In the previous post about the LEGO NINJAGO summer sets, I shared with your some pictures and video from the German toy-fair. (See previous post here: LEGO NINJAGO Summer Sets.) Here I will show you some close-ups from the New York toy-fair. posted some wonderful images for NINJAGO fans to drool over and enjoy! 😀
➡ #9448 LEGO NINJAGO Samurai Mech – Includes Samurai-X mech, a small snake-catapult to launch the 2 snakes that appear in the set, and 3 minifigures: Samurai X, Bytar and Snike. 452 pieces. Available in August. Price: $39.99
➡ #9449 LEGO NINJAGO Ultra Sonic Raider – Includes Ultra Sonic Raider, Fangpyre fang-blade with red anti-venom capsule, 4 golden weapons, 5 regular weapons, and 6 minifigures: Cole ZX, Jay ZX, Kai ZX, Zane ZX, Pythor and Spitta. 622 pieces. Available in August. Price: $69.99
➡ #9450 LEGO NINJAGO Epic Dragon Battle – Includes Ultra Dragon, The Great Devourer, snake-prison, Hypnobrai fang-blade with blue anti-venom capsule, 4 golden weapons, 7 regular weapons, and 7 minifigures: Lloyd ZX, Jay ZX, Sensei Wu, Lord Garmadon, Acidicus, Skalidor and Chokun. 915 pieces. Available in August. Price: $119.99
➡ #9447 LEGO NINJAGO Lasha’s Bite Cycle – Includes the Bite Cycle, a blacksmith-forge, Venomari fang-blade with green anti-venom capsule, golden weapon, 5 regular weapons and 2 minifigures: Cole ZX and Lasha. 250 pieces. Available in August. Price: $24.99
The Samurai Mech seems to be an excellent set, at least that is my favorite. Also the snake-generals are exceptional! Especially Pythor! I’m still not sure if I like the four-headed dragon though. It looks a bit messy to me. What do you think? 😉
Here are some other post on the 2012 LEGO NINJAGO sets you might like:
Why do two of the ZX ninja have gold highlights and the other two have silver highlights?
Zane, that’s just a design element. White and Red goes well with gold, and Blue and Black goes well with silver. 😉
zane ZX, jays dragon is called blisck
no its called shard “Shard put this out’ Zane
He’s talking about Jay’s dragon
oh must be seeing things
Does the Samurai Mechs arms move?
Hey Admin, I have a question. I live in the UK so I want to know how much money the ultra sonic raider will be (in pounds.) Also when wil it be out?
Kai, I’m not sure what the price in pounds would be. All I have seen so far were the USA and Canadian prices. The sets supposed to be out in August. 🙂
Kai can’t fight at all he the lat to get ture potential and he’s really bad at jokes and at fighting
Kai, if my calculations are correct, it would be about 44.198 pounds.
thanks for showing the prices, i want the dragon and the one that comes with pythor, im not going to be able to get them because of the price, but luckly my b day is in aug.
Ok thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
Admin why do the NRG ninjas only come in only the spinet sets PS is it ture that pythor mouth opens and closes?
Ian, there has been conflicting information about Pythor’s mouth. Some people say his jaw opens others say it doesn’t. So I’m not sure who to believe. 😕
it dosent open ;D
It does
the mouth has absolutely no joints so it clearly can’t move. The head seen in the pics may also be a prototype.
it doent
episode 12 korean
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
parts 3 and 4 coming later
Ive seen all episodes in english go on youtube
Thank you soooo much Skales! 😀
When will the sets come out?
Jam, they are coming out in the summer. Expect them in July/August. 🙂
basically what you just said is they are coming out in december but they are coming out in july august?
I can’t wait to get the ultra sonic raider. Also, I think the ultimate dragon battle is expensive so I want Lloyd ZX spinner. 😀
how do you know these are coming out? i want them all because they look cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want all of them, I feel sorry for your walet. 😥
😀 😉
how do you do faces?
hi i am on just got home from school 😀
hi i am on just got home from school 😀 btw iam gettin epic dragon battle for x-mas or mi b-day
😮 i just made a prototype hyptnobrai fang blade
how did you do it?
lucky lucky lucky
but still how do you know these are coming out?
because we have brains
i made the venomari fang blade
fangblade bump :”
I made the constructai fangblade
P.S.I have all staffs
so do i i also have a fangpyre fang blade
Same I made the venomari fang blade!!!!!!
Flame rider, you were asking how do you know these sets are coming out. Right? I looked above the comments. 😀 😀 😀 😀
Episode 10 tonight Green ninja reveled even thow its lloyd but still yay 😀
I cant wait for those sets! I’m not really conserned with the Ninja in them, but is anybody else exited about the Pythor minifigure?
I sure am
And also, for the fang blades i just used 4 prince of persia knives
will they ever be cheaper?
how do you make fang blades?
First, get these items:
-4 Lego Star Wars lightsaber handles
-2 silver dragon-claws and 2 gold dragon-claws
After you get those pieces, put the snake-staff-studs on the bottom of the handle, and put the claws on top of the handle.
For the Legos that you can buy, the Hypnobrai’s and Venomari’s Fangblades are golden, and the Fangpyre’s and Constrictai’s are silver.
If you send me your email address, I can send you a picture of the 4 Fangblades.
If anyone is still looking at this, instead of silver lightsaber handles I changed it to BLACK lightsaber handles. 😉
Skales, that’s a great upgrade! I think those black lightsaber handles are pretty rare. 😉
A silver blade like one on the earth dragon, A handle like on lightsabers, and the tribal symbol.
4 silver teeth
hypnobry staff
constrictai staff
venomorie staff
fangpryer staff
4 silver knives
skales i don’t have that stuff…
You can buy Lego lightsabers for $3.99 here:
You can buy a Hypnobrai staff here:
You can buy a Fangpyre staff here:
You can buy a Venomari staff here:
You can buy a Constrictai staff here:
Also, you can buy silver claws here:
And golden claws here:
I hope this helps, Flame Rider.
You also could buy all the staffs here:
I cant buy all that!
Admin: In Epic Dragon Battle, it comes w/ Jay ZX, not NRG Jay.
Zane, yes, I’m planning to fix that. 😉
what does NRG mean
NRG is a pun on energy. Like PWR armor