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(Written by William)

Finding The LEGO Movie 2 Collectible Minifigures has been tough, as the stores around me still carry some of the earlier series. In addition, this series is likely in higher demand due to the recent release of the film. Below, we will take a look at what is the best way to find the figures that you want to add to your collection. 🙂

Before we begin, it’s worth pointing out that there are 20 different characters in The LEGO Movie 2 collection, with a very even distribution of three of each character in a full box (for a total of 60 minifigs per box). Thus, if you purchase a full, unopened box, you can get three complete collections! Another nice feature of this series is that it includes all four main characters from The Wizard of Oz!

TLM2 – APOCALYPSE BENNY: Benny’s air tanks piece is the most distinct part in this bag, so that’s what I would look for first. Chances are you will also run across his toolbox, but it feels too close to Unikitty’s head, so verify by feeling for the other pieces.

TLM2 – APOCALYPSEBURG ABE: The 4L bar is a fairly distinct piece that you can easily feel for. But you’ll need to watch out to make sure it’s not the Tin Man’s axe or President Business’s golf club. That’s why I like to verify by finding Abe’s hat. The hat has the hair attached so, it feels somewhat odd, but the shape of the stovepipe top hat is recognizable.

TLM2 – AWESOME REMIX EMMET: To identify this minifigure, you will need to find his coffee cup. It feels a lot like a normal 1×1 round brick in general shape and size. The 1×2 tile is not unique enough to be certain.

TLM2 – BATTLE-READY LUCY: This minifig is easy. Look for her quiver, and you’re done. The binoculars will work too, but the quiver is easier to grab and identify with your fingers.

TLM2 – CANDY RAPPER: You’ll need to locate her ballerina skirt. It’s hard plastic and feels really flat. In fact, you might mistake it at first as a regular minifigure stand. However, the skirt is oval in shape, and does have some ruffles on the edge that can help distinguish it from the standard rectangular base.

TLM2 – COWARDLY LION: When looking for this minifigure, I usually found his rubbery tail first. It’s not the greatest piece to feel for as it does flex and bend under your touch. Nevertheless, if you think you found the tail, you can verify by looking for the hairpiece. It’s big and lustrous like Chewbacca’s or Hagrid’s hairpiece. Just make sure it’s not a shoulder-length female style with a flip at the bottom as that would indicate Kitty Pop.

TLM2 – CRAYON GIRL: When I was searching for this minifigure with others, all of us could easily identify the large crayon costume shape. My only word of caution is to make sure it’s not the Giraffe Guy. Crayon Girl comes with a 2×2 tile piece, whereas the Giraffe Guy does not.

TLM2 – DOROTHY GALE & TOTO: Even after feeling through so many Collectible Minifig bags, it’s still odd to me to feel for a dog or a cat. I tend to initially think it’s an odd shaped torso. Unfortunately, with this minifig, you will need to start by finding her little dog. Then you need to make sure it’s not the cat lady. Do this by locating the hairpiece and see if it is rubbery. If it is, then you got Dorothy.

TLM2 – FLASHBACK LUCY: All you need to do here is to look for the 2×3 tile that comes with her. It’s an easy piece to find, and it immediately identifies the minifig as Flashback Lucy.

TLM2 – GIRAFFE GUY: The long neck costume piece is pretty easy to find. But if you are concerned it might be the Crayon Girl, then you can do one of two things. Find the leaves piece, which kind of feels like grappling hooks. Or, you can see if there is a 2×2 tile. If there is, you got Crayon Girl. If not, you got the Giraffe Guy.

TLM2 – GONE GOLFIN’ PRESIDENT BUSINESS: It’s pretty much all about the golf club to find this guy. Once you identify a bar shaped piece, grab it, and work your way down to both ends. The gold club will have a strange protrusion at one end. It’s not flat, so it won’t get mistaken for an axe or a guitar very easily.

TLM2 – HULA LULA: This minifig is another easy find. She comes with a 2×2 round tile. Once you have that, you’re done.

TLM2 – KITTY POP: I recommend looking for her guitar. If you find a rubbery tail, you’re going to want to make sure it’s not the Cowardly Lion. The guitar is the best way to accomplish this. Although you might be familiar with her hair mould, as it is the same as the various cat ladies LEGO released thought the years (shoulder length with a flip at the bottom and two cat ears on top), there are too many large and bulky hairpieces in this collection to mix it up with.

