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2015 LEGO Ultra Agents sets details!

One of the most interesting new themes that came out this year is LEGO Ultra Agents. It somewhat resemble the original LEGO Agents sets from 2008-2009, but with even more high-tech gear and equipment both for the good guys and the baddies. The first wave of the sets was obviously successful enough that LEGO is planning to continue the theme in 2015. So let’s take a look at what’s coming! 🙂

LEGO Ultra Agents

#70166 LEGO Ultra Agents Spyclops Infiltration: This is the smallest of the 2015 LEGO Ultra Agents sets, with two minifigures and a walking/shooting personal fighter for the badguy. 109 Pieces. Price: $11.99

#70166 LEGO Ultra Agents

#70166 LEGO Ultra Agents Details#70167 LEGO Ultra Agents Invizable Gold Gateway: This set looks quite similar to the currently available #70162 LEGO Ultra Agents Infearno Interception. In that set we got a black vehicle with trans-blue highlights, and here we get a similar design but as a two-wheeled bike with transforming capabilities to some kind of a hover-flyer. We also get two minifigs here. 237 pieces. Price: $19.99

#70167 LEGO Ultra Agents #70167 LEGO Ultra Agenst Details

#70168 LEGO Ultra Agents Drillex Diamond Job: This is one of the larger sets in the 2015 LEGO Ultra Agents line-up. We get two minifigs as usual, but the real attraction is that drill-tank. I’m pretty sure that those drills will rotate both individually and even together as an assembly as the tank moves forward – or something like that. 312 pieces. Price: $29.99

#70168 LEGO Ultra Agents #70168 LEGO Ultra Agents Details

#70169 LEGO Ultra Agents 4×4 Agent Patrol: I don’t have a picture of this set that I can share with you, so I will just try to describe it. The 4×4 vehicle has the same black/trans-blue color-scheme and similar look as the bike mentioned above. It also equipped with lots of blasters. There are four minifigs in the set, two agents, an unknown guy in a space-suit (probably a scientist) and Toxikita (who is the girl with the green hair you may remember from the first wave of LEGO Ultra Agents sets). She wears an orange heavy armor piece, (same as Infearno’s red armor) and rides a small lime-green mech. One arm of the mech is a blaster, while the other one is a claw that Toxikita is using to grab her prey. There is also a robo-police dog named P.U.P. to help the agents. 475 Pieces. Price: $49.99

#70170 LEGO Ultra Agents UltraCopter vs. AntiMatter: Here we got one big helicopter for the agents, also equipped with lots of blasters. There are four minifigs in the set; 3 agents (including Solomon Blaze and Caila Phoenix), and a badguy named AntiMatter. Note that really cool new helmet on one of the agents. 614 pieces. Price: $69.99

#70170 LEGO Ultra Agents #70170 LEGO Ultra Agents Details

LEGO Ultra Agents has been a refreshing and unique theme, and it is a great alternative to the more expensive licensed sets with interesting vehicles, excellent minifigs and a great storyline. Speaking of the story, LEGO Ultra Agents also has a lot happening online. There are games, an app you can download, and more. You can find them all the official LEGO Ultra Agents website. And if you would like to check out the currently available LEGO Ultra Agents sets, you can find them at the Online LEGO Shop.

Shop LEGO Ultra Agents

So what do you think? How do you like LEGO Ultra Agents? Do you own any of the current sets? Are you excited that the theme is continuing next year? And are you planning to get any of the new sets? And how do you like the app and the online games? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! 😉

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The BrotherhoodWorkshop released another fun video and behind-the-scenes tutorial. This video is shorter than some of the previous ones, but it is still very funny. It’s titled LEGO Harry Potter: Umbridge’s First Date. 🙂

LEGO Harry Potter by the Brotherhood Workshop

Kevin Ulrich from the BrotherhoodWorkshop writes: “There is little doubt that Dolores Umbridge is the most hated character in the entire Harry Potter series. But why is she so horrible? I propose that Umbridge is the way she is today because her first (and only) date, went about as wrong as conceivably possible…

So yeah, that explains why Umbridge is the way she is, doesn’t it? Now let’s follow Kevin behind the scenes to see how the video was created. To me this is always the most interesting part as Kevin regularly comes up with unique and creative ways to enhance his LEGO stop-motion videos. He calls them “ghetto methods” because they are cheap too, and they are more about resourcefulness and ingenuity than fancy and expensive equipment. The methods described in this tutorial are particularly interesting; instead of moving the camera, move the entire scene to create the illusion of motion.

So what do you think? How did you like the LEGO Harry Potter video? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below! Also, if you would like to learn more about LEGO stop-motion, I highly recommend checking out the other videos from the BrotherhoodWorkshop listed below, or you can also visit their YouTube Channel directly for more.