While shopping for LEGO at various retailers you may have run into a brand called LASER PEGS. They are usually placed in the same isle as LEGO, or somewhere close by. You will noticed on the boxes that the elements look very similar to LEGO (same size bricks, knobs on top, etc.), but the pieces are […] Read more
LEGO Compatible Brands

BrickWarriors, who are well known for their excellent quality custom minifigure accessories has a number of new products, as well as special promotions and discounts for the holiday season. Besides just being generally awesome, BrickWarriors is a favorite LEGO customizer of mine and I highly recommend everything they make. Some of the new minifigure products […] Read more

I got a couple of new LEGO compatible lights from LiteUp Blocks recently that I wanted to show you. As you may remember, LiteUp Blocks is a small Hong Kong based company that makes LEGO compatible light-bricks. Their original product is similar to the official LEGO light-brick, but in more colors and sizes. They are […] Read more

You may remember that recently we talked about a new set of accessories by BrickForge, one of the most prominent LEGO customizers (see: Custom LEGO WWII Items by BrickForge). These items are actually part of a brand new product-line introduced by BrickForge called the RiGGED system, which allows LEGO fans to design and decorate their minifigs […] Read more

(Written by Ernest) Have you ever struggled with displaying or putting away your LEGO creations because they were too big and you didn’t have enough space for them? I myself have had experienced this a lot! In fact I have often thought about that it would be great if there was a way to shrink […] Read more

LEGO customizer BrickForge has a whole new range of minifigure accessories that I thought you might like. This time the theme is WWII, with a really nice color scheme and printed items. This collection is called Wave 1, so I assume there are also going to be future releases in the theme. The WWII custom […] Read more

There are a couple of interesting new LEGO projects on Kickstarter that I thought to share with you today. One is a small, fully LEGO-compatible robot with a great array of sensors, named Edison. The other is a LEGO-compatible remote-control kit, called SmartBrick. I will introduce you to both, then you can follow the campaign […] Read more

Today I would like to show you a few very unique sets from OXFORD that got released recently. We have talked about the OXFORD brand before and you can read my full review on it here: OXFORD – Overview. But as a summary, OXFORD is a LEGO compatible brand from South Korea that has the exact same […] Read more

As you probably know already, I’m a big fan of BrickForge for their custom LEGO elements. Their variety, quality, and color selection of custom LEGO items is really unmatched. Many LEGO customizers make things like weapons (mostly firearms), but BrickForge has everything. Yes, they do have a huge variety of firearms, bladed weapons (both life-like […] Read more

Just about a year ago I introduced you to a Hong Kong based small company that makes LEGO compatible light-bricks. (See my previous review here: LEGO Light Bricks – More Options!) At that time they only produced clear casings for the light bricks with different color LED bulbs to provide variety. Since then they have […] Read more