Hello, there!!! And welcome to my blog! In case you were curious who is behind this website and the yellow crash-test dummy; my real name is Anna, but I go by “akunthita” or “thita” on most LEGO forums, and I’m the
queen admin around here at theBrickBlogger. I hate writing official “about me”-s, so instead here is a bunch of random stuff to satisfy your curiosity. If you have questions just email me or leave a comment at the end!
- My favorite LEGO themes are castle and fantasy, and recently I also got into trains.
- I collect LEGO 2×2 bricks; currently I have 53 different colors, including some very rare ones.
- I received my first LEGO set when I was 7-years-old.
- I don’t like mixing LEGO and cloth (capes, flags, etc.), even if it is an official LEGO part.
- I have a Bricklink store; Sunshine State Bricks.
- I share most of my LEGO stuff at my flickr gallery.
- I can’t stand stickered LEGO parts, but love when they are printed!
- I own over 500 minifigs in my personal collection.
- I really like the now discontinued DUPLO Castle and DUPLO Pirate lines.
- I keep my LEGO very organized, but building can get messy.
- I collect the little plastic-tub Creator sets. I have all 16 released.
- I have been a vegetarian since I was 18-years-old.
- I’m left-handed.
- I have never flown first class.
- Currently I’m a black belt in Cuong Nhu, and train regularly.
- I have almost drowned three times.
- I have bungee jumped in Squamish, BC, Canada one time.
- I have been on a cruise twice; both times on Royal Caribbean.
- I have eaten fire.
- I have walked barefoot on fire for 50 feet.
- I have had a cinder-block broken over my chest with a sledge-hammer while lying on a bed of nails. Yeah, don’t ask!
- I once fasted on fruit and water for 90 days and twice for 30 days.
- I have poor night-vision.
- I’m an awesome vegetarian cook and even better baker.
- I have elaborate dreams – like being in the movies all night!
- I own a Sunset Orange Honda Element.
- I used to be an eBay PowerSeller.
- The biggest thing I bought on eBay was my car.
- The biggest thing I sold on eBay was an Avion travel-trailer.
- I own a Trek bike.
- I have been to India once.
- I have played paintball.
- I have snorkeled in Haiti.
- I know how to use a shotgun and a handgun.
- I have driven a tank.
- I’m a non-drinker, non-smoker, non-drug user.
- I have been to the Bahamas.
- I have been to SeaWorld twice and Discovery Cove once.
- I have been to Mexico three times.
- I have been horse-back riding only once.
- I drink at least a half a gallon of water every day.
- I used to have two parakeets; one green/yellow and one blue/white.
- I have been to Trinidad.
- I speak English, Hungarian and German a bit.
- I have lived in an ashram as a monk for 8 years.
- I have never been on a big rollercoaster, only the older wooden ones.
- I have been surrounded by wild dolphins while swimming in the Atlantic.
- I once delivered phonebooks.
- I briefly worked at a factory that was making parts for tanks.
- I have worked at a vegetarian restaurant for three years.
- I have helped building the Smoke Bluff Park Trails in Squamish, BC, Canada.
- I have all my wisdom teeth, and my tonsils.
- I’m a good at all the artsy-craftsy stuff.
- Even I can’t read my handwriting!
- I know how to pan for gold.
- I have been to a traditional Native American sweat-lodge ceremony twice.
- I have encountered an alligator while canoeing in Florida.
- I have been to several multi-day bike tours.
- I have read the Bible, the Koran, the Book of Mormon, and the Bhagavad-Gita.
- I had volunteered at an archeological excavation.
- I have volunteered at a youth correctional facility.
- I’m the oldest of nine siblings.
- I’m good at fixing things – yeah, I know – a Jedi trait!
- I have helped building a cob-house.
- I tan easily.
- I do not have a television.
- I have no memory before the age of four.
- I never had braces.
- I’m allergic to chemical cleaning supplies.
- I used to be a real bookworm, now not as much.
- I have played roulette in Las Vegas.
- I have seen three of the Cirque de Soleil shows.
- I like to sleep on the floor.
- I don’t like icy drinks.
- I don’t mind rodents, but some bugs freak me out.
- I haven’t read any of the Harry Potter books.
- I love warm-weather places!
- I have never broken any bones.
- I can whistle – a little.
- I can never tell right from left.
- I always had trouble with numbered streets.
- I wash my darks and whites together.
- I’m a late afternoon person; 4 PM to sunset is my favorite part of the day.
- I feel more comfortable around kids than adults.
- I haven’t seen any of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies; stinky, toothless guys are not my thing.
- I only know how to hand-sew and would love to learn how to use a sewing-machine.
- I can play the piano, acoustic guitar and flute a little bit and harmonium pretty good.
- I love playing Frisbee.
- My favorite ice-cream flavor is “St. Augustine Mud”.
- I have been to four continents: North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.
- I have been to 12 countries.
- I believe there are wars on this planet because grown-ups take themselves way too seriously.
- I never liked zoos; always wanted to open up the cages!
- So far I have counted 35 different birds in our back-yard.
- My favorite quote is: “Allow space for magic to occur.”
- My hubby is an NLP (Non-LEGO-Person), but he has great taste and great eye for details.
- Ours is a DINK household (Dual-Income-No-Kids).
- The movie “Brother Sun, Sister Moon” was a turning-point in my life.
- I’m obsessed with round numbers so had to add this in…
- …and I love smilies! 🙂
If you read this far you deserve a cookie! Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Just email me or leave a comment below!
I was to a Rummage sale lately (on saturday) and got some pretty nice deals. I came a little late and missed a Bionicle set and other lego stuff (the lady already had it in her hand before I could look at it!) The good news is I was able to get some Playmobil and some Lego mini figures and pieces. I think the minifigures I got are rare since I don’t see that type much. I got a angry looking guy with bare arms and a T on his shirt (T for taco?),a tribal looking guy with a grey face,a random looking business guy with a small mustache and small mouth,a smiley guy with a red truck on his white shirt,and a cool guy with a black kind of western suit (it has a little silver gun in his jacket with the printing on it) with blue shades. How do I find out which mini figures they are?
Bricklink is your best bet. Actually, if I wouldn’t be out of town I would help you find all of them. I know the Bricklink catalog as the back of my hand. It is really fun browsing around. But anyway, from your description they should be easy to locate. 😉
Why are parts of Akunthita blocked out? 😕
I’m not sure what you are talking about. 😕
It happened to my comment too!
