At the recent BrickFair, Alabama LEGO convention and expo, LEGO customizer EclipseGRAFX unveiled some new custom printed LEGO pieces that are now also available at their online shop. And, they restocked some old favorites as well. So, I thought this was a good time to write up a little update on what they have. As I mentioned previously, (see links at the end of this post), EclipseGRAFX is one of my favorite LEGO customizers, so I’m always happy to review and talk about their products. 🙂

First, let’s take a look at these awesome calendar pages, custom printed on 2×4 tiles using high-quality UV digital printing. The artwork on the calendar was done by Kevin Hinkle, former LEGO Community Manager for the US (yes, Kevin is a great artist too!). Note that this printed tile set is an actual 2018 calendar, with the correct days of the week for each month. Perfect for your minifigs to plan out the year!

EclipseGRAFX makes some really beautiful movie posters on standard LEGO 4×6 windowpanes that I reviewed previously (see: LEGO Movie Posters & Stained Glass Windows). Now, EclipseGRAFX offers the same designs printed on 2×4 tiles as well. They work great as smaller decorations in your minifigs’ environment. Posters include The LEGO Movie, The LEGO Batman Movie, The LEGO Ninjago Movie, Terminator 2, Silence of the Lambs, Rambo 2, Back to the Future, Harry Potter, Guardians of the Galaxy, and more.

Speaking of the larger movie posters, they are also back in stock and are available in limited quantities. I highly recommend these as I mentioned in my previous review. They are perfect for changing out the movie posters in the #10232 LEGO Creator Palace Cinema, and of course, could be used for other purposes as well.

I like these custom LEGO candy bars too! They are printed on 1×2 tiles with some fun designs and names, referencing real candy bars. They are great items for LEGO city convenience stores and grocery stores.

In addition, EclipseGRAFX added a bunch of fun and whimsical minifig heads that were originally made for Valentine’s Day. The custom printed heads are available in both classic LEGO yellow, and light skin color. Also in reference to Valentine’s Day, EclipseGRAFX is offering a free 2×4 custom printed tile with a Valentine’s Day poster with purchases of $20 or more until the end of February.

There are many other custom printed items you can find at the EclipseGRAFX online shop. It’s worth browsing through their selection to find some unique and interesting minifigs, minifig parts, and accessories. I always find good use for them around my LEGO city, as they blend in with LEGO’s own style and decorations perfectly. And EclipseGRAFX also takes custom orders if you have something specific in mind.

If you visit any of the large LEGO conventions around the US, you will likely find the EclipseGRAFX booth somewhere amongst the participating vendors. I very much recommend checking out their selection, as it is a real treat to see them in person, and purchasing them right on the spot is super convenient.

What do you think? How do you like these custom printed LEGO elements? Do you have any of them already? What other designs would you like to see them carry? Feel free to share your thoughts and own review in the comment section below! 😉
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Wow! So are they are going to make a new calendar every year? That would make these tiles very collectible. Also, the artwork of Kevin Hinkle? Are you sure about that? It doesn’t say that in the description.
Sorry, admin, I didn’t mean to make it sound like I’m doubting you, I was just excited and wanted to make sure.
No worries. Yes, the calendar pages are very nice, and they are indeed Kevin’s work. He posted about them on Twitter:
Thanks for that! Very interesting!
That “flood of tears” face looks like manga iconography. It has obviously spread by now…
Of course, in classic Western cartoon iconography, the tears are rather spattered all around the face, and for natural reasons, that’s impossible to do with a minifig head…
LEGO has been pretty good at adding lots of emotions to minifig heads, even with the limitations. Some of them turn out really odd, approaching the uncanny valley, but most are super cute with instantly recognizable emotions.
P.S.: Maybe, one day we should talk about all the different minifig face art styles! 😀
Yeah, they’ve been changing quite a bit over the years, the earliest face variations, apart from the classic smiley, tend to look relatively simple in comparison to the newer ones.
And they also had some unusual ones through the years, like the American Indians with noses, and those dreadful Star Wars figures with the big eyes. But mostly, they get them right. 😀
I would love a collection of those posters!
Those candy bars! OMG!!! And the posters are very beautiful too.
Nice. Haven’t gotten anything from them recently, but I will try to put in an order before the end of the month just to get that valentine’s day freebie.
*Pulls out a box of Good N Plenty* So close, I wonder if those “candy bars” are at risk for copyright infringement. No, not gonna rat them out! 🙂
Most companies tolerate small hobbyists. It’s good for them too as it is indirect marketing. The only exception is probably Disney. They don’t tolerate anything that even remotely looks like something from their franchises. The Mouse is a jealous creature. 🙄
Why that evil little cheese-eating rodent! :O I guess it’s a lesson in being wary of the one’s with the cute smile and silly giggle. 😉
Careful… he has his big ears everywhere and can hear ya! That Mouse is basically the overlord of my state, so I know how things go! 😈