If you are displaying your LEGO creations on open shelves, eventually they will collect dust. However if you do a quick dusting on them on a regular basis, you can keep those dust-bunnies at bay. The challenge of keeping LEGO dust-free is the studs on top of LEGO elements. It makes it hard to just […] Read more
LEGO Care & Storage

Have you picked up a large tub of used LEGO at a garage sale? Did you find that some pieces were in need of some serious cleaning? Well, the good news is that LEGO is quite easy to clean and bring back to its original shine! :arrow: WASHING: in most cases you can just wash […] Read more

LEGO is meant to be played with. It is designed to be put together and taken apart thousands of times! It can handle a lot of use and even abuse. LEGO is not happy sitting on a shelf collecting dust. So, do not be afraid to take those bricks out of the box and test their limits! How […] Read more

LEGO pieces are precisely designed to fit together snuggly. This gives you the ability to build huge creations that won’t fall apart. The downside is that it can be a real pain to separate bricks or plates that are stuck together! If you played with LEGO as a child you probably used your fingernails or teeth as […] Read more