I have recently discovered a LEGO fan who’s interior designs I really like. They go by the name simplybrickingit on flickr, and they have a very nice collection of custom LEGO creations. However, what really caught my eyes are the clean and sophisticated interior spaces displayed in an unusual cutaway presentation. The models are minifig size, not too big, not too small, and perfect for getting inspiration for building your own interiors. Below I will show you some of my favorites. 🙂

Take a look a the beautiful boudoir above with parquet style flooring, using LEGO tiles and plates sideways. The furniture is made of various unusual little bits of white pieces. The flowers on the wall, and the light-aqua diamonds on the room-divider are from the retired LEGO Clikits line.

This second room appears to be a child’s bedroom. There are a couple of LEGO Friends turtles on the shelf that look like stuffed animals. The cloth bedding is from the old LEGO Scala line, and there is a big lavender wardrobe with a white door.

The focal point of the living room is the cozy fireplace, but there are many other interesting details to check out, the bookshelf, the rub on the floor, the big reading chair in the corner, and the very cleverly built clock, using the top of a turntable piece backward.

I really like the colors here with the lime-green and white checkered wall, tan and white cabinets and appliances, and light-gray flooring. Again, the cutaway design works very well.

You can see some nice sideways building techniques in the bathroom as also. The white, yellow, dark-tan goes well together. I would love to put some soap bottles, shampoos and other bits and pieces around! You can see other great custom creations on simplybrickingit’s flickr page.

There is a lot you can achieve with a few well-selected LEGO elements and colors, as demonstrated in these models. Also, you don’t always have to build a whole structure. You can achieve very striking presentation with a carefully set up and photographed cutaway. I save images like these for future reference when I’m working on interiors, like for the LEGO Modular Buildings (follow the link to see them at the Online LEGO Shop). Even a single cleverly built chair, desk, sink, cupboard, or wall-decoration can make a significant difference when you are decorating a living-space.

What do you think? How do you like these interior designs? Are there any particular details that you really like? Feel free to share your thoughts, and your own favorite interior decorations in the comment section below! 😉
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Beautiful! Especially the first one! Great use of those white hospital stretchers and the floor is very nicely done.
And the basketball hoop…
And isn’t that wicker (or is it meant to be brass?) bed wall some space cable piece?…
That’s a flexible hose. It is one of my favorite pieces as it is so versatile. It also comes in different lengths. Great for greebling!
Looks like it’s metallic/ gold on the photo, seems like a good part for steampunk…
Yes, some of the lengths come in pearl-gold, and they are definitely excellent for steampunk. 😀
Yeah, I thought so too. 🙂
Is that the Wacky Racers cars, by the way?
Good guess! You get a cookie! 😀
I like them all!
It’s one of the things I like to do most on minifigure scale, making minifigure-scaled furniture.
Yes, that’s definitely fun, and a good challenge. 😀
Your right!