The LEGO minifigures team is asking the fan community to help improve the packaging of the LEGO Collectible Minifigures. It’s a pretty interesting survey with good questions that takes around 5-10 minutes to fill out. Below is the full announcement and the link.

We’re on a journey to improve our packaging for minifigures and we need your input to help us in the development process. We’re currently looking for input from Adult Fans of LEGO from Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States who buy LEGO Collectible Minifigures for their own consumption. We appreciate your support and look forward to your feedback. We hope for your participation through this link. Please note the survey is only in English.
If you participate, the link will take you to the research server of Iconkids & Youth, a Germany-based market research agency, who is conducting this study on behalf of The LEGO Group. The survey site receives no information about you whatsoever from The LEGO Group. Any responses you give in the survey will be compiled in a report that will be used by The LEGO Group, and they will only receive the results as aggregated data. The LEGO Group will not know who answered what. The survey company complies with the ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
During the survey, you will be exposed to certain information relating to future plans of The LEGO Group, which are confidential. By participating in this research, you confirm that you will not disclose, publish, release, transfer, or otherwise make available any of the confidential information and material, including sharing publicly in any forum (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, social-media, or other).
I already filled out the survey myself, and found it interesting and relevant. It took me maybe five minutes to go through it. If you would like to participate as well, head over to the survey page. You’re also welcome to share the link with other LEGO fans who fit the criteria. And if you want to check out the currently available collectible minifigs, visit the LEGO Minifigures section of the Online LEGO Shop.

What do you think? Did you fill out the survey? How did you like the questions? And what do you think of the potential of changing the packaging to something more environmentally friendly? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below!
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Thanks! Interesting survey. I appreciate that they are thinking about this stuff. They are also planning to replace the inner bags with paper bags.
Done! Good survey! The only thing I don’t like about the new packaging is that you canm’t feel for the minifigs. I did say in the survey I rather buy the ones I want instead of guessing.
Done. By the way, the images from the survey are already circulating on Instagram and Facebook. So much for people keeping the info confidential.
I’m mostly okay with the new packaging, but when it asked if I’m willing ot pay more, no. Just no. At $5 a pop, the collectible minifigs are already ridicolously expensive.
Yes, I said the same thing. Nope, aren’t paying more. And why would recycled paper be more expensive anyway?
I can’t fill in the survey, as I’m from Sweden.
By the way, I recently heard that from 2021 on, the regular CMF series will be reduced to 12 different minifigs. Maybe the team has difficulties coming up with new ideas…
Yes, there has been a rumor going around that there will be only 12 minifigs in a series. I hope that means they will be distributed equally and we can get five full sets from a box.
As far as ideas, they could always just go back and re-release some of the older minifigs that are super popular like the Hazmat Suit Guy or the Nurse. Those go for pretty penny on the secondary market as people really want them. I still don’t own the Hazmat Guy, and I only have one nurse. They are so useful in dioramas.
Done. My concern with the new packaging is that thieves will easily tear them open. And you can’t feel for the minifigs. I’m all for sustainability, but there must be a better way.
Got it done. I hope they come up with another solution becuase I don’t like the boxes.
Survey done. I’m also not fond of the proposed changes. I don’t know how bad those foil packets are for the environment, but there must be some better solution than rigid boxes.
Hmm, various plastics are more complex than papers, but my impression was that soft plastics were mostly pretty easy to recycle, as long as they were in the right container.
But, to quote an old Simpsons episode: “Mom! Mom! You’re mixing polyethylene with polyurethane!”
The new packaging ends up being more wasteful if you are trying to complete the set. If you can feel the bags, maybe you buy an extra 2 or 3 because it was ambiguous. If it’s a completely blind draw, you might end up buying dozens, before you luck on that final one. And what is more wasteful, a plastic bag or 20-30 plastic minifigures?
There are various third party options that sell the various figures pre-opened for a small profit, though.
UPDATE: This is a message from the LEGO Minifigures Team:
“Big thank you for your engagement! We had such an overwhelming response within the first 24 hours that we’ve been able to close the survey early. Once again, your passion has amazed us.”
Great so I did it like 6min after it closed. ok. lol