Have you written down your Christmas LEGO wish list yet? I hope you did, otherwise how would Santa know what you want? 😉

2011 has been an excellent year for LEGO fans, no matter what theme you are interested in! Here are some of the highlights (for details click on the set images to go to the LEGO website):
The LEGO Star Wars line expanded with some very impressive sets this year! Here are some of the biggest ones; the #7965 LEGO Millennium Falcon, the #7964 LEGO Republic Frigate, and the #10221 LEGO Super Star Destroyer:
LEGO Creator fans got some delightful new sets in the form of the #5771 LEGO Hillside House, the #5770 LEGO Lighthouse Island, and the #5766 LEGO Log Cabin.
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean has given LEGO fans two wonderful ships (#4184 Black Pearl & #4195 Queen Anne’s Revenge) and some really sweet sets (like the #4194 Whitecap Bay) with unique LEGO minifigs.
The LEGO Architecture line got expanded with the beautiful #21010 Robie House, the #21011 Brandenburg Gate, and the #21009 Fransworth House.
LEGO Technic fans got some real challenges with the #8070 LEGO Supercar, the #8110 LEGO Mercedes-Benz Unimog, and the #8053 LEGO Mobile Crane.
And we can’t forget about the really big, advanced building sets like the #10219 LEGO Maersk Train, the #10231 LEGO Shuttle Expedition, and the #10218 LEGO Pet Shop.
So what is on your Christmas LEGO wish list? You know; the list of LEGO sets that you secretly dream about and would love Santa to bring to you! Do you have one favorite – the ultimate LEGO set you would like to play with? Or would you prefer to have several different sets? Perhaps more than one of the same set to build a bigger version? Or do you dream of collecting all sets in a particular theme?
Okay, I will go first to break the ice. Here is my Christmas LEGO wish list: #10220 LEGO Volkswagen Camper (just for the fun of building), #10193 LEGO Medieval Market Village (because it is a must-have for castle fans), and the #7066 LEGO Alien Conquest Earth Defense HQ (the best space set since the Galaxy Explorer released in 1979).
Anyhow, that’s my LEGO Christmas wish list. Now it is your turn; what is yours? If you like, share your Christmas LEGO wish list below. Who knows? Maybe Santa is reading this forum! 🙄
If you are not sure what you would like check these posts for ideas:
Wouldn’t mind a Castle-Joust set.. even though I know it hasn’t officially been released 😉
Nick, yeah, I’m looking forward to that set too! Poor Santa! He will have to bring you a set from the future! 😆
1) #7189 Mill Village Raid because it will go perfectly with my #10193 Medieval Market Village; 2) #4842 Hogwarts Castle because I already have 10217 Diagon Alley and I really want a Dumbledore minifigure; 3) #10230 Mini Modulars (even though it doesn’t come out until February) because min/micro building is my forte.
Everything I want hasn’t come out yet, including the Kingdoms Joust, Superheroes DC and the Mini Modulars… But I would love to have an extra copy of each of the Winter Village sets. The pieces in those sets are so cool and I’d love to be able to make my own Winter Village building.
It would be awesome to build a whole LEGO Winter Village around the Christmas tree! And of course have a LEGO Christmas train too! 😀