TLM2 – SCARECROW: The hat is like a pointed wizard’s cap, which is fairly easy to feel for. You can confirm it’s not the Tin Man’s pointed hat by finding a 2×2 flat tile. Also, the Scarecrow’s hat is a bit larger.

TLM2 – SHERRY SCRATCHEN-POST & SCARFIELD: Find the cat like you found the dog for Dorothy, then identify the hairpiece. Sherry’s hair is hard plastic and full bodied, so it stands out fairly well. You just want to make sure it’s not Dorothy’s rubbery hair.

TLM2 – THE SWAMP CREATURE: The whip in this bag is easy enough to locate. It’s not the curly whip we find in some sets, but the one that looks like an elongated “U”, used for the Ghostbusters proton pack. It’s a soft plastic piece that is quite distinct.

TLM2 – TIN MAN: For this minifigure, I’d recommend locating his bowtie. He may have more than one, as LEGO included an extra piece in some of the bags. They feel like little rings, and there are no similar pieces in the series.

TLM2 – UNIKITTY: Unikitty feels more like a polybag than a Collectible Minifigure. So, if you find small plates that are square and round as well as small slopes, chances are you got a Unikitty that’s ready to play.

TLM2 – VEST FRIEND REX: When I first felt the little dino, it threw me for a loop. I thought it was some oddly shaped ray-gun. So, I ended up going for Rex’s hat. It’s a lot like a cowboy hat, but with a hairpiece attached. Although you could always try going for what feels like a ray-gun and hope for the “vest”.

TLM2 – WATERMELON DUDE: The giant watermelon slice is a hard piece to miss. It’s sort of like a pizza slice; rounded on the curved end and comes to a point at the other side. It’s so big, that you may think that you accidentally picked up some other bagged toy and not a Collectible Minifigure.

And that’s all there is to it to find all twenty of The LEGO Movie 2 Collectible Minifigures! As usual, it’s best to shake the bags a bit before start feeling through them, to make sure that all the little and easily identifiable pieces fall into a corner. It also helps to have a picture of the minifigs in front of you, so you can visualize the parts you are feeling for. The LEGO Movie 2 Collectible Minifigs should be available from various retailers, although, as I said, it has been a bit difficult to find them. You can also order them from the Online LEGO Shop, however please note that you may not get all the minifigs you want, or you may end up with duplicates of some of them.

What do you think? Do you have any of The LEGO Movie 2 Collectible Minifigures yet? Are you planning to collect them all? Which one is your favorite? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉

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Brick Breakdown: LEGO The Joker Manor

(Written by William)

The #90922 LEGO Batman Movie The Joker Manor was first released towards the end of 2017. Despite of the somewhat lackluster reception from adult LEGO fans, I was still looking forward to building it. Thus, my wife and I treated ourselves to the set as an anniversary gift (it is now retired, but you can still get it on Amazon). Overall, my impression is that the set is quite nice with its substantial size, attractive design, and pleasing colors. In fact, I’m glad LEGO chose to create a Joker Manor from The LEGO Batman Movie. This way, it is more enjoyable and accessible to the general public. 🙂

However, there are also some issues with The Joker Manor. For example, the back of the set gives us a dollhouse-like layout with a number of different rooms to interact with. Unfortunately, this is hampered by having the coaster tracks in the way. Next, we have the trap door that empties out into the giant Joker mouth. The mechanism works fine, but unlike with trap doors in other sets, there really is no reason for a minifigure to go up and stand where the trap door is. There is no treasure or anything else of importance in this area. In fact, the floor that has “Secret Plans” marked on a box is where the trap door drops the minifigure to. Does this mean that the whole trap is designed backwards? Then, there are the boxing gloves. This is a pretty cool visual effect, and I didn’t have too much trouble turning the knob that activates them. However, the gloves don’t actually interact with anything, so there is no real reason for them to be there. The coaster itself works well, however since I already built the large #10261 LEGO Creator Roller Coaster, and the #31084 LEGO Creator Pirate Roller Coaster before this one, I wasn’t that impressed with how it functioned. Still this was the first set that introduced the new roller coaster system, so from that perspective it’s historically significant.

