If you have been paying attention to the LEGO Minecraft theme, you may have noticed some interesting developments in the 2018 LEGO Minecraft collection. While in 2017 we got mostly medium to very large sets, several of the 2018 sets released so far are unusually small. In fact, three of them are the smallest LEGO Minecraft sets to date (excluding the LEGO Minecraft Skin Packs from 2016). So, I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at the 2018 LEGO Minecraft selection and see what we got. 🙂

➡ VERY SMALL 2018 LEGO MINECRAFT SETS: Two of the smallest sets this year are the #21138 LEGO Minecraft The Melon Farm, and the #21139 LEGO Minecraft The Nether Fight. When I first saw them at a local retail store, I was taken aback by their small size – the box was about the same size as a small LEGO City set. The #21138 LEGO Minecraft The Melon Farm only got 69 pieces, and the #21139 LEGO Minecraft The Nether Fight 84 pieces. Despite their small size, both sets are generous in characters. The #21138 LEGO Minecraft The Melon Farm includes Steve, a villager, a pig and a Creeper, and the #21139 LEGO Minecraft The Nether Fight includes Alex, a zombie pigman, a wither skeleton, and a small magma cube.

It’s nice to have such small LEGO Minecraft sets for a change, as it allows fans to add additional terrain and characters to their layout without spending a fortune. From the two sets, I would say that the #21138 LEGO Minecraft The Melon Farm is more interesting, just because it has a great selection of earth-tone colors, several nice printed pieces, and a few of the new 1×1 flower-shaped round plates in green. Of course, if you like fiery pieces, the other set would be a better choice. Both of the sets are $14.99 each and are available at LEGO retailers and the LEGO Minecraft section of the Online LEGO Shop.

➡ SMALL 2018 LEGO MINECRAFT SETS: The #21140 LEGO Minecraft The Chicken Coop, and the #21141 LEGO Minecraft The Zombie Cave are slightly larger sets in the 200-piece range. The #21140 LEGO Minecraft The Chicken Coop is particularly fun with an elevated henhouse shaped like a chicken that delivers eggs. The set also includes Alex, three brick-built chickens, and a tamed wolf.

The #21141 LEGO Minecraft The Zombie Cave features a cave with a TNT blasting function and some usual LEGO Minecraft accessories. Notable characters are the adorable baby zombie micro-figure and the brick-built bat. The set also includes Steve and a regular zombie minifig. Both sets are $19.99 each, and are available at LEGO retailers and the LEGO Minecraft section of the Online LEGO Shop.

➡ MEDIUM 2018 LEGO MINECRAFT SETS: The last three LEGO Minecraft sets that were recently released are the #21142 LEGO Minecraft The Polar Igloo with 278 pieces for $29.99, the #21143 LEGO Minecraft The Nether Portal with 470 pieces for $39.99, and the #21144 LEGO Minecraft The Farm Cottage with 549 for $49.99. These sets are more in line with previous releases in both size and price.

The #21142 LEGO Minecraft The Polar Igloo includes a snow-covered biome with an igloo. The polar bear and baby polar bear are cute additions to an otherwise pretty standard layout and features. The #21143 LEGO Minecraft The Nether Portal has some interesting features; a small section of the Minecraft track system we have seen in some previous sets, a ghast figure that shoots fireball-decorated discs, and another adorable baby zombie micro-figure. I also like how LEGO designers handled the portal with the black frame and translucent-purple piece.

The #21144 LEGO Minecraft The Farm Cottage is a fairly substantial set with a 2-story house with detailed interior, a garden with carrot, wheat and beetroot patches, an animal pen, and more. There is also a host of cute animals, including a donkey, a baby pig, a bunny and a baby bunny. The set has enough features and playability to work well on its own, or it can be added to other LEGO Minecraft sets such as the #21128 LEGO Minecraft The Village released in 2016. You can find all three set under the LEGO Minecraft section of the Online LEGO Shop.

In summary, I would say that this is a good collection of LEGO Minecraft sets with a particularly nice selection of animals. None of the sets is weak or boring as it sometimes happened in previous waves. And the smaller sizes allow LEGO Minecraft fans to pick up the sets they really like without breaking the bank. In the video-player below, JANGBRiCKS will show you each of the 2018 LEGO Minecraft sets in more detail.
What do you think? How do you like the 2018 LEGO Minecraft sets so far? Did you get any of them already? Which one is your favorite? Feel free to share your thoughts and own review in the comment section below! 😉

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Minecraft sets are great for basic bricks. That’s about all I care for. It is probably also popular with those who always complain that lego is making too many specialized parts. Mincraft is literally just a bunch of bricks!
Yes, Minecraft sets are a great way to accumulate basic bricks in earth-tone colors. And, if you don’t care for Minecraft, you can even sell the minifigs to recuperate some of the cost. 😉
It’s nice that they are adding some smaller sets. I saw some the other day at walmart, and I was surprised how small they were. Great impulse buys.
I guess you can call the mini figures ” blockheads”. Lol.
Yeah, basically. 😀
Yay! More minecraft!!! I like the little sets too! Great way to get extra figures. BTW, I just found the skinpacks at Target yesterday! I didn’t’ know they were still around!
Oh, nice! Yeah, you can often find old sets at odd places! 😀
i like really all of them i don’t know witch one i like.