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Since the release of The LEGO Movie there has been a huge revival of LEGO Classic Space. And not just LEGO blogs and forums are reaching back in time to LEGO Classic Space, but even more so people who haven’t touched LEGO for decades or are just now discovering LEGO Classic Space the first time. There is something magical about these sets. 🙂

LEGO Classic Space

I have seen on popular social websites like Facebook, Google+, Reddit, etc, people excitedly sharing stories of digging out their childhood LEGO sets or asking for help with trying to rebuild their old collection. And it is not just those who grew up with these sets who appreciate them. A lot of the younger generation also got interested in LEGO Classic Space. Whether this is due to the influence of their parents, or the contagious enthusiasm of little Benny from The LEGO Movie, or just because LEGO Classic Space is just plain awesome with a timeless appeal, I don’t know, but the fact remains that right now LEGO Classic Space is hot – very hot. 😀

LEGO Classic Space Image

If you are not familiar with LEGO Classic Space but would like to learn more about it, or you grew up with the sets and would like to re-live some old memories, one of the best ways to learn about LEGO Classic Space is through JANGBRiCK’s YouTube channel. JANG is one of my most favorite LEGO set reviewers, and he recently really got into LEGO Classic Space; meticulously researching, acquiring and rebuilding old sets, and reviewing and showcasing them on his channel. I learned quite a bit from his LEGO Classic Space videos about the history of these great sets.

I’m embedding here JANGBRiCK’s YouTube playlist dedicated to LEGO Classic Space sets. There are something like 40 videos in the series, so you will have lots to check out. They will play one after another if you would like to watch them all, or use the drop-down list on the left of the video-player to navigate to the videos you would like to see. Some of my favorite videos in the series are comparing the old style LEGO Space helmets with the new ones (including Benny’s broken helmet), looking at the whole fleet of LEGO Classic Space ships, and also showcasing JANG’s entire collection of LEGO Classic Space sets. And there are also individual set reviews.

If you are interested in LEGO Classic Space I’m sure you already know that Benny’s Spaceship from The LEGO Movie is going to be released later this year (see links at the end of this post). Although not exactly like the original LEGO Classic Space ships, Benny’s spaceship is definitely a wonderful tribute to the old theme both in style and color. And we just talked about the upcoming LEGO CUUSOO Exo Suit set the other day, which is also going to be tied in with LEGO Classic Space. If I were LEGO, I would release even more – riding on the wave of popularity! But even if we only get those two sets these are good times for LEGO Classic Space fans!

#70816 LEGO Benny's Spaceship

And if you would like to acquire the original LEGO Classic Space sets, eBay is your best friend. Right now LEGO Classic Space is very popular, so expect a bidding-war on the most popular sets, but you can also find some good deals on both old sets and minifigs. LEGO Classic Space usually refers to the blue and gray (and later blue and white) sets from the ’80s with the LEGO Classic Space logo, but also don’t forget about some of the other iconic old LEGO Space sets like Futuron from the late ’80s, Blacktron from the late ’80s and early ’90s, M:Tron from the early ’90s, Unitron and Exploriens from the mid ’90s, and even Ice Planet, RoboForce, Insectoids, and Space Police I & II from the late ’90s. Check eBay listings here: LEGO Classic Space Sets & Minifigures on eBay

One of the nice things about LEGO Classic Space is that it is not always conflict-based like today’s LEGO Space sets. There was a lot of exploration and research going on, although I have read that LEGO designers always tried to sneak in some covert guns and shooting abilities even when this was against company policy. The fact is that blowing up badguys and stuff is fun… for whatever reason… I’m not a psychologist…

What do you think? Do you prefer the old LEGO Space sets or the new ones? Or do you like them both? Do you own any LEGO Classic Space sets? Are you planning to get some? Or do you prefer to get Benny’s Spaceship and whatever other LEGO Classic Space inspired sets LEGO is going to release? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below! 😉

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Tips for Attending a LEGO Convention

(Written by William)

One of the best ways to immerse yourself in the LEGO hobby, get inspiration and meet other LEGO fans is to participate in a LEGO convention/expo. There are many smaller regional events that you can find out about through your local LEGO Users Group, and also several large multi-day events throughout the year.

LEGO Convention 8

If you have never been to a LEGO convention or expo, below I will give you a list of some of the largest events happening in the USA, and if you are in another country and know about local LEGO events and have some favorites, please feel free to mention them for the benefit of our readers. I also thought to share with you some tips about how to get the most out of these fun LEGO events and conventions.


