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Although lots of information is available for LEGO fans online through various LEGO news-sites, blogs and forums, it is nice to once in a while get unplugged and sit down with an old-fashioned paper magazine. This is the reason I keep all LEGO Catalogs and LEGO Club Magazines. There are also LEGO fan created magazines like BrickJournal and HispaBrick for serious LEGO fans, and today a new magazine launches, simply called Blocks. 🙂

LEGO Blocks Magazine

The publisher of Blocks magazine is Blockhead Media (a UK based published who also produce Practical Performance Car and a number of other titles). The first issue, released today is 130+ pages and it is structured in such a way as to appeal to both newcomers to the LEGO hobby as well as hard-core LEGO fans. Below is the official press-release to give you an idea on what the magazine contains:

LEGO Blocks Magazine Launching Today

Blocks magazine is a celebration of everything LEGO. Aimed at enthusiasts, young and old, it is the perfect way to immerse yourself in the world of plastic bricks when taking a break from your latest build. It will showcase the latest big releases from LEGO and give in-depth reviews and opinion on each. It will focus on the big and the small and cover all palates, be it LEGO Space, LEGO Castle, custom builds, or LEGO Creator. It will showcase some of the best custom builds from around the world with interviews from the people behind them. Useful hints, tips and how to’s from LEGO experts and plenty of inside information, helping you get the most out of your hobby. Put together by like-minded LEGO-lovers and experts and priced at just £5.99 this is a must for any real LEGO enthusiast. Inside the first issue you will discover how to display your minifigures, interviews from set-designers, tips on storage and retro collecting, amazing LEGO art, and tons of reviews including a detailed look at the new LEGO Star Wars Sandcrawler. All this plus much-much more…

LEGO Blocks Magazine Review

I have been in touch with the editor of the magazine, Mark Guest, since January of this year, and we have exchanged some ideas for the content. Sounds like it is going to be really interesting! At this point the focus is on introducing the magazine to the LEGO fan community, and depending on the response, the plan is to publish the magazine monthly or bimonthly. (The images you see here are directly from the magazine, sent to us by Mark.)

LEGO Blocks Magazine Designer Interview

Currently Block magazine is available in the UK from WH Smiths or by calling 07858 892859. As mentioned above, the price is £5.99, which is not bad for a 130-page specialty magazine focusing on just one hobby. Later the magazine is going to be available in other countries, and Mark mentioned he will update us on this, so stay tuned.

LEGO Blocks Magazine Feature

What do you think? Are you interested in this LEGO magazine? If you are in the UK, are you planning to get it? (If you do, please let the rest of us know how you like it!) Do you prefer to read LEGO related new, reviews and tutorials online, or do you like paper magazines? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below. Also, if you have any questions for Mark, you can ask those as well. He will be watching. 😉

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As we have discussed previously (see links at the end of this post), the second series of LEGO Mixels characters have been released this month. Although I got all of them as soon as they were released, I have avoided writing a review as the new characters sold out within one day at the Online LEGO Shop. I didn’t want to disappoint you talking about a great series that you couldn’t get. However now that they are back in stock, let’s take a closer look at these wacky little guys! 🙂

LEGO Mixels Series 2 Review

LEGO BLUE MIXELS – this is the icy Frosticon tribe, including #41509 LEGO Mixels Slumbo, #41510 LEGO Mixels Lunk, and #41511 LEGO Mixels Flurr, all very cute and funny characters with interesting pieces and clever building techniques. All three of the characters include several of the new small ball-hinges, and the color combination of medium-azure, regular blue, trans-blue, and trans-medium-blue (as referred to on BrickLink) is very nice. I particularly like the little dragon. Check out the video-review of each of the blue-tribe characters by JANGBRiCKS below.

LEGO BROWN MIXELS – this is the Fang Gang, including #41512 LEGO Mixels Chomly, #41513 LEGO Mixels Gobba, and #41514 LEGO Mixels Jawg, all with lots of teeth. Again, you will get more of the small ball-hinges, although not in all three characters; the mad-dog looking Jawg doesn’t have any, but the other two does. This is actually my favorite tribe from this series, especially Gobba. He is evilishly cute, has great articulation and likes to chomp on my finger. 😈

LEGO ORANGE MIXELS – this is the Flexers tribe, including #41515 LEGO Mixels Kraw, #41516 LEGO Mixels Tentro, and #41517 LEGO Mixels Balk. All three of them are quite unusual looking crab and octopus-like creatures with lots of movable legs and long pincher-looking things. Only Balk has the new ball-joints, however the other two are also very articulated using hinge elements.

I’m not at all disappointed with this second series of LEGO Mixels. It continues the trend from the previous series of great little creatures built from useful small parts in great colors, employing interesting building techniques. And you also get three more Nixels (one with each new tribe). The Nixels are the same as in the first series, so if you are collecting all the LEGO Mixels now you would have two of each. Also, just like with the previous series, you can create LEGO Mixels Max models by combining all three characters from each tribe. You can find the instructions for the Maxx characters here: Download LEGO Mixels Max Instructions

LEGO Mixels Series 2 Max Instructions

My favorite LEGO Mixels tribe remains the red Infernites, followed by the yellow Electroids, then the brown Fang Gang, the blue Frosticons, the orange Flexers, and finally the gray Gragsters. My three most favorite characters are Zorch from the red tribe, Volectro from the yellow tribe, and Gobba from the brown tribe, but it is hard to choose as they are all really cute. I rotate which one I keep on my desk. 🙄

LEGO Nixels

The second series of LEGO Mixels is now available at the Online LEGO Shop (although I don’t know for how long as they sold out really fast the first time around). And if you are lucky, you may also find them at various LEGO retailers like Toys’R’Us, Wal-Mart and Target. There will also be a third series coming later this year – we will talk about those later. If you are into collecting fun and cheap little LEGO sets with lots of potential, LEGO Mixels are a perfect choice. They are also great for displaying and just for doodling around. Besides they are too cute to resist!

Shop New LEGO Mixels

So what about you? How do you like LEGO Mixels? Which one is your favorite LEGO Mixels tribe? And who is your all-time favorite character? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉

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