You’ve done MANY things!
And you still have time for LEGO?
-Brick Boy
lol you are right she does do alot of things but can i ask you a question admin how long do you spend on this website cause i think 2-3 hours making edits and upgrades?
Yes, you are right on target. It takes 1-4 hours a day, except when I travel. I usually do stuff before I have to start to work, early in the morning. 😉
You’ve driven a tank?! Awesome! You should build your experiences with legos! You must be an AFOL.
Meneldur, yeah, I do that sometimes. 😉
Hi Admin! I’ve just started checking out Brickblogger and I’m a big fan of LOTR stuff so the first article I read was the one on the second wave on Lego Lord of the Rings. I find that the flinging function is kind of lame on the Council of Elrond. But I do like 79006 when the porch-thing is connected to the main building.
Meneldur, nice to have you! I’m also a huge LOTR fan. Yes, LEGO sets sometimes have functions what older kids and adults would call lame, but it could be fun for younger kids. For us the details and colors of the sets and the minifigs are what is most attractive, so it is a win-win for everyone. 🙂
I like that Lego used those new arch pieces on Orthanc! Since Tobymacboy hasn’t replied yet, I have a question for you. How do I become a contributor?
Requires three published articles that you have written yourself. Related to the LEGO hobby, of course, other than that it’s pretty simple. Articles should be 500-1,000 words long (little shorter or longer I don’t mind, but if it is significantly longer it is best to split to parts). Article should include at least one picture/video. If the picture/video is not yours, it should be properly linked and attributed to the owner. You can send in articles as plain text to my email address, with pictures ATTACHED (not embeded -you can make notes in the article where you want me to put them). If the article is approved and published, two more to go, and you can become an official contributor. 😉
i am a big fan already, thank you and please keep writing!
Admin, do you know when Lego will put the new Lord of the Rings sets on Lego Shop? I know Orthanc is already on there but I wasn’t sure when the second wave was going to be for sale. I’m guessing in June.
Meneldur, that’s my guess too. Altough it is likely they will be available from TRU and maybe others some weeks before the actual release date. Can hardly wait! 😀
I’m guessing the Star Wars HH-87 Starhopper is around $50.00 right?
No piece count and no price yet, so my guess is as good as yours. 😉
Will it be in the summer catalog or will it come out later?
Am I asking you too many questions?
Naw, it’s all right. I’m not on all the time though. I have to live sometimes too. 😉
Is the Balrog still rumored to be released? I went on some website and they had said that Treebeard, the Bridge of Khazad-dum, and the Treason of Isengard were coming out. But when the second wave of sets was confirmed and the first preliminary images leaked out, they said they weren’t. I don’t go to that website anymore. I doubt Lego would make the Bridge of Khazad-dum but a Balrog could be possible. A Treebeard would be awesome but I wonder who the Ent is in the Tower of Orthanc set? If that is supposed to be Treebeard, then forget that rumor. But maybe that’s why Pippin and Merry aren’t included in the Tower of Orthanc: because they’re coming out in a Treebeard set. Still, that’s my speculation. And The Treason of Isengard set is definitely not going to come out now that Orthanc’s released. An Amon Hen set with Boromir, Aragorn, and Lurtz, and maybe Frodo and an Uruk-hai would be cool. But I didn’t know if you’ve heard any other rumors on the Balrog and Treebeard as sets.
Meneldur, there are always plenty of rumors and speculations surrounding LEGO, and especially new sets. Personally I don’t see the point in talking about rumors – the discussion just goes on and on and on until we are all blue in the face, but since it is a rumor by definition it can’t be conclusive. I find those discussions extremely tiring and boring and don’t participate in them – I just don’t have that kind of time to waste. Having said that, I do see some hope for the Treebeard set, because LEGO explicitly didn’t call the Ent Treebeard in the Tower of Orthanc. But that’s how far I will go with that train of thought and just leave it at that until LEGO makes an official announcement. 😉
Admin, I think it’s the Tower OF Orthanc. I’m just joking. I’ve made tons of typos in my life. I was only wondering about the rumors because I thought they might be real. Last year I heard the rumors of the Battle of the Black Gate, Pirate Ship Ambush, Council of Elrond, Wizard Battle, and Orthanc and I didn’t believe them at first and paid little attention to them. But now they’ve come true so that’s why I was asking if you’ve heard anything on these newer rumors. I doubt they’ll be confirmed anytime soon though. Most likely Lego will wait until next summer if they continue LOTR stuff.
Meneldur, I’m just not the best person to ask about rumors. I do know and read about them to weed out important news, but I’m just so not into it. People start talking rumors and I just zone out. Seriously. But I would agree with your projection; LOTR sets now, Hobbit sets in the winter, then probably another wave of LOTR the following summer to cover the time up to the last Hobbit movie, then another Hobbit wave whenever the third movie comes out. Oh, and I fixed that typo. I already wrote two 1,000+ word posts today, so my fingers are getting jumbled up. Time to take a break. 🙄
Sorry if I’m commenting too much or asking too many questions. I sometimes have a lot of questions or comments. But please tell me if I’m commenting TOO much. Hope your fingers get un-jumbled.
Meneldur, you are fine. I know exactly how it is; I started this blog on the suggestion of my family because I was driving them crazy talking about LEGO all the time. But it is an exciting hobby and there is a lot to talk about. 😀
If you’re looking for stuff that’s new to write about I’ve found some new sets that you haven’t talked about yet. Here’s a list of three city sets: 60019 Stunt Plane, 60023 Lego City Starter Set, and 60022 Cargo Terminal. Also there are several new speedorz and some new sets like: 70008 Gorzan’s Gorilla Striker, 70007 Eglor’s Twin Bike, and 70009 Worriz’s Combat Lair. Still, you’ve probably seen them but if you haven’t, look them up. I’m not really a Chima fan but I do like some of the newer ones (Lego thought of some clever functions and vehicles). These might make a good article.
Meneldur, I know about all the new sets. I get news items directly from LEGO, plus I’m a member of every single LEGO website, and I’m also friends with many of the owners of those sites. I sometimes write about new sets coming out that I know would be interesting for our community, but news is not the focus of TBB. There are plenty of other LEGO fans-sites who are already reporting on that. Our focus here is supporting those new to the LEGO hobby, especially adults (although kids are welcome), with tips, tricks insights, resources, building techniques, creations of other LEGO fans, etc.
