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For LEGO fans who already have all the LEGO sets they would ever want and still have leftover money (is there such a person?), there are some interesting LEGO-related monthly subscription box services to try out. These services can also make unique gifts for LEGO-loving kids, teens, and adults. Below, we will discuss some of the popular LEGO subscription services, and what they are about. 🙂

BRICKLOOT LEGO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION BOX: BrickLoot was the idea of nine-year-old Parker Krex. Parker has been an avid LEGO fan since he was three, and he has been looking for ways to make money to fund his hobby. With the help of his entrepreneur parents, Parker came up with BrickLoot, a subscription service that sends out a box of LEGO-related goodies every month. Items include custom LEGO kits and minifigures by members of the LEGO fan community, small sets from LEGO-compatible brands (mostly Chinese knock-offs), various products from LEGO customizers, stickers, art-prints, etc. Brick Loot has three different subscription plans, based on how long you sign up for. The cheapest plan is $24.95/month + shipping on a six months subscription plan. Super expensive for what you get, but this is pretty much the case with all LEGO and non-LEGO subscription boxes. You are paying for receiving a box of mystery items in your mailbox every month, and some people really like that. In the video-player below, I have included a review of a BrickLoot box so you can see what the typical content looks like. And you can also visit BrickLoot.com directly for more information.

BRICKBOX LEGO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION BOX: This is a very similar service to BrickLoot, so the monthly subscription box will include some LEGO items, some items by imitation brands, and some parts/minifigures/stickers/etc. from LEGO customizers. BrickBox keeps its subscription plan simple; you either pay month-to-month or sign up for a full year at a time. However, instead of just offering the same box content to all subscribers, BrickBox offers three different size boxes; the standard BrickBox for $29.99/month + shipping, the BrickBox Mini for $19.99/month + shipping, and the BrickBox Loot is for minifig collectors for $13.99/month + shipping. Again, if you just look at the content, these are super expensive, but that’s just how subscription box services work. I have included a video-review of the service in the player below, so you can see the content of a recent box that was sent out to subscribers. And you can also visit BrickBoxClub.com directly for more information.

BRICKSWAG LEGO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION BOX: Yet another monthly subscription service with LEGO-related content. It is similar to BrickLoot in that the boxes are the same for all subscribers, but the prices are a little cheaper if you sign up for a longer period of time. The six months subscription plan is $23.45/month + shipping, and there are some longer and shorter options as well. Here again, you will get a mix of LEGO and non-LEGO items that you may or may not find useful, fun, or interesting. I have included a video-review of this service as well in the player below. And you can also visit BrickSwag.com for more information.

MINIFIGCLUB LEGO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION BOX: If you only want genuine LEGO pieces, and you are into minifigures MinifigClub might be the right option for you. Th MinifigClub is run by LEGO fan Jorran Beebe, and deals exclusively in LEGO minifigures. The subscription service allows you to select the theme you would like to get minifigs from (i.e. LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Super Heroes, LEGO Friends, generic LEGO minifigures, etc.), and you can also select if you would like to receive four or six minifigures each month. Monthly subscription fees can run anywhere between $22.99 and $34.99/month + shipping, depending on the theme you choose (licensed themes are more expensive), and the number of minifigs you select. You can visit MinifigClub.com for more information.

BRICKS-ON-THE-DOLLAR LEGO POSTER SUBSCRIPTION: Bricks-on-the-Dollar is run by a LEGO fan named Clutch. Clutch is mainly a BrickLink seller, but he also branched out to other ventures through his YouTube channel, including starting a subscription service for fan-made LEGO posters. It’s a pretty unique idea, and some of the artwork is actually really nice. The subscription is only $10/month with shipping included, or you can also buy posters individually for $13. Visit BricksOnTheDollar.com for more information.

There are many other LEGO-related monthly subscription services, but these are the most well-known ones that have been around for a while, and could generally be trusted. As you can see, they offer a mixed bag of genuine LEGO products, high-quality items from LEGO customizers, and low-quality fillers. Each of the services has their plusses and minuses, so if you are interested in any of them, make sure you check out the details and read/watch reviews.

Personally, I like the posters with original artwork offered by Bricks-On-The-Dollar the most. It’s a nice way for talented artists to share their LEGO artwork, and it also allows LEGO fans to own something very unique – all for a very reasonable price. The other services I’m not so sure I would ever subscribe to, but I also don’t subscribe to snack boxes, and beauty product loots, and clothing clubs, so I’m not part of their target audience. But plenty of people like these services, so if you are one of them, I hope you found this brief overview of LEGO subscription services helpful.

What do you think? Have you ever tried any of the LEGO-related subscription services? Or are you planning to? Is there a service that you really like and would recommend to others? And are there services you would warn against? Feel free to share your thoughts and own review in the comment section below! 😉

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(Written by Geneva – gid617)

One huge aspect of the LEGO hobby is building your own creations. And when it comes to building, there are as many styles, techniques, tips, and tricks as there are LEGO builders! 🙂

About six years ago, I built, photographed, and shared online my first MOC (My-Own-Creation), and since then I haven’t looked back! On average, I build upwards of one creation a week.  In six years, that’s more creations than I would care to count!  Over the years I’ve spent as a LEGO builder, I’ve tried out dozens of techniques for building all kinds of different scenes.  Many of these techniques were suggested by other builders, others are combinations of multiple ideas, or tweaks to established methods made necessary by a lack of parts.  And then again, once in a while comes that eureka moment and I manage to invent something on my own!

Like any other skill, learning how to be a great LEGO builder isn’t something that happens overnight. For a few people, it only takes a couple months.  For others (like me!) it takes years.  But what I’ve always found to be one of the most helpful things in improving my creations has been the suggestions, techniques, and tutorials shared by other builders.  So I’m trying to give back by sharing on my blog some of the things I’ve learned!

Trees are a tricky subject to build in bricks, but they’re also useful for all kinds of creations. At the same time, there’s a huge variety of trees – and tree-building techniques – out there!  So I decided to start off with “Tree Trials,” a series of three posts on tree building: 8 Ways to Build a LEGO Palm Tree, 7 Secrets for Deciduous Trees, and Majoring in Micro.

What’s unique about my tutorials, or how-to posts (or whatever you prefer to call them), is that instead of focusing on one technique and breaking it down step-by-step, what I’ve tried to do is cover a wide variety of possibilities to give you some good inspiration. It’s rare that a builder happens to have the exact pieces on hand to try out someone else’s technique.  What I’ve always found more inspiring than the techniques themselves are the possibilities they hint at.  Maybe someone builds a tree using clip pieces to angle the branches.  That can inspire me to try using ball joints, or droid arms, or what have you!  So my goal isn’t just to give you one way to build a tree, but to show lots of examples, and hopefully get your creative juices going!

After the series on trees, I wrote Floors Galore for Your LEGO Home.  Again, the article touches on a wide variety of floor possibilities.  It’s great to have a broad repertoire to choose from.  After all, there are so many different types of floors in real life, and it’s exciting to depict that in a LEGO creation!

For my tutorials, I’ve taken examples only from my own builds (although on occasion I’ve linked to other builders’ creations). So these represent things that I’ve tried out, often many times!

Lastly, I wrote a article on Making Waves: Water with LEGO Bricks.  While that post represents only a small smattering of the dozens of ingenious ways LEGO builders have come up with to create water, hopefully it’s enough to inspire you!

These five tutorials I mentioned above (palm trees, deciduous trees, micro trees, floors, and water) are all I’ve written so far, but I hope to continue sharing more on my blog in the future.  Did you find them helpful? If there’s anything specific you’d like to see covered, don’t hesitate to ask!  Or maybe you’ve got some techniques of your own you would like to discuss. Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below!  😉

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