Ten years ago, the first LEGO Modular Building was unveiled. Now, LEGO is asking you to make a mini version of your own LEGO Modular Building for a chance to win all the LEGO Modular Buildings released to date – yes, all of them. This is one of the most amazing contests ever run by LEGO, and an incredible opportunity for LEGO fans to show off their talent, and win one of the most coveted collection of LEGO sets. Details below. 🙂

➡ LEGO MINI MODULAR CONTEST – DESCRIPTION: Help LEGO celebrate 10 amazing years of LEGO Modular Buildings by sharing your own mini model of your own modular building in the Mini Building Madness Contest specially designed for LEGO fans.
➡ LEGO MINI MODULAR CONTEST – HOW TO ENTER: Create your mini model. Take up to five photos of your creation and submit them to the contest. Make sure to show off all angles of your creation. Use the description field to tell LEGO about your model – then hit “submit”. When you receive a “Success!” pop-up notification after clicking “submit” on the entry submission page, your entry has been submitted successfully. LEGO’s moderation team will review it within 1-3 working days to make sure it fits all the contest rules.
➡ LEGO MINI MODULAR CONTEST – RULES: Your entry must be 8×8 studs, no larger or smaller, have a sidewalk which is 2 studs wide, and have a 1 x 2 LEGO Technic brick (brick with 1 or 2 holes) with Technic pins, positioned 2-3 studs in from the back and 4 studs from the front to connect with other LEGO Mini Modulars. There are no height requirements. (Below is a picture for reference.) Your entry can be a corner or middle Modular Building. Entries should be a similar scale to #10230 LEGO Mini Modulars and not include LEGO minifigures. Your entry must not contain copies of any existing third party work or creation, or infringements of any third party intellectual property right. This includes the use of other brands, or even LEGO IP brands, including LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Lord of the Rings, etc. Elements from these properties can be used, but avoid using elements which clearly come from or only appear in these sets. You can enter as many entries as you would like, but only one entry per person will be considered when winners are selected. Entries can be previously built, but cannot be submitted previously in any contest of any kind competing for a prize. Each entry must have been made by the user submitting it. Use of LEGO Digital Designer to create your entry is allowed, along with photo editing software or adding effects to your entry. Entries must not contain LEGO elements which have been modified from their original form, including painted or cut elements. Entrants must be at least 13 years of age at the time of entry. Please see all other contest terms and conditions here.

➡ LEGO MINI MODULAR CONTEST – DEADLINE: Submit your entry no later than May 12, 2017 at 10:00 AM EST. If you’re not sure what time zone you’re in you can use a time zone converter.
➡ LEGO MINI MODULAR CONTEST – JUDGES: A panel of judges from the LEGO Creator Expert team will select one grand-prize winner and two runner-up winners. They will judge entries upon: overall coolness and originality – 25%, most inspired details on the mini model – 25%, attention to contest theme – 25%, best use of LEGO elements – 25%.
➡ LEGO MINI MODULAR CONTEST – PRIZES: There will be one grand prize winner. This winner will receive: #10230 LEGO Creator Mini Modulars, #10182 LEGO Creator Café Corner, #10190 LEGO Creator Market Street, #10185 LEGO Creator Green Grocer, #10197 LEGO Creator Fire Brigade, #10211 LEGO Creator Grand Emporium, #10218 LEGO Creator Pet Shop, #10224 LEGO Creator Town Hall, #10232 LEGO Creator Palace Cinema, #10251 LEGO Creator Brick Bank, #10246 LEGO Creator Detective’s Office, #10243 LEGO Creator Parisian Restaurant, #10255 LEGO Creator Assembly Square. There will be two runner-up winners, who will receive the #10255 LEGO Creator Assembly Square. Winners will be contacted on the email address associated with their LEGO ID account after May 19th, 2017, and announced on Rebrick when the winner has returned the signed Winner’s Certification Documents. A winner who does not return their Winner’s Certification Document within one week of receiving it will be disqualified, and a new winner will be selected.

As you can see, this contest is incredible in so many ways! You can build your own LEGO Mini Modulars, and you have a chance to win the entire LEGO Modular Building series, including the highly coveted early sets that were retired a long time ago. If you would like to participate in this contest, please make sure you read all the rules very carefully so you don’t accidentally disqualify your project. And you can also check out the current entries for some inspiration and ideas. Also, remember, that the LEGO Creator Build and Rebuild Contest and the LEGO Easter Raffle are still running, so you can enter those too!