I’m still new to TBB. Is there a place where I can post my MOCs on here?
TBB is not a picture sharing site. It’s a blog. For picture sharing you can use flickr, mocpages, brickshelf, etc.
I misunderstood then.
I have to ask… How and where to do you keep all your LEGO collections and things? You must have absolutely a ton of LEGO items. How to keep track / inventory of them all? I just read about the Brick Display Case and really like it. I have been struggling with this and haven’t found one I like until now! I plan to buy a few of the Brick Display Cases. Thanks!
Tina I’m glad you like the display-cases. They are very nice indeed. As far as my personal collection, mine is nothing compared to what some LEGO fans have. But it is large enough that I do need to have a good system of organization.
I use hobby drawer boxes for all my loose LEGO sorted by type, display models on a shelf-system, and also store some in those larger LEGO storage boxes by Iris (the large ones are no longer available). I don’t inventory my loose LEGO, but I do keep track of the full sets I have in a simple Excel spreadsheet.
I’m out of town at the moment otherwise I would send you a picture of my LEGO corner, as pictures speak a thousand words. If you are interested just remind me next week. I will be home by then.
Also you may want to check out the Care & Feed of LEGO section. There are several excellent storage and organization systems mentioned there by our contributors: http://thebrickblogger.com/category/beginner-lego-guides/care-and-feed-of-lego/
I also collect LEGO sorting and storage ideas (pictures that people share). Just remind me later and I will send you the link to my album when I get home. They should give you lots of ideas and inspiration from small, to medium to a huge LEGO collection. 🙂
Is it just me, or does the price for Legos seem to be becoming a bit more pricy that earlier years? The other day I was looking over an old, tattered magazine with old products like the Exo-force sets and Piraka Bionicles along with Lego Vikings and Lego Knight’s Kingdom. I saw the price for the Viking Castle and it was $70.00 and had exactly 1,019 pieces. You can hardly find deals like that anymore. Take The Goblin King Battle set for instance. It is a pricy $100 and it has only 841 pieces. I know that Goblin Town has a lot of newer bricks and bigger ones that might cost more but the Viking Castle had plenty of larger bricks. One factor may be the economy (or the minifigs) but I didn’t know if you had any answers.
Meneldur, yeah, the Viking Castle was awesome! One of my most favorite sets! As far as prices, there was this super scientific article I read one day about the price of LEGO. It was really long with charts and calculations and all, but the bottom line was that no, LEGO actually costs less if you take into considetation some factors like inflation, licensing fees, etc. I’m out of town right now so I can’t link to it because I’m not at my regular computer where I saved the article. If you are interested remind me next week and I will send you the link. Always remember that there is a significant difference between licensed and non-licensed sets. LEGO has a lot more room with their own themes versus sets where they have to pay license fees.
Hi Admin! Meneldur again. I am seriously into TBB now. I’m not addicted to it or anything bad like that, but I do enjoy this site and check it out on a regular basis. Anyway, now I’m considering becoming a contributor. Since you’re the “founder” of TBB, I thought I should ask you for some direction on how I become one. How do I write articles, reviews, and stuff like that, and how do I get a contributors’ post like yours’, Fikko’s, Tobymacboy’s, etc.? One thing’s for sure though: if I become a contributor, I will NOT write about rumors on Legos. I am curious how they start though. But you shouldn’t believe everything you hear. And if I did write about some you’d probably delete my post or fall asleep: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I was thinking about writing articles on unique or cool techniques I’ve found on certain Lego sets, like the Brick Breakdown posts. Maybe I’d write some stuff on latest sets as well, but I’d rather write about techniques and things like that. So if you can help me out and tell me what I have to do, that’d be great. Oh yeah, are you an AFOL or a TFOL? I assumed you were an AFOL by your 100 things list but I could be wrong. Sorry I called you an AFOL if you aren’t.
Meneldur, if you would like to become a contributor you can just email me your article. Articles should be 500-1,000 words long with pictcures/videos attached. If you are using other people’s images make sure you also include the link so they can be properly credited. As far as topics, if you are inspired to write about building techniques and latests sets you are welcome to do so. After three published articles you can become an official contributor with your own Contributors Page. 😉
I’m an AFOL, which is cool because I can buy my own LEGO. No need to ask parents! 😀
Very cool. I wondered if you were an AFOL. Strider did a great job on his first post don’t you think? Now how do I email you my articles?
Yeah, I liked Strider’s post too. He hit on an important topic. My email address is in the about me section above. I don’t want to type it out here as scrapers will flood it with spam. Also, it’s in the left-hand side-bar where the social buttons are. The little envelope is my email. 😉
Yes, the dreaded DA have been discussed many times here, but never in a post. That’s probably why there’s so many comment on Strider’s post.
That’s my guess Noah.
Admin, I have yet another question. Once I email you my article, will you post it on Latest News here on TBB shortly after you get it or will it just be an article that you’d keep on hand if you really needed it? Oh yeah, I’m also going to be pretty busy this week and next week so I might not email you my article until later this month.
Hm… goood question. I consider guest-posts and posts written by our regular contributors a priority and will always try to publish them within a week, usually faster. I also have a basic layout in my head of what is the best day to publish a post and how it fits in with other articles scheduled for that week.
For example I knew that Strider’s post would be best for Monday, because people like to talk about personal stuff and experiences like that early in the week. That is one of the reasons it got so many comments. The same post would have not done that well on the weekend. Although TBB has the highest traffic on the weekends, it is usually not the regulars, but new visitors and they don’t comment as much, or not at all. The weekend is best for news, sales announcements, or something fun like a video.
I like to have a good variety of posts for the whole week. So if we just talked about Star Wars for example, I won’t publish another SW post the next day. Or if we have done a tutorials post, the next day I will schedule something else like news or upcoming sets.
And yes, all posts show up on the homepage and under the Latest News section. It will be on the homepage in first position for one day, then slide into second position, but still as a full article the second day, then still stays on the first page for another six days as a teaser. Then it will be in whatever category it was posted under. Hope this helps. 😉
How’s this for an article: “Tips for building MOCs”? I’m working on it and hopefully will send it to you soon. I just am not sure where to get great pictures of individual bricks. Also, could I post an MOC of mine in the article? You told me that TBB isn’t a sharing site so I wasn’t sure if it was alright if I put one of my creations in the article.
