WEBSITE: BrickForge
STORE: BrickForge Store
GALLERY: flickr
PRICE: very reasonable!
SHIPPING: varied by order size
Amongst all LEGO customizers BrickForge has the greatest variety of LEGO compatible parts in the widest range of colors. This includes minifigure weapons, helmets, armor pieces, various minifig equipment and accessories, musical instruments, and even several mythical & farm-animals to fill up your LEGO creations!
BrickForge is the result of an unstoppable force (Armothe) meeting an immovable object (Redbean) – two die-hard LEGO-fans. Together they boast a combined 20 years of minifig customizing experience, and have offered their unique brand of BrickForge accessories to the LEGO community since 2006.
“We consider ourselves intermediaries between the community and the lumbering Danish company. For a long time the building experience has been the focus of creativity; but an increasing number of people are realizing their inner child through the role-play of the minifigs included in those sets. The mission of BrickForge is to fill in the gaps left open by LEGO and other brick-building companies.” – Armothe
“A lot of thought (and work!) goes into the creation of these tiny accessories. We do our best to consider how would these look if LEGO made them and then we attempt to raise the bar even further.” – Redbean
➡ BRICKFORGE QUALITY: The quality of BrickForge items is excellent! The same ABS plastic is used as for LEGO. Each BrickForge piece is the result of a long process of designing and testing to fit its purpose as well as to seamlessly fit with LEGO elements.
➡ BRICKFORGE MOULD DETAIL: BrickForge products have the same elegant yet minimalist style as LEGO parts. The details are subtle, beautiful, and realistic enough both for the real world and the world of LEGO.

➡ BRICKFORGE COLORS: BrickForge products are currently available in about 50 different colors! The colors are either the same as LEGO colors; including glow-in-the-dark (this is really cool!) and various translucent colors. In addition BrickForge carries some special colors like army-green and bronze.
Occasionally certain elements also get released in chrome-gold and chrome-silver, or some other unique color.
BrickForge also carries a wide variety of printed elements with great colors and nicely designed detail.
➡ BRICKFORGE PRODUCTS: BrickForge has a very extensive product line (currently over 150 different items!) with the main focus being LEGO minifig accessories. You will find everything from ancient, fantasy and modern weapons, various tools, musical instruments, and everything else your minifig may want and need!
One special feature of some BrickForge elements is their modular design; meaning they can be assembled in different ways; expanding the variety and choices even more! For example the Space Marine helmet has a removable visor, the gladiator helmet has an attachable faceguard, and the great variety of pauldrons can be attached to different armor pieces in various configurations.
➡ BRICKFORGE SUMMARY: I highly recommend BrickForge! There is no-one who beats their product variety and color selection, and their prices are very reasonable. In addition the BrickForge folks are super-nice people who focus on customer service and satisfaction. Give them a try! 😉
Nice review! Brickforge is getting better and better every year!
Will and I consider ourselves purists, but seeing the awesome stuff that Brickforge creates, I’m certainly considering branching out. After all, I’ve always wanted centaurs and I’m not sure LEGO is going to make one any time soon.
Brickforge does great work that definitely fills the holes that LEGO leaves wide open. Thanks for posting about them!
I will have to hide this review from my boys! 😛
Brickforge has expanded greatly in the past few years! It is great to see that they are doing so well! It is interesting to see that in this supposedly terrible economy such small businesses can still strive.
Great point about the economy! I actually read somewhere that hobbies usually do well when the economy is not so good. People are under so much stress, and they hear so much bad stuff, they need to balance it out with something positive. 🙂
Love BF’s stuff! They are getting better and better! I also like BA, but they pretty much only do modern weapons. BF is a lot more versatile!
Custom Lego’s are so fun! I have been a Lego fan for 25 years now, it is quite the hobby. Finding unique parts that break away from the norm Lego keeps everything fresh. Love this Stuff!
very awesome
I am probaly going to pick up some brick forge here is my list: 4 Dark Green Power assault armor 4 Dark Green Power assault helmets 4 Glow in the Dark Power assault helmets 4 Glow in the Dark Power assault helmets. 8 Black Power assault visors. 8 tactical rifles and one of the navy officer hat cause my dad was on the navy and it has nice details.
Whoops 4 glow in the dark power assault helmets and 4 glow in the dark power assault armor
That’s great! I’m sure you will be veyr happy with them! I really like the glow-in-the-dark stuff too! 😀
Me too though LEGO does not make a wide variety of glow in the dark stuff. (:()
I know… that’s why I’m glad BrickForge makes them. And I also like the transparent colors! 🙂
Well it actually might be a while cause I just bought the lego ninjago samurai bike and a Star Wars action figure star fighter thingy