One of the most interesting new LEGO set released this month is the #75828 LEGO Ghostbusters Ecto-1 & Ecto-2. This is the second LEGO Ghostbusters set with an Ecto-1, and both of them are still available (which is quite unusual, as LEGO normally doesn’t release similar sets at the same time). We have discussed the new set previously (see: LEGO Ghostbusters Ecto-1 & Ecto-2 Coming!), but today I wanted to explore it in a bit more detail, and also compare it to the earlier version. 🙂

The previously released #21108 LEGO Ideas Ecto-1 set was a tribute to the original Ghostbusters movie, while the #75828 LEGO Ghostbusters Ecto-1 & Ecto-2 is tied in with the new Ghostbusters film, scheduled for release on July 15th. I’m not going to talk about or compare the films, as there are plenty of discussions on them already, but focus on what’s relevant from the perspective of LEGO fans. A couple of the most significant differences are that in the first movie the Ecto-1 was based on an ambulance and in the second movie a traditional hearse, and in the first movie all the Ghostbusters heroes were male and in the second movie they are female. Another important difference is that the first set was released under the LEGO Ideas line, while the second one is a wide-release set under the LEGO Ghostbusters theme.

So let’s start with the official description of the new set: Speed after Mayhem with the LEGO Ghostbusters Ecto-1 & 2 vehicles! The demon is getting away! Pack the gear into the rear of the Ecto-1, start up the engine and help the Ghostbusters heroes get ready for a thrilling hot pursuit. Take aim and zap Mayhem to contain him in the trap or help Kevin join the fight on the Ecto-2 motorbike! Battle the flying phantom or role-play other fun scenes from the 2016 Ghostbusters movie. Includes 5 minifigures: Abby Yates, Erin Gilbert, Jillian Holtzmann, Patty Tolan and Kevin, plus a Mayhem figure. Ecto-1 measures over 4” (11cm) high, 8” (21cm) long and 2” (7cm) wide. 556 pieces. Price: $59.99 – BUY HERE

The two versions of the Ecto-1 are actually quite similar in size, but there are some definite improvements on the newer one. First off, the side-doors and the back can be opened – enhancing the playability of the set. Also, four minifigs can fit inside much more comfortably that in the first set, where one of them had to lie down at the back. Building larger, but still minifig-size, vehicles like these is a very interesting experience, and you can learn quite a bit from the building techniques. Both vehicles are excellent in this regard, and have an overall very pleasing shape, plus lots of cool ghostbusting gadgets on top.

Because the first Ecto-1 is a LEGO Ideas set, all decorations are printed. This includes the curved slopes with the Ghostbusters logo, as well as the license-plates. On the new Ecto-1 the same printed curved slopes and license plates are used, and the pinstripes on the sides of the vehicle are also printed, but the rest of the decorations are stickers. Many of these stickers are tiny and/or hard to apply. While some of them could be left off, others are an integral of the overall look of the vehicle (like the taillights), so they have to be applied – unless you want to do some redesigning. This is the only real negative aspect of the new set.

The Ecto-2 is just a regular LEGO motorcycle in white. This is the second time only that we get a set with a while motorcycle – which is cool – but unfortunately the Ghostbusters logo is a sticker. It would have been so much better if that logo was printed!

While the minifigures in the first Ecto-1 were definitely amazing, in the new set they are over the top! Each minifig comes with a uniquely printed torso, printed legs, and three of them got brand new and highly detailed hairpieces. Also, they have printed Ghostbusters logos on the arms – which is what LEGO fans were asking for after the first set came out without any arm-printing. And one very unique minifigure is Mayhem (the red, devilish looking guy), with beautifully printed wings and headgear. LEGO’s graphic-design department definitely worked overtime on this set!

The extra accessories that come with the new Ecto-1 are also great. This includes the new printing on the proton packs, proton sidearm, ion shield gun, PKE meter, traps, and a dark-blue toolbox. The only other time we got a dark-blue toolbox is in the #75827 LEGO Ghostbusters Firehouse HQ, so it’s pretty unique.

While the #75828 LEGO Ghostbusters Ecto-1 & Ecto-2 is not a LEGO Ideas set, it does come with a higher quality and more detailed booklet – similar to the one that came with the #21108 LEGO Ideas Ecto-1. I thought this was a nice touch that collectors will be happy about. If only LEGO would have also printed all the decorated elements! Below is a full video-review of the set from JANGBRiCKS, who will show you the set in more detail.
All in all I would say that the new Ecto-1 is just as good as the first set, and in some areas even better. I really like the LEGO Ideas Ecto-1, but I also like the new one, so I can’t really say which I would recommend more. I would say though that if you are only planning to get one Ecto-1, the LEGO Ideas version might be a better choice, because it is based on the classic movie. The new movie is not getting much love, and likely won’t become a classic. However the new Ecto-1 adds and interesting variety for those who already have the first vehicle. They would look great displayed next to each other. And of course either one can fit inside the #75827 LEGO Ghostbusters Firehouse HQ, so it just depends if you would like girl Ghostbusters or boy Ghostbusters protecting your city, and they can even team up to deal with some really big and mischievous ghosts.

The new Ecto-1 is $10 more expensive, but you get two extra minifigures and the Ecto-2 motorcycle, so the bit higher price is reasonable. But I’m certain you would be happy with either of the vehicles. You can find them both at the Online LEGO Shop. The #21108 LEGO Ideas Ecto-1 is listed under the LEGO Ideas section, and the #75828 LEGO Ghostbusters Ecto-1 & Ecto-2 is under the LEGO Ghostbusters section – along with the ultimate LEGO Ghostbusters set, the #75827 LEGO Ghostbusters Firehouse HQ.

So what do you think? How do you like the #75828 LEGO Ghostbusters Ecto-1 & Ecto-2? And how do you think it compares to the previous Ecto-1? Which one do you like better? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below! 😉
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ECTO 1&2 is out of stock at LEGO until the 18th. Looks like a terrific set though,
In my experience those out of stock messages are only cautionary. You can still place an order, and there may be some delay, but in my experience they always ship out much quicker than they say.
I can’t say which I prefer. I’ver never seen the movies but they both seem like really good sets.
Yeah, I’m like that too. I think I like the front hood of the new one, and the rest of the old one. But I also like those pin-stripes on the new one. It would be interesting to combine the too. 😀
It’s great to see more female minifigs in the LEGO range although I prefer the original set.
I doubt the movie will be as good as the first.
Black females, particularly… Highly under-represented (although it’s often dependable on the source material)…
That’s very true. I remember looking for some and I really had a hard time finding any. I think at that time there was only one or two. But yes, it depends on the movie, as “fleshies” only come from licensed material.
I see now there’s a feature on “Lego skin tones” in Bricks issue 14… Might be an interesting read…
Yeah, it does sound interesting. Do you get the magazine? I don’t.
Ah, naah. I tried looking for it in the main kiosk chain in Stockholm (Pressbyrån) , but I couldn’t find a copy.
Hm… same here… I heard some stores carry them in the USA, but none where I live. 🙁