Meneldur, oh, yes, you can definitely write an article and include your own LEGO creations within it. In fact I prefer if you take your own pictures (as long as they are good quality). As far as individual LEGO bricks, I’m not sure what are you looking for, but Bricklink has individual pictures of every single LEGO element. I like the topic, so go ahead and work on it, and when you have it together we can discuss further. 😉
Yeah, I wanted pictures of some of the best bricks and elements to use to make your creations cool and more realistic. That’s why I asked. My favorite bricks are the hinges, “brick” bricks, and 1×1 headlight bricks (they’re great for side-building). Actually any piece good for side-building I like (for the most part). I love tinkering around with hard techniques and brand new ones as well!
Meneldur, you might also consider LDD (LEGO Digital Designer) if you need to demonstrate a technique or something. All the LEGO elements are there and you can take screenshots for your tutorial. The software is free and extremely fun tgo work with. 🙂
Oh yeah, Admin, did you know that the flinging function in the Council of Elrond has the Eye of Sauron underneath it?! It’s so awesome! When I first saw the Council of Elrond set, I thought to myself, “Wow! Cool, but the flinging function is kind of lame.” but now that I found out about the Eye, I take it back….it is pretty cool. Also, near the tree, there is a trigger where you can activate the flinging function and not have to slam down behind where Gimli stands. I thought you have to hit the 2×4 grey tile to fling Gimli, but nope! Pretty clever huh? You probably already knew this right?
Meneldur, yeah I really like that set! I knew about the Eye of Sauron feature, but I didn’t know about flinging Gimli. I don’t have the set yet, but as soon as it shows up near me I will get at least one. 🙂
Do you know how TRU gets the sets before they’re released on Lego Shop? Because the Brickshowtv guy got the entire second wave of LOTR sets and a bunch of the new sets already from TRU. Also, I take it that the Yoda Chronicles set with Yoda, the Padawan trainee, and the blue droid that always shows up in the mini-movies, is exclusive?
Meneldur, TRU has exclusive first-release right to many LEGO sets and themes. The Yoda Chronicles set you are referring to was an event-exclusive for the unvailing of the huge LEGO X-wing in New York. You can find it on eBay, but it costs hundreds of $$$, as it is a very special,rare, and limited set. It also looks very nice, if I might say so. 🙂
Admin, why do we have to put our email address in when we comment??
Alejandra, it is for security reasons. We would be flooded with spam otherwise. Having to put in your email address is just an extra step to keep the badguys out. Most won’t go thru the trouble of using an email address. Even with this feature we get hundreds of spam comments a day, but you would never see those as they are blocked – mostly through their email.
Also, using your email address allows you to subscribe to comments if you would like to get updates on a particular post. You can actually use an alternate email address or even a fake one if you don’t want to use your main one, but this of course means you can’t subscribe to updates. BTW, the only person who would ever see your email address is me. Nobody else has access to it. And I don’t use it for anything except blocking out badguys.
Most websites, forums and blogs actually request that you subscribe or use your Facebook or Google+ account to leave a comment (another way to control badguys), but I decided not to do this and keep commenting as accessible as possible. We have a lot of kids commenting and most of them do not have Facebook or G+ accounts. But whatever way a webmaster chooses to manage their readers/members there must be a way to block undesirable people, otherwise comments would be flooded with horrible spam. I mean really; you have no idea what kind of comments spammers leave. Nasty, horrible stuff. You really don’t want to give them access to your website. Especially not a family-friendly site. 😐
Also, without an Email address, we couldn’t have gravatars. 😥
That’s a good point! I haven’t even thought of that! 😀
Admin, I’m wondering why the Yoda Chronicles promo set Padawan minifigure, has the Mon Mothma face. You know how the Padawan has the completely black eyes with no pupils. I kind of find that weird. I thought Lego would stop making the completely black eyes and here they have a new minifig with the old styled eyes. Do you know why they did that? I have speculations but I didn’t know if you have any specific answers.
Meneldur, they probably had some extra heads left over in some storage facility. Other than that, your guess is as good as mine. 😉
😯 Hey Admin! 😯 That X-wing is amazing. 🙂 So did you go to the unveiling?
Nope, I just came back from Chicago so I didn’t feel like packing up again and going somewhere else. 😐
I don’t blame you. Oh, by the way, can you delete my comments on the LOTR reviews. They’re pretty lame. 🙂
Meneldur, I don’t delete comments, unless of course it is spam, offensive, etc. Otherwise the only time I would delete/edit a comment if it is harmful to the person (like a minor sharing his/her email address, phone number, address – yeah, it happens). Other than that I assume that people here are responsible enough to post only what they really mean. 😉
I meant what I said in my comments but I think I could have worded it differently but that’s okay. And spamming can be awful sometimes! 🙁 Admin, I recently went onto your Flickr gallery. You must really enjoy customizing your minifigs and creating mini-builds. How many bricks would you say you have in your collection….and how many minifigs?
Meneldur, I have no idea how many LEGO elements I have. I mean how to even keep track of that?! I do have my LEGO organized in those drawer-cabinets and all, but I never actually counted them. I won’t even attempt! As far as minifigs, I have about 600, with 550 displayed (in armies and MOCs) and the rest in the drawer-cabinet or sets I haven’t even opened yet. Plus some Friends mini-dolls and three DUPLO armies with 50 Lion, Dragon and Phoenix knights. 😉
I loathe spam and detest spamming. 😉
Yeah, boo the badguys and throw some Megabloks at them! 😈
Hi Admin. I’m Meneldur’s brother! 🙂 I’m new to TBB.
Hi Admin. 😉 I’m new to TBB. My other comment got deleted. 😯 I didn’t mean to spam. 🙁
Laval, welcome! Your comments don’t get deleted, but sometimes they may go under moderation by the system for whatever reason. In this case probably because you are new. Don’t worry, I have them approved once I see them. 🙂
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! All my comments have reappeared! Sorry. 🙁
that’s kinda weird 👿
Admin, how do you become a contributor:?:
oops Admin how come all my comments are above my other comment and I thought you could do ❓ that and get a yellow circle with the question mark in it.