The larger LEGO conventions/expos are often multi-day events, with a chance for LEGO fans to interact for a day or two before opening up the event for the public. At such events there are discussions, workshops, games presentations and more amongst LEGO fans, and also a chance to interact with LEGO’s own community coordinators like Kevin Hinkle and other LEGO employees. If you are going to an event like this and would like to talk with LEGO employees, make sure you meet up with them before the public day comes around, as at that time you likely won’t have a chance to catch them.

LEGO Convention

There are many fun activities on both the private and public days, but chances are you won’t be able to go to every one of them. The schedule you are given is your best friend. Make sure you look through it carefully and pick the events you would like to participate in. Set a timer on your phone. No matter how hard you try to keep track of time, it will slip away from you. Don’t plan to do much on public days. There is very little room to do anything, much less talk to anyone. Just absorb all the fun!

Both LEGO itself and various LEGO customizers and other vendors have booths set up during the event, however shopping during a LEGO convention is iffy. You will find the best selection the very first day, but prices may change throughout the event. For instance merchants may cut a deal with you at the very end just so they don’t have to pack things away. If you have LEGO related things you’re willing to trade bring them with you; you never know what deal you can strike.

LEGO Convention 6

Schedule time for photographing LEGO displays on the non-public days. You won’t have everyone in your way, and event organizers may not put the guard-rails up until the public day so you can get closer to the displays.

And above all else, socialize. When I went to my first LEGO convention I didn’t realize how many people in my area were world-famous for their LEGO building skills. Plus the LEGO hobby is full of secret information that you probably never heard of, but you will run into someone at a LEGO convention who knows them.

Finally, make sure you stay for all the drawings. I had a friend who left a LEGO event early, his name was picked for the biggest prize they gave away, but since he was gone he didn’t win.


BrickWorld – held every year at various locations. Website: BrickWorld.us. Upcoming events (visit their website for details):

  • Brickworld Chicago, Illinois: June 14-15, 2014
  • Brickworld Fort Wayne, Indiana: October 11-12, 2014
  • Brickworld Tampa, Florida: October 25-26, 2014
  • Brickworld Indy: March 14-15, 2015

BrickFair – held every year at various locations. Website: BrickFair.com. Upcoming events (visit their website for details):

  • BrickFair Manchester, New Hampshire: May 8–11, 2014
  • BrickFair Chantilly, Virginia: July 30–August 3, 2014
  • BrickFair , Somerset, New Jersey: October 30–November 2, 2014
  • BrickFair Birmingham, Alabama: January 15-18, 2015

KidsFest – held every year at various locations. Website: KidsFest.com. Upcoming events (visit their website for details):

  • KidsFest Novi, Michigan: April 25–27, 2014
  • KidsFest Atlanta, Georgia: June 27–29, 2014
  • KidsFest Dallas, Texas: August 29–31, 2014
  • KidsFest Richmond, Virginia: October 3–5, 2014
  • KidsFest Indianapolis, Indiana: November 7–9, 2014

BrickCon – held every year in Seattle, Washington, and this year a spring exhibit has been also added in Tacoma. Website: BrickCon.org. Upcoming events (visit their website for details):

  • BrickCon Tacoma, Washington: April 26-27, 2014
  • BrickCon Seattle, Washington: October 4-5, 2014

BrickFiesta – held every year in Texas at various cities. Website: BrickFiesta.com. Upcoming event (visit their website for details):

  • BrickFiesta San Antonio, Texas: July 5-6, 2014

Bricks-by-the-Bay – held every year in Northern California. Website: BricksByTheBay.com. Upcoming event (visit their website for details):

  • Bricks-by-the-Bay Santa Clara, California: August 10, 2014

Philly Brick Fest – this is the first year this event is held. Website: PhillyBrickFest.com. Upcoming event (visit their website for details):

  • Philly Brick Fest Oaks, Pennsylvania: April 26-27, 2014

If you are a LEGO fan I highly encourage you to check out one of these LEGO events. Whether you are an adult LEGO fan, a teen, or a child, these events are great for all ages, and your whole family can have lots of fun. You will also make friends, see amazing LEGO models, learn new ways to build with LEGO, and in general get inspired in the hobby. I hope from the above list you will find a LEGO event near you.

If you have attended a LEGO convention or expo before and have some tips, or would like to share your own experiences, feel free to use the comment section below. Also, if you are in another country and would like to mention the LEGO events in your region you can list those as well. Our readers are from all over the world and I’m sure it will help someone out. You may even meet up in the future!

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