LEGO is currently running a survey to help them understand how people feel about the use of plastics. This is part of a bigger study (you may remember some of the previous surveys), and they would really like to have both parents as well as adult fans of LEGO participate. Results will be shared sometime in the first half of next year.

The survey is run by LEGO’s research partner, Shift Learning, and is available in English, German and Mandarin. The deadline to participate is December 31st (please note that the deadline on the survey page was originally incorrect, and may still show up as such). The survey is strictly anonymous, and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete (it took me 30 minutes, but I was slow and careful with my responses). Most of the questions can be answered by checkmarks and radio-buttons, but there are also a few questions where you can elaborate on your response.

As the survey is conducted on behalf of the LEGO group, most of the questions are about your thoughts on their impact on the environment, and the initiatives they are already taking or planning to take. There are also some general questions about your opinion on environmental issues, especially the use of plastics. In addition, some of the questions ask about your own personal habits, questions, and concerns when it comes to environmental responsibility.

I thought the survey was interesting and the questions were to the point. I could see useful and actionable data coming out of it. If you would like to help LEGO with your feedback, you can participate in the survey at the following link: LEGO SURVEY – PLASTICS & THE LEGO GROUP
What do you think? How is the LEGO hobby impacting the environment in your opinion? Did you have a chance to fill out the survey? Are there any questions you really liked/didn’t like? Do you have any feedback about the survey itself? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below!
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Done. Interesting survey. It took me about 20 minutes.
I don’t mind plastics as long as they are reused and not dumped into the environment. Lego is mostly recycled as far as I know, but I appreciate their effort trying to find environmentally friendlier alternatives. I hope the survey helps in their research.
Going through the survey, it helped me to better appreciate that a good quality product like the elements that Lego produces and the prices at which their sets cost it helps keep Lego from becoming an item that can (at least for me) to be easily discarded and seen as something to be thrown out.
On the other hand, it could also be my passion for Lego and their products that I just can’t see throwing even the smallest parts into the trash. 😉
I don’t know if this is allowed, but I did the survey with my kids. I asked them each question, what they thought about it, and we selected our responses together. I have to say I was impressed by their thoughtful responses. I’m happy to see that the younger generation is more environmentally conscious.
Why would you believe that their goal is anything other than maximizing their profits? And maybe that is how it should be.
I get the impression that they are more interested in how they are perceived instead of how they affect the environment. Don’t get me wrong, even this is better than nothing, but some of the questions made me feel they’re mostly interested in perception.
I had the same reaction when I completed the survey.
Here’s a two question survey:
Are you willing to pay 20% more for your Lego if it is made from plant material?
Would the company be willing to earn 20% less profit by making Lego from plants
They want to gauge how much they should really put into it. They are a toy company. They need to make profits. They will do what’s necessary to sell their products and have a decent reputation as environmentally friendly.
Let’s be real. None of us need Lego. We can’t eat it. We can’t build a shelter from it. And it’s made from plastic. So right from the start, it’s not an environmentally friendly product. But they are trying their best not to be wasteful. More than many other companies.
I’m not convinced.
Here’s a suggestion. They can reduce the size of all their oversized boxes, that are half empty.
They already did that once and it backfired because people thought the boxes were too small for the price. So now they are making boxes that are somewhere in between the big old boxes and the small boxes.