Laval, comments are from oldest to newest, with newer comments on top (unless you are responding to a previous comment).
Laval, ask your brother, I already told him the details. 😉
So Admin, what’s your favorite themes of Lego not counting GS and LOTR?
Meneldur, those are my favorite current themes. From past themes I really like Fantasy Era Castle, the old Viking sets, Alien Conquest… and I also like trains. 🙄
I love Vikings. Ignore the fact that I only have one set: 7021 Viking Double Catapult versus the Armoured Ofnir Dragon. I just checked Brickset and wow! This set was sold for no more than $40 back then. And I thought picking it up at some random store luckily for $60 was a great bargain, and everyone agrees with me. Man, LEGO was cheap back then.
Fikko, I read a really good article recently about how LEGO’s price in fact didn’t change at all if you take into consideration the value of money, how much people made that long back, inflation, etc. LEGO was always an expensive toy, but the overall price remained the same. The article had examples, charts etc. to show it. If you are interested I can send you the link (if I find it again). 🙂
Oh yeah! By the way, I just went on Lego Shop and found that they have the complete second wave of LOTR out! Finally! And the Army of the Dead do actually glow in the dark which I thought they didn’t. However, the Galactic Titan is not yet out. 🙁
Sorry about my brother, Admin. He really didn’t mean to leave all of those comments here but he’s new to TBB and the spam filter (I think that’s what it was) kept deleting his comments, thus, he kept putting new ones on. So when they all reappeared, he freaked out and came and told me. The same thing happened this morning when I tried to comment on the latest post. Maybe you can tell me what happened.
Meneldur, I’m not sure what else I can tell you. Spam filtering is an automated system. If it gets triggered by various parameters it will filter the message either as spam or as something awaiting moderation. Please note that no comments ever just disappear. If the system feels like a comment may be spam it will hold it in the moderation folder to be on the safe side. I go thru these comments at least once a day and approve them if they are legitimate, or mark them as spam if they are spam. Your brother typing up more and more messages in a rapid succession very likely triggered the spam-filter, as that’s exactly what spammers do. But again, messages never just disappear. They may go under moderation until I have a chance to go over them, but that’s about the worse that would happen. 😉
So bricklink has 53 colored 2X2, so you might be missing one of them. What are considered rare colors?
Joseph, Bricklink actually lists 43 official 2x2s that comes in sets (last column on Bricklink). In the first column there are some colors listed by sellers who didn’t identify them properly (that’s why you see more listed there – like pink and bright-pink are often mixed up. I don’t know anyone who has an actual 2×2 pink brick). I have a total of 53 2×2 bricks in my collection.
Rare colors are considered ones that are not from known sets. These usually come from LEGOLAND parks or LEGO model builder workshops. Some of them are listed on Bricklink and are fairly available (bright-green, light-purple, pearl-light-gray, trans-orange, and trans-yellow).
In addition there are some extremely rare colors you can only get through the network of collectors. They are rarely if ever listed on Bricklink. I have a few of these as well: light-flesh, very-light-orange, light-yellow, cream (the jewel of my collection as this is an unknown LEGO color), and medium-violet.
Hope this helps some! If you have any other questions jut let me know. I take 2×2 collecting very seriously and I’m a member of a network of collectors from all over the world. 😉
Wow. Cream. By cream, do you mean like a shade of Light Nougat, like the color of licensed minifigures, or something else entirely? Sorry, I’m no color expert, let alone a LEGO color expert…
Cream is a totally unknown LEGO color that never appeared in LEGO sets on the market – ever. It has the color of butter. We (LEGO color collectors) decided to name it cream. No other LEGO piece is known in this color. So yeah, it is very special. Probably a test color or something made for LEGO model designers. 🙂
Hey Admin, I just got the Minifigure Encyclopedia. 😀
Oh, that’s awesome! 😀
Me too! I really like the fact that this is the first Character Encyclopedia that actually have facts that you can’t readily find online- namely, revealing the little, well hidden Easter eggs (such as a designer’s initial.) in the Minifigures series. here’s one, to pique your interest: Did you know that the PA7 70 license plate carried by the Demolititon Dummy is a reference to the designer Michael Patton?
Yeah, designers often include fun little details liek that – most people whould never even notice them, but they do add a sweet historical detail. 🙂
Admin, I just finished an article for you. What do I do if I get the pics off of Google Images….not a website. Will I have to give a citation for each of them?
Meneldur, yes, all images must be properly credited (unless they are LEGO’s own images as we have an affiliation with them). Please note that Google Images doesn’t own those pictures, nor did they make them. Google is simply a Search Engine that lists them according to your search. So yes, whoever took the pictures and/or made the LEGO MOCs or whatever you are writing about should be properly credited. Just add the raw links in the article. I will combine them with the image.
i read it all reres my cookie 🙁
It’s a virtual cookie flying in your way! 😛
Admin, I saw off to the right an add for the Pirate Ship Ambush. It was only $54.00 and that’s a great price however it doesn’t include any minifigs. First question: where will I get the minifigs if I purchase the cheaper one? Second question: will it end up costing me more in the long run than if I just bought the set off of LEGO?
Meneldur, those are listings on eBay, which is a great place to buy all kids of LEGO sets. However if you are planning to get the whole set I would not recommend getting the set, than the minifigs separately. I’m pretty sure it would end up being more expensive than just getting the full set directly from LEGO or from Amazon.
BTW, if you want to buy individual minifigs Bricklink is your friend. But individual minifigs, especially from new sets tend to be expensive. Expect to pay somewhere between $5-$10 per minifig or even more.
Buying sets without minifigs however is a great strategy if you only need the parts. You can often pick them up cheaply as the seller already made their money by listing the minifigs individually. 😉
I can certifiably approve of that. I (Well, my dad.) purchased 6862 Superman vs Power Armor Lex, but without Superman or Wonder Woman (and the box!) for $10, as opposed to $20, and 76006 Iron Man: Extremis Sea Port Battle but without minifigures for $5, as opposed to $20, by accident in Hong Kong. Apparently, the reason people but Superheroes sets are usually for the minifigures…And so do I! I hope that if I ever go to Hong Kong, I could buy the Minifigures of 76006 as a bundle, Superman and Wonder Woman at a cheaper price than Bricklink…Not only can’t we use bricklink due to delivery charges, $12 for War Machine just doesn’t feel too justified!
