too expensive and Hoth is a joke.
Tom, yeah, that’s pretty much the consensus on this set; looks nice, good parts, bad price. I’m very curious to see how they will sell and if they will ever go on sale. LEGO doesn’t do sales on exclusives very often as most sell very well. However this year we got a couple of exclusives that are not just overpriced to begin with, but also not as exciting.
I was interested in this set until I saw the price tag. Too high for me. Also have to agree that Lego missed the opportunity to include more minifigures. I do like the look of the set and I think it’s pretty cool even though I am not into Minecraft at all. It kind of reminds me of Plimouth Plantation or something. Maybe, maybe if it goes on sale for a great price I will get it then.
My guess is that if we get a sale on this set, it would be in the fall/ winter. By then LEGO should know if they missed the mark with the price. I will keep an eye on it for sure just because I’m curious how well it does.
I have bought my son nearly every Minecraft set so far. I have bought outright the sets I thought were fairly priced and others I managed to wait until they were on sale. I have kind of kept this set a secret from him as I know how much he will want it but I cannot justify spending 200+ dollars after tax for it considering the piece count and reviews. It is a nice set, I’ve watched some video reviews but again the lack of villagers, getting even more common characters and the high price for it steers me away. I would be willing to pay about 150 max for it as it is, perhaps a slight bit more, say 160 if it included more villagers. I surely hope that Lego pays attention to things like this, as I feel they are likely missing out on more sales. At least lower the price to something more reasonable and more will sell, even without the lack of villagers.
Adam, I would suggest that you look out for the upcoming holiday sales. You should be able to get The Village in the price-range you want at that time. 🙂
Nice Review.
Price is always going to be a problem with such a large set and for those thinking, you can Brick Wall this then you are kidding yourself.
Even finding all the pieces you need in Bricklink to make this set would end up costing you more in postage that just buying the set for full retail. The quantity of pieces you need just aren’t available at one BL store.
Personally, I think they should have released smaller modules that make up the village and allow you buy what you need for your custom village.
As for the target market, it’s still kids and it has very little appeal for AFOL’s who probably don’t play Minecraft. Oh, and of course for us Stop Motion Animators 😉