As we discussed last week, the #70840 LEGO Movie 2 Welcome to Apocalypseburg! set is now available for LEGO VIP members (general release will be on February 1st). With the release of the set, LEGO also started a new promotion for The LEGO Movie 2 collectable trading cards and trading card packs! Below are the details. 🙂

The LEGO Movie 2 Collector Album is available to LEGO VIP members with purchases of $15 or more. Each album includes an exclusive VIP card, details from the movie, and quotes from the characters.

If your purchase total is $40 or more, you will also get three free packs of trading cards along with the collector album. There are a total of 36 cards to collect, including some special foil cards.

Please note that the offer for the trading cards is available to everyone, not just LEGO VIP members. You will get them as long as your purchase total is $40 or more. However, the collector album is only available to LEGO VIP members. Also, although this promotion is mostly about The LEGO Movie 2, you can purchase any item at the Online LEGO Shop not just sets from The LEGO Movie 2. Both offers are valid until February 24th, or while supplies last. If you would like to take advantage of these offers, visit the Online LEGO Shop.

In the video-review below, JANGBRiCKS will show you the cards in more detail, as he already got three packs with his purchase.
While LEGO trading cards are not LEGO bricks, they are fun to collect. They are high quality, and come with nice artwork. If you are creative, you can even incorporate them in LEGO projects as posters, backgrounds for minifigs, or as other type of art. If you live near a LEGO store, there are also going to be some trading card swap days on February 3rd and 18th.

What do you think? Do you plan to collect The LEGO Movie 2 trading cars? Do you have any of The LEGO Movie 2 sets? Which one is your favorite? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
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If you place an order for more than $40, do you get more than three packs? Say, if my total is $80, do I get six packs? Or only three?
I just checked, and you get three packs with any order over $40. If you do have a larger order, you may want to break it up to get more of the cards. You will be over the free shipping threshold, so there is no harm in placing more than one order.
My kids would love to collect the cards! I wish they would be an easier way to get all 36 without having to spend $40 three times. Even then, it’s not guaranteed that you will get all of them.
It’s a bit easier for people who live near a LEGO store, as they will have swap dates. But yeah, if you have to order online, it is going to be tough to collect all the cards without missing some and getting duplicates. You should be able to get the missing ones from BrickLink or eBay though.
I agree with others that if it would be easier to collect all the cards I would go for it. But it seems like there is very little chance of actually achieving that without too much extra work. I loved the Ninjago playing cards, and if these are similar it would be great to get them.
Yeah, it’s not going to be easy to collect them all, unless you live near a LEGO store. The cards are nice quality, as you can see in the video-review by JANG. They are worth collecting, or at least getting a few. 🙂
They are cool, but I prefer double vip points and discounts. If I get some I won’t mind though.
Yeah, that’s pretty much how I look at them too. 😀
The whole shtick seems rather gimmicky and troublesome to me. I remember Jang generally spitting venom on similar attempts in Lego lootboxes, so I don’t think he’d be any more positive to this… (Without having seen the video, yet…)
He is pretty neutral about the cards. Not overly positive or negative. On the negative side, he points out that they are going to be hard to collect. On the positive side, he says the cards are nice and the collector album is pretty nice too. It’s pretty awesome how the graphics on the cards line up with the graphics in the album. That was kind of a delightful surprise.
Well, at least there’s a unifying idea to the design. That’s not always the case for the lootbox collecting cards…
It’s also kind of a big deal that these are official LEGO collector cards rather than something produced by a random company or customizer. People like to collect unique things like this. 🙂
Hey! I love what you’re doing and I recently decided to write a blog about my lego building process. Feel free to visit my blog and maybe leave some comments on how I can do better!
Hey, Joseph, thanks for stopping by. I like your pictures. They are nice and sharp! Have fun with your blogging project! 🙂