But hey, eBay, despite being less easy to find what you’re looking for, seems to have better prices!
But then again, the shipping costs kind of defeats the purpose…
Yeah, unfortunately shippig to Asia is very expensive – at least from here. 😕
Some don’t even ship outside US. The sad thing is that some people just denounce shipping to Indonesia outright; that’s because I heard many scams happen here.
I have shipped to Asia a few times, but to be honest I was always nervous. Yeah, most of the scammers on both eBay and Bricklink are from Asia. So yes, many sellers decide to not ship to that part of the world at all, or only ship with insured mail, which is very expensive. Those scammers are making it hard not just for sellers, but honest buyers too. 🙁
are you on mln?
Yep, but don’t do much there. The site is more for kiddies. But, yeah, I’m there. I think my username is thita108.
My goodnesses, you seem oike quite the uotsie-doorsy type person =P
Will you be at Brickfair VA?
I love those little Creator sets too.
I only found 10; do you know which ones I’m missing?
4837 + 4838?
Kristina, you are missing the four 2007 sets and the two 2008 sets in the series: #4915, #4916, #4917, #4918, #4837, and #4838. They are excellent sets and I highly recommend to get them. My favorite is the #4837 little train. 😛
So they’re up to 16 of them.
Your list says you had “all 12”
Do you have all 16 now?
Yes, I have all 16. I wrote this page before the last four came out, but I just updated it. Thanks for noticing that. 😉
Hi Admin. I haven’t been here for a while I been really busy. Now that I’m A freshmen I have to really concentrate in school. I just wanted to say that I have to do a class assignment on a blog. SO I CHOOSE YOURS!!! 😀
Hey, Purple Ninja Girl, nice to hear from ya! That sounds like a fun school project! You are the second person here who used TBB for a shool project! If you have any questions or whatever just let me know. 😀
Hey Admin…where’s my cookie? I read all you’re facts…LOL
He…he… virtual cookie sent! It’s a chocolate-chip cookie! 😛
But seriously….where’s my cookie? I’ve been waiting for it for a long time! 😀
I think I might have eaten it. It was by accident… honest… 🙄
Yay! Chocolate Chip is my favorite!
Yeah, mine too! 😛
Admin, I have a question…this site is called the brick blogger but it only has information about lego bricks…shouldn’t it also have information about other brick companies like kreo or mega bloks since it is called the brick blogger.
Good question! The only reason the site is called thebrickblogger and not legoblogger or something like that, is because you can’t use LEGO in the site name. LEGO’s lawyers would shut me down in no time! I do review LEGO compatible products from other companies from time to time. Mostly just customizers, but if I find a company that makes good quality stuff, I would write about them. I don’t care for MB, it is too crappy for my taste, but I may write an article on Kre-O. 😉
I don’t really care for Mega Bloks either, it’s just the Halo sets that interest me because I play the Halo video games myself.
I also have another question, why aren’t all the Lego Themes included here? I mean, hero factory and TMNT are good lego lines as well.
TMNT is not a large enough theme to have it’s own category, so you can find the articles under Other LEGO Themes. As a rule, I only make separate categories for themes that I know will be around for some years. As far as Hero Factory, I’m just not an expert on the subject. Maybe one of the kids would like to write on it. 😉
I know all about Hero Factory. I know about all of the models that came out and the past ones from Season 1.
I know the models too, and I even own some, I’m just not so much into it – and I don’t follow the story either. 😕
Master Splinter would be very disappointed in you for calling TMNT a minor theme! 😀
Uh… oh… better go and hide… 🙄
Don’t worry..I won’t rat you out (No pun intended)…as long as you promise to give me that cookie… 😀
Okay… I’m throwing a cookie in your direction. Catch it! 😛
YAY! I finally got my cookie! 😀 Thanks Admin!
LOL! 😛
Hmm, I really should do that theme some justice once in a while. Bionicle even more so…
Yeah. 🙄
And you also kinda look like the girl that plays Annabeth in Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters!
Yeah, you are not the first person who told me that. But I think she has blue eyes, mine are hazel. Or to be more specific one of my eyes is more grayish green and the other is more grayish blue. 🙄
LOL, hazel always seems more greyish than anything else. I have greyish-green/brown eyes too! I just say they’re hazel and that’s that… 😛
Yeah, that’s what I say too to keep it simple. 😀
Oh, and did you get you’re two stripes in Cuong Nhu?
Still working on it. At my rank it takes 1-2 years to get to the next rank. My senseis are very strict. They will only allow me to test when they see I’m good enough and have the potential to pass. The testers are even stricter so it is better to be fully prepared. It takes about 10 years to get a black-belt in my style, but for some people it takes as much as 20. I don’t mind taking my time though; I really enjoy martial arts. Especially katas and weapons. 🙂
Wow! That’s really hard work! I could never do Martial Arts for 10 years!
If you like something you can do it forewer. Besides, martial arts is a really interesting sport – at least to me. 🙂
I think Wiffle ball is an interesting game. It should be a sport…
I won a $15 gift certificate to Brickforge ( 😀 ), since you once said something like you own almost all of their products I thought I’d ask if there was anything in particular you’d recommend. How are their trans-colors? Do they look just like LEGO’s or are they not quite as clear? These would be my first custom pieces so I’d love any advice you have!
You did??? Congratulations! Knowing that you prefer Fantasy and History themes, here are some suggestions:
If you would like weapons, I would go with the ones that are very unique and different from LEGO’s own selection. I particularly like the BrickForge bows and arrows as they are detached, not one piece like the ones from LEGO. The recurved bow is particularly nice.
Also, get yourself some accessories, like bottles! The broken bottle is really fun, so are the different flasks. Also the liquid splash! One of my favorite pieces! The BrickForge translucent colors are exactly the same as LEGO’s, although I have found that the trans-dark-blue one is duller than LEGO’s. All the other colors are the same shiny as LEGO’s.
You can also add something in glow-in-the-dark; they really glow in the dark, so yeah, fun! Although all BrickForge colors match LEGO’s exactly, there is one unique BrickForge color; bronze. I LOVE this color! Great for historic minifigs wielding bronze weapons! Maybe get a sword or something in this color.
