Game of Thrones is an immensely popular television series with a medieval fantasy type storyline, beautiful settings, and complex characters. Much of the saga is played out at the Red Keep; the residence of the King of the Andals and the First Men, his family and his court. Within the Red Keep is the massive throne room called the Great Hall, with the Iron Throne at its centerpiece. A great setup for a great story… 🙂

Game of Thrones is also a perfect source-material for LEGO fans who like to work with medieval and fantasy settings and characters. One of the most impressive creations I have seen is by a LEGO fan Tusserte, who made a LEGO replica of the Red Keep’s throne room and the Iron Throne. In the video below, Tusserte will show you all the details of his beautiful creation.
Really nicely done, isn’t it? The attention to detail is amazing. You can tell that Tusserte spent many hours looking at film footage and using the free LEGO Digital Designer software to faithfully recreate every little detail. Having easily interchangeable windows and columns was a great idea to keep up with the changes in the different seasons of the show. It’s also nice to see the cheese-slope mosaic techniques (first developed by Katie Walker) to make those beautiful stained-glass windows.

In the following video, Tusserte goes into more detail about how he used LEGO Digital Designer to plan out his model. He also discusses the computer program he wrote to make designing the stained-glass windows easier, and some other tricks used throughout the building. As Tusserte didn’t have much LEGO bricks to begin with all the necessary parts were purchased through (the online LEGO marketplace), and LEGO’s own Pick-A-Brick online store where you can buy currently produced LEGO elements by the piece.
While it is not uncommon to see amazing large LEGO creations both online and at various LEGO conventions, it is rare to have a behind-the-scenes look at how they were built. However, videos like this can offer a lot of tips, tricks and inspiration. This can be very helpful to other LEGO fans who are attempting to work on such a large project.

What do you think? How do you like this Game of Thrones project? Have you ever built something this big? Or, are you planning to? Did you pick up any interesting ideas or tips from the videos you could use in your own creations? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
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That is impressive. While I have no interest in Game of Thrones and thus no knowledge of the source material, the clips Tusserte provided in his videos showed that his build is definitely very accurate to the source, which is fantastic. The throne and mosaics are also amazing, and I will have to build a mosaic like that, if ever I can get enough transparent cheese slopes. The second video was great, too; making it easy to take apart was a good idea that I would certainly have forgotten…. And using Duplo parts as scaffolding was brilliant. I do wonder what color the walls are; I can’t tell if they’re Dark Orange or Medium Nougat. Overall a really great MOC. 🙂
Also, I finished building the Palace Cinema (finally). It’s wider than I anticipated, though I think it’s shorter than it looks on the box. Without the center pinnacle on the roof, it’s the same height as the Brick Bank. The interior could use a little more detail, as it’s rather empty, but otherwise it’s a great set. I did get the Raid Zeppelin as a late birthday gift as well, so I have to build that too. 🙂
I was wondering about the color too. It looks like Medium Nougat, but I’m not sure. I think the Palace Cinema looks excellent from the outside, and you can always add more details on the inside. It’s a great set. Glad to hear you got the Raid Zeppelin too! I’m still waiting for my Saturn V to arrive. 🙂
One thing that bugs me with the Palace Cinema’s exterior is the lack of panes in the curved 1X2X3 windows on the second level. I know there aren’t any plain panes for that frame, but the designers could have at least put the lattice parts in there, in black… right now there are six holes in the wall. 😕 But otherwise, yes, it’s a cool set.
I opened the Raid Zeppelin today, and inspected my ridiculously crumpled and folded instructions (the sticker sheet wasn’t in bad shape, at least). They’re being flattened under the Cinema. I also got three of the plastic pirate flags, even though the set only uses one, which is odd. I’m not complaining about two extras, though. Hopefully you get your Saturn V soon; as I understand it that’s one of the best sets of the year. 🙂
Also, I won’t be able to write an article about the Hands of Time, or at least not this week or next. Apparently, the end of school means an increase in work to do…. I do think the episodes will be up on the Ninjago microsite soon, as this week was Episode 64, the last episode of Skybound. If so, I could probably write something while those are going on. Would that be feasible?
The holes in the windows bother me too. I put lattice windows on all of those holes. I have done this with the Pet Shop, the Assembly Square and the Detective’s Office. I just can’t look at those gaping holes. I use the black lattices so they blend in well. According to the FedEx tracking number, my Saturn V should be arriving tomorrow! 😎
As far as Hands of Time, yeah, sure, you can write an article later, if you have time. School is always first. I might write something too in the meantime, but it is perfectly fine to have two articles on something like Ninjago. 😀
And in Space, you need to be even more careful with holes in the vessels…
Although most astronauts still would use airtanks inside the ship…
LOL! Yeah for sure! 😀
I knew that was going to happen sooner or later, Game of thrones is so popular that the LEGO fan and Game of Thrones will meet. Just like Lord of the rings there some things that needs to be created out of LEGO and looks great. Kudos to the creator!
I was thinking of the similarity between Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones as well. 🙂
I did make a Hobbit hole from scratch . I couldn’t afford the set ( at the time) so, I basically used LEGO idea and that’s how I put it together . In fact my version was better than the LEGO version. It had a bigger table , pantry and a place to store a few wine bottles. I think the hardest part was to make the round green door. Oh, I also put in a grandfather clock( from a monster fighters poly bag). I also made Radagast the browns house . I basically built a tree and a house combined it. Then the shape shifters house ( with out horses , but, had chickens and goats ). I kept them together and stored them with my other middle earth sets.
They sound beautiful! I always liked that grandfather clock, and you definitely need lots of food in a Hobbit house! 😀
Do you have any pictures? Would love to see those!
The whole design of the throne room is very impressive. And the colored windows are beautiful! And that black lion! The best window design I have ever seen! Oh, and the throne too! There is so much to see here I will have to watch the videos several times.
Yes, I really like the windows as well. I remember experimenting with the technique when Katie Walker first came up with it some years ago. I came to the same conclusion at that time that a piece of clear tape can really help. 😀
No, all my middle earth stuff is in containers( not in pieces). But, I might just pull it all out ( bye, bye jungle, dinosaur and volcano themes ) . How can I send pictures to you? I am not very knowledgeable in the Internet world. Do I send it to the website ?
If you have a Flickr, Imgur, Facebook, Instagram, or other picture-sharing account, you can upload the pictures there, and just link from here. If you don’t have a way to share them online, you can just email them to me, and I will upload them here in the comment section for you. The little envelope in the upper left-hand side-bar will give you my email address. 🙂
Thanks, now my Creations are not as detailed as some of the other creations . Let me work on things a bit and get back to on that( things are in containers). I ‘ll send you what ever I have (pictures).
First, this is amazing, wonderful job 🙂 Could you say the dimensions? I really want to know the measure of it!
Helena, I’m not sure of the exact size, but if you watch the second video with the behind-the-scenes info on how the model was built, you can pause the video at certain sections and count the number of bricks, tiles, or studs, to get a sense of the dimensions. 🙂