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Beginner Guides for LEGO Fans

Shopping for LEGO on BrickLink

Shopping for LEGO on BrickLink thumbnail

If you are searching for specific LEGO parts, discontinued sets, or rare minifigures, there is no better place to shop than BrickLink! BrickLink is the biggest online marketplace for LEGO buyers and sellers from around the globe. Here I will give you an overview about LEGO shopping on BrickLink so you become familiar with the process. […] Read more


Old LEGO in odd colors – where from?

Old LEGO in odd colors – where from? thumbnail

(Written by: Gary) (Photo by: Maxx) Back in the 1960s, and much of the 1970s, LEGO parts came in just a few colors; red, white, blue, yellow, clear and black, with a few plates/baseplates in gray and green. But that was it… However through the years many folks have been  finding very old types of bricks in tan, […] Read more


LEGO shopping for children & you!

LEGO shopping for children & you! thumbnail

Although the focus of this site is primarily to provide tips and resources for adult fans of LEGO, I thought it would be helpful to at least briefly address the topic of LEGO shopping for younger LEGO enthusiasts. If you have budding LEGO fans around, you will definitely have lots of fun sharing the LEGO […] Read more


Considering which LEGO sets to buy?

Considering which LEGO sets to buy? thumbnail

If you already have your heart set on a particular LEGO set, by all means buy it! However if you are new to the LEGO hobby and just wondering what makes most sense to buy, I can share with you some criteria I personally use when I go LEGO shopping. (These can also be used if […] Read more


What is the best way to sort LEGO?

What is the best way to sort LEGO? thumbnail

As your LEGO collection grows, you will ultimately face the question: what is the best way to sort LEGO? There is not one answer to the question of sorting LEGO, but there are ways that work better than others according to the size of your collection and your building style. For LEGO storage solutions head […] Read more


How to store your LEGO?

You may first start your LEGO hobby by purchasing one set at a retail store, or one tub of used LEGO at a garage sale. So how to store your treasure? BOX OR TUB: when you own just a couple of LEGO sets you may store them in their original box or tub, or perhaps […] Read more


Don’t Let Your LEGO Get Yellowed & Sunburned!

Don’t Let Your LEGO Get Yellowed & Sunburned! thumbnail

LEGO comes in many beautiful and vibrant colors. I have LEGO from the 70s that is just as bright as if it would have come from a set purchased today. LEGO won’t get discolored, nor would the colors fade, if you keep one thing in mind; avoid strong light! If LEGO gets exposed to direct […] Read more


Cleaning dusty LEGO

Cleaning dusty LEGO thumbnail

If you are displaying your LEGO creations on open shelves, eventually they will collect dust. However if you do a quick dusting on them on a regular basis, you can keep those dust-bunnies at bay. The challenge of keeping LEGO dust-free is the studs on top of LEGO elements. It makes it hard to just […] Read more


Cleaning dirty LEGO

Cleaning dirty LEGO thumbnail

Have you picked up a large tub of used LEGO at a garage sale? Did you find that some pieces were in need of some serious cleaning? Well, the good news is that LEGO is quite easy to clean and bring back to its original shine! :arrow: WASHING: in most cases you can just wash […] Read more


LEGO is an investment!

LEGO is an investment! thumbnail

LEGO is meant to be played with. It is designed to be put together and taken apart thousands of times! It can handle a lot of use and even abuse. LEGO is not happy sitting on a shelf collecting dust.  So, do not be afraid to take those bricks out of the box and test their limits!  How […] Read more