Oh, and definitely get some mushrooms! Some of my favorite pieces! And musical-instruments! The guitars and violins are beautiful! And you might also find the drumsticks useful. Definitely better than minifigs banging their drums with lightsaber blades! 🙄
If you have any money left get a Centaur body. They are beautifully printed pieces and I highly recommend them. I have all four printed designs.
So to summarize I would recommend as first priority bows and arrows, bottles, splash, mushrooms, musical instruments and a Centaur. Whenever possible get the printed versions. They are very beautiful and really add a nice touch. I think all of that should fit in $15. 😉
If you have any further questions about any of the pieces just let me know. And keep me posted on what you decide to get. 🙂
Thanks for the tips! I spent some time (when I should have been writing the next article…) today looking through their selection and the water splashes and broken bottles both looked great! Bronze sounds good, they don’t seem to have pictures for all of their items but having seen some used by other fans I guess I have a pretty good idea of what they look like. I do plan on getting a violin too, not sure about a centaur, but I’ll check them out!
Gen, there are actually pictures of all of the products, but usually not in all color. So it is best to go through the item names first, then pick the color you want. The store is quite cumbersome to use as you would have to know the product names in the drop-down menus. I have suggested to them long time ago to set up a different system, but they are LEGO customizers, not tech-guys and probably they are using an out-of-the box web-store. So when I shop there I systematically have to go thru each drop-down menu to select everything I want becuase even I forget which name refers to which product, so I just schedule a half an hour to browse thru everything.
Yes, it took me a good half hour to go through everything, and I eventually discovered that it’s just not all colors that are pictured! I had fun going through all the products even if it took a while… 🙂
Yeah, it is fun to go thru everything. They have a great selection! 🙂
Where on earth did you get a gift card for brickforge?
I don’t know for sure where Geneva got hers, but I got mine by adding my MOC (with BrickForge accessories) to their flickr gallery. They pick their favorite model from all the uploads on a regular basis and the winner got a $15 cupon. I’m not sure if they still do this though, but it is worth to check. 😉
It’s almost mid-night here and when I look at you’re picture….it kinda stares into my soul… 🙄
LOL! Don’t look at pictures at midnight! 😈
Whoops….that won’t happen again…. 😈 or will it? MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Oh… now I’m scared… 🙁
Great…now you’re making me feel guilty…
Good. 🙄
Wha? LEGO Stalkers!
Me: -about to put cookie in my mouth-
Gollum shows up and takes my cookie
Gollum: Precious! I found you!
Me: Are you blind? I’t’s a cookie, not the ring!
Gollum runs away
Me: Shtoopid Hobbitses!
Me: Admin! I demand another cookie! 😀
Oh… hm… let’s see if I got any more.
*Goes to kitchen.*
Okay, got two left…
*Throws them in your direction.*
You gonna have to eat these faster. There are cookie-monsters everywhere! 😈
Me: -Starts to gobble down the first cookie-
Cookie Monsters cam and swiped my other cookie
Cookie monsters run away
Me: Runs after them
Tackles them to the ground, and swipes the cookie
Me: -eats the second one-
LOL! Yeah, cookies are a most wanted commodity! You should get a safe and some highly trained guards. 🙄
You are so interesting! I wish I was that cool!
Faron, I just like to do and try out different things. It has both plusses and minuses. The plus is that I have lots of interesting experiences, the minus is that I don’t really have a focus. I guess my only focus is to have fun. 🙄
So what did you think of the Book of Mormon?
Also did you see OVO, by Cirque du soliel it was AMAZING!
Faron, as far as the Book of Mormon, I found it interesting – although if I would be a Mormon, I would be out digging for evidence! I love archeology! No, I haven’t seen OVO, is that a new show?
Oh, and BTW, I just responded to your question on flickr. 😉
Well the Mormon church does have teams of archeologists, as well as church site cruises. No presure haha, i was just curiose!
Actually OVO just ended its tour. It was in the states two years ago I believe, i would recommend buying the dvd, it is awsome!
I actually was friends with some Mormon elders when we lived in Arizona (the guys are so cute with their white shirts on their bikes!), and learned some interesting stuff from them. We lived in an apartment-complex where our neighbors to the left where Mormon boys, and our neighbors to the right were Orthodox Jewish girls. Had some interesting poolside conversations. 🙂
Oh, forgot to mention; I checked out the trailer for OVO. Really fun! 😛
Hey Admin, I got another question. It says on the side of the site that 2,268 people visit here from Ukraine. I was born there so would it be considered that I am visiting this site from Ukraine even though my family moved to the U.S?
Cragger, no, the system is not that smart. It doesn’t actually know who you are as an individual. It just identifies your IP address (which is the identification number of your Internet connection). So, if you continue visiting from the same computer from the same location then you are counted as one person. However if and when you travel, and you are connecting from a hotel (for example), it won’t know it is still you, so it would count you as a second person. 😉
You’re Ukrainian? So am I! You are the first Ukrainian person I have seen on the Brickblogger so far… 🙂
They call you akunthita? It sounds like uncle thita (no offense) 😀
Akunthita is my Sanskrit name. It means “one without hesitation”. 😉
Did you go on the Manta ride at Sea World? It is wicked! The lady sitting next to me fainted by the end of the ride!
No… I’m scared of roller-coasters. 😳
Shame on you…
Just finished building the croc swamp hideout! It is wicked! Too bad it doesn’t come with any exclusive mini figures though…It took me 3 hours to build and had a lot of technic stuff in it.
Nice! I like that big alligator jaw! But yeah, you are right; some exclusive minifigs would have been nice! 🙂
Hey Admin, I got a question, what do you think is the better theme: Chima or Ninjago?
LOL! I just got a funny thought in my head! You still stare deep into my soul and when I think about the name ankuthita, I think of you as Monk Giatzo from Avatar The Last Air bender! ( The monk gave me the creepsies) (P.S. Avatar is the best show ever! Can’t wait for Book 2 Spirits fro the Legends Of Korra!)
He-he… I assure you that I have no soul-staring abilities… or maybe I do… tell me, young Prince of Crocs, what’s troubling your soul? *very serious monk-face goes here*
The thing that is bothering my soul is that there’s 5 and a half hours before the new Chima episode and that the new Ninjago episodes are only coming out on December 18th.