One feature I did not mention yet is the giant eye at the top of The Joker Manor. It’s striking to look at, easy to play with, and makes a great top piece to the whole model. In summary, I would say that wherever this set tries to do something to set itself apart, it comes with room for improvement. Still, I didn’t feel cheated by the price. It’s just that when the price tag hits this level, my expectations rise with it. But let’s look at some of the interesting building techniques found in this set, which is what I like to focus on in this Brick Breakdown series.


Those familiar with older cartoons might recognize the extending boxing glove mechanism. It’s something that looks physically interesting while completely ridiculous all at once. Personally, I was a bit surprised to realize I’ve never seen this feature used in a LEGO set. Much less see it in all its cartoony glory. Yet, here it is.

The device itself is a fairly straightforward concept. You take two beams and attach them in their centers to form a flexible “X” shape. Then, you put the same size “X” frame you just made in a series of “X” shapes. Each will connect at the tips. What you end up with is a scissor feature that will either contract when fully open or extend when closed. It’s rather an efficient way to conserve space while also getting a good deal of expansion when activated.

The real challenge with this mechanism is working out what to connect on the far ends. For example, the boxing glove used here needs to be steady to work. Therefore, LEGO designers had to create an expanding joint to absorb some of the excess movement caused by the scissoring. It is possible that if the designers used two beams that were about half the length of the beams being used in the scissoring, the action would result in a straight punch. However, the boxing glove is working against a tilt.

That brings us to the other end of the scissor frame. There are a couple of options for the point of activation. The first is having only one beam trigger the action, which is what’s used in this set. The result is that the extension will produce a natural tilt in the direction of the beam that is not moving. It is essentially giving no resistance so it will naturally move in that direction. If you have limiters added to the beam that is not being moved then you can compensate for some of the tilt. However, too much limitation may make it hard for the mechanism to work properly.

The other option is to have both beams extend at the same time. This will give you the ability to force the scissoring to move in a straight line. This option is not seen in this set but can be accomplished by using two small gears. The issue is that each beam needs to rotate in opposite directions. If you use two gears side-by-side then no matter which one you rotate, the other will move in the opposite direction.


Sometimes you may want to build something that represents a badguy. But this can be difficult when using something as bright and cheerful as LEGO. Fortunately, there are many ways to accomplish this through the aesthetics of a model. A common approach is to use a dark color palette. People associate dark colors with dark feelings and moods. Another option is to incorporate asymmetry in the model. Perhaps one tower is taller than another or maybe the windows don’t match up. This style of unbalance tends to mean ugly in people’s minds. And, unfortunately, ugly is often associated with evil or bad.

The Joker Manor uses one of the more subtle methods of representing a baddy. Have you ever seen a scary show or saw something that unnerved you because it had something that didn’t belong? Perhaps it was something bright and colorful in an otherwise drab setting that made you a bit wary. This reaction is caused by our sense of pattern recognition. Humans have a good sense of what belongs just by glancing at something, which is probably a leftover survival instinct. Video-games often use mismatching aesthetics when they want to scare you. In building with LEGO, we can use this technique to an equal effect.

Take someone who doesn’t know anything about the Batman lore, and they will probably say that The Joker Manor is where the badguy lives. The serious straight lines of Wayne Manor are in direct conflict with the bright Joker façade. This mismatch in aesthetics tells people at a glance that something is not quite right at this place. Throw in the asymmetry of the track and tilted sign and they can’t help calling this place evil.


As mentioned above, the scissoring expansion is not something commonly seen in LEGO sets. The reason being that it does tend to take a larger footprint given the pieces we need to use to make it work. However, it is still a very interesting way to move things around. As it is, it’s a fairly untapped technique that could lead to some really fascinating builds.

When it comes to a mismatched aesthetics, you’re definitely leaving the realm of pure building technique and entering the world of LEGO as art. When you get to this level of building, you are trying to express an idea as much as you are just building something cool. Studying the subtle nature of human reaction to certain things goes into thinking about how to get inside their heads. The downside is there is no right way to use this technique as many times it is all subjective. However, if you can make anyone feel something when looking at your creation, then you are on the right track.

What do you think? How do you like the #90922 LEGO Batman Movie The Joker Manor? Do you have it already? And what do you think of the building techniques discussed here? Are there any interesting techniques you found in the set that you really liked? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉

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