What do you think? Are you planning to enter the LEGO Mini Modular Contest? Have you participated in any of the other contests run on LEGO’s Rebrick website? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
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Is this for real????? OMG!!!!!! Lego is nuts! Must enter!
Yeah, pretty awesome, isn’t it? 😀
So I’m looking at the entries. Some of them are making mini versions of the current modulars that were not included in the mini modulars set, and others are making their own designs. Are we suppose to make our own modulars? Or make mini modulars of the big sets?
According to the rules, you are asked to make your own Mini Modular that fits the size of the Mini Modulars set (8×8 stud base, Technic pins at the right places – see picture). You can certainly make a mini version of one of the current Modulars, but that’s not what the contest is about. According to LEGO reps in the discussion section of the contest, you may get points deducted for not following the rules. What they are looking for is you making your own unique Mini Modular, not just shrinking down an existing set. I think some people just didn’t read the rules. Which of course, gives you an advantage. 😉
All the modulars? This must be the best lego contest ever! The only question is, what to build?
Build whatever you like! Judging by the current entries, a lot of people like pizza places! 😀
Ohhhhhh man I love the old Mini Modulars sets, and collected and built all the TRU mini modular-ish sets thanks to you bringing them up last year. I have to enter this!
Sounds like you have great advantage with all that experience! Good luck in the contest! 🙂
Oh my gosh, all of the Modular?! That’s like 15,000$ MUST ENTER!!!
Yeah, crazy, huh? 🙄
Having both bought multiple mini modular sets plus built 3-4 versions of each one released after maybe I should enter!
I wasn’t really interested in Mini Modulars when it first came out, but this is so cool! Every modular? For FREE? So epic. Must enter. To bad I suck at building micro scale. Oh, well. I guess I should try anyways.
Here are some “rule of thumb” tips. A standard baseplate is 32 studs square. For this build the base is an 8 stud square plate. 32 devided by 8 is 4. So when converting down a full sized modular devide by 4. Any details smaller than 4 studs or 4 plates probably* won’t show.
This. Is. Awesome!!!!! I 100% would enter, except I’m pretty sure you need some qualifications that I (sadly) don’t have, i. e. Lego ID account. But this is too amazing to pass up, so I’ll register for whatever I need in order to enter.
You just need to have a LEGO ID. That’s the only qualification required. 🙂
Great! Thanks for letting me know!
Admin, my comment is awaiting moderation for some reason.
Sorry about that. I got it approved. Certain words trigger the moderation process, but it just means it waits for me to get the comment approved. 🙂
Well, I’ve never had much faith in my capacities to win a LEGO-hosted contest, but this is too good to pass up. 😀 I think I’ll have to see what I can do…
Go for it! You are a very talented builder and you could very well win. One of the most amazing things about this contest is that it doesn’t require much investment in parts. You likely already have everything you need, so all is required is your creativity. Also, you can enter more then one model, which can increase your chance of winning. 😉
Add to that that micro building has always been a favorite with me! I’m sure this contest is going to be a big hit with MOCers so there will be lots of competition, but where would the joy of winning be otherwise? 😉 Multiple entries definitely strikes me as the way to go, especially since once I get in the micro building mood it would probably be hard to stop anyways! 😀 In fact, this reminds me of the first build I uploaded, which was a mini-modular for an EB contest. I’ve come a ways since then, so I think I’ll have another stab at it! It’s on my list, anyways!
See? You are destined to do it. 😀
This is what my brother, MR. Shark, has to say on the subject: WHY!
I’m to young! All the Modulars. Ugh. Can’t they lower the age limit by TWO YEARS? I even already built my own. But the age limit says: 13. I don’t even want all of them, just 10197 Fire Brigade, 10224 Town Hall, and 10255 Assembly Square. Grr! Even if I could enter, my puny pool place wouldn’t stand much of chance against what admin said that other people had built: pizza places. BTW admin, you put down Fire Brigade’s number as 101097 instead of 10197. Just thought I’d point that out.
Thanks for catching that. Number fixed. As far as your little bro’s complaints, LEGO runs many awesome contests that are only for kids, which older fans are jealous about, so sometimes LEGO allows older teens and adults to play too. If he eats all his vegetables, he may grow up faster… oh, wait… that’s now how it works… 🙄
I have submitted my first entry the contest. I decided to take my time through multiple revisions before entering. In a contest like this small details can make a big difference.
That’s awesome! Wishing you the best in the contest. It is a tough competition for sure, but totally worth giving it a shot! 😀