Oh… that’s very serious. I’m afraid there is no remedy for your troubles. Unless you learn how to speed up time. Which would require 100 years of meditation on the snow-covered peaks of the Himalayas, but by that time you will miss both of the shows. 😯
I’m also very upset with my fellow crocodiles…they lost the war at my swamp! Of course the lions would win with the help of the eagles and the crazy monkeys! It wasn’t any fair! We should have won!
Hi Admin! It’s been a while since I’ve been on your post! Have you missed all my long comments and never-ending questions? (he he he) 😆 I just read the article on the Simpsons sets that you wrote in March. Wow! I looked over a few comments and boy! there was some controversy over that topic. What are your thoughts on LEGO Simpsons?
LOL! Yeah, I was wondering where you have been. As far as the Simpsons, when I wrote that article LEGO Simpsons was just a rumor. In fact right after myself and other bloggers wrote about it, LEGO publicly announced that they have NO INTENTION to make LEGO Simpsons sets. Then here we are just a few months later, and we already have the set names and all. LEGO can’t fool its fans… I don’t really care for Simsons – neither the show, nor the LEGO sets. But I will look out for interesting new LEGO moulds and colors that I may find useful for MOC-ing. What about you? What do you think of them? 🙂
I’ve never seen the Simpsons show, but from what I hear it’s pretty inappropriate. But I will keep an eye out for new colors and elements like you. However if there’s a new piece or color in the Simpsons sets, LEGO will probably use that element again in a different set. And it might be a set that I really will want. So I probably will wait for a while. BTW, I’m wondering if it’s possible for me to write a post on the new Winter Village addition that was just released. Have you already written an article on that set or is it possible I could?
The Simpsons is more goofy than inappropriate – lame American humor to be specific. But it has a lot of fans. As far as TV-shows it is one of the better ones amongst the horrifying selection that’s available on our channels. 👿
In regards to the Winter Village, no I haven’t written on it yet, because I’m just not in the winter mood as of yet. I thought to wait until October to write about it, but if you want to take up the task you are welcome to cover it. 😉
admin, you have done some awesome things, I’m so jelly
Well, you can do fun stuff too. 😉
The problem is I haven’t finished school 🙁
Yeah, I know what you mean… but there are a lot of fun things you can do while you are in school as well. Plus the great thing about still being in school is that you have the whole summer free. You won’t have that as an adult. So everything has plusses and minuses. The thing is that if you really want something you just commit to making it happen, no matter where you are in life. Excuses are always easy to find. It is not like the opportunities I had were handed to me on a silver platter. I worked hard for them and made them happen. 😉
Funny you should mention summer admin, today is the first day of summer in my country 🙂
Nice! Have fun! 🙂
Will do admin 😀
Since you asked me to keep you posted on what I decided to get from Brick Forge (yes, I didn’t get it until now… 😛 ), http://www.flickr.com/photos/gid617/12071674614/
All the pieces are really nice, and the colors/printing are awesome! And thanks a lot for your advice!
Gen, I left a note on yoru picture. You got some really nice accessories! I’m glad you were able to get them. Now let’s see what you will do with them! 🙂
I’ve got a western style build in the works that will use a few… I have a lot of bias of course but I think it’s turning out well!
wy don’t you have any kids 🙁 ??????????????
I don’t know… I just haven’t had the desire. Maybe one day I will change my mind. Is that okay? There are so many kids in my family; I have 5 younger brothers and 3 younger sisters, plus a bunch of cousins, nephews, nieces… if I want to hang out with a kid, there are plenty to choose from. 😉
i was just wondering i live in a family with 8kidds and were home scoold 😀
You’ve been to 12 different countries?That’s really cool.I’ve been to one other country,which was England.But that’s where I was born,and we moved to Texas when I was two.(Still have a hint of the brittish accent, as well as the love for soccer and all European singers.)So would coming to America count as going to a different country?
Oh, so you are British by birth? Interesting! One of my brothers lives in London. I guess in the USA you could almost count different states as different countries! 😛
Well,I’ve stayed in Texas.So maybe I’ve been to two countries? (which is odd,considering the fact that Texas actually used to be it’s own country.) *Shrugs*It’s cool either way,and I’d love to go back someday-maybe after I graduate and go to college and all that.
Me want cookie.
I just tossed you one. Catch it! 😉
Just got Attack on Laketown. Actually, the same afternoon I went to see the Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. Two more sets to go.
I’m hoping beyond hope that they release a BoftA LEGO video game to top off the toy line. I’m just having so much fun with the Hobbit game!
Yeah, I have heard that game is really fun. 🙂
Hey Admin! How’s it goin?
Just wanted to let you know, I think I won’t be able to write that Avengers article. As much as I’d like to, I have to take the SAT this Sat. as well as work. And I’ve started some online classes. Soooo….my schedule’s a little busy.
I don’t want you to be stuck waiting for me to send it. It’d probably be best if you or someone else did it. Or else it’ll be ancient news by the time I finish my article!
Thanks for letting me know. Good luck with your test! 🙂
Hi ,
I hope you already saw this, but in case not: my team and I made something you will love. An easy way to convert IKEA shelves into giant LEGO bricks. It is a clip on door panel, we want to finance via Kickstarter – the qlib.
To spread the word amount the AFOL community, we kindly ask you to share our project. Please find attached the links to our press material. I’m also available for a personal interview and any of your questions.
We are grateful for your support!
Best regards,
Hey admin, long time no see! I finally finished my first public exam early this year and I am going to study medicine in university soon. I was so busy due to school work, so I couldn’t write any articles in the past. How’re you doing recently?
Ernest, wow! That’s so weird! Just out of the blue, I was thinking of you yesterday, wondering how you were doing! And now, here you are! Congratulations for finishing your exam! That’s a huge accomplishment! Everything is good here, and the LEGO hobby is bigger than ever with so many fantastic new sets and all. Do you still have time to build sometime? 🙂
Yes of course! LEGO is my passion and I build all the time! I would really like to get my hands on the new LEGO Ninjago City set, which looks so awesome and it fits in well with my modular cities. I might have time to write a few articles sometime in the future too. Good to hear from you! 🙂
Great to year from you too! Yeah, Ninjago City is awesome! I haven’t built it yet, but definitely plan to. You’re always welcome to write whenever you are inspired. 🙂