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A simple way to connect: BrickBuildr.com

(Written by William)

Many new Adult Fans of LEGO (AFOLs) might be intimidated by the sheer amount of fan information that is out there about LEGO. There are news sites, blogs, forums, MOC pages, etc. For many, this can overwhelm and give you no real starting point.

If you fall into this category, it’s fortunate you found theBrickBlogger. We encourage people to discover new things about LEGO, whether it be options for building, materials to check out, or interesting facts you may not be aware of. This particular post will highlight a very basic site that users may find handy both as a resource and a way to pass time.


BrickBuildr originally started out as a way for LEGO fans to share their specific LEGO pictures that they posted up on Flickr. As you may know, Flickr is a massive site filled with an abundance of content. BrickBuildr wanted to cut down on the time it takes you to find these images.

All that is required to join is for you to have a Flickr account and agree to let BrickBuildr look at your public images that contain the “LEGO” tag. This is so that they follow the rules set out by Flickr. In no way does this take away any of your rights to the images posted.


In addition to the Flickr sharing on BrickBuildr, you may also register either yourself as a LEGO builder or your LUG group. This can then serve as a rough way to connect with others that may be in your area. It will also let others know that you and your group exist. This may open future doors for you or your group; it really depends on how you choose to use this information.


The coolest thing about BrickBuildr though is its LEGO Pick-A-Brick (PAB) index. They have gone through every official LEGO store that has a PAB Wall and collected its basic information. This includes its location, its phone number, and its address. They then use information fans supply to update what is on that store’s PAB Wall.

You can access this information through an app on your iPhone or via a basic computer. Anyone is free to update the information on BrickBuildr. The site will indicate when a wall has been updated so that you have some idea of how reliable the information might be.

BrickBuildr will also allow you to receive an RSS feed on stores you’re trying to keep an eye on. Most AFOLs love the PAB wall since it’s practically the cheapest way to get LEGO elements without being part of a special program or having a deal.

LEGO Pick-A-Brick Wall in Schaumburg, Illinois


BrickBuildr is just one example how you can begin to get involved in the fan world of LEGO. Some of the best information out there only comes through making good contacts in the LEGO fan community. Most long-time AFOLs will tell you that if you wait for the Official LEGO Club Magazine for your information, chances are you will be the last to know. So take charge of your hobby and have fun while doing it. 😉

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  • VIE December 10, 2011, 12:29 PM

    So far 4 people asked me what I want Santa to bring me . I said Legos, MiniFigs to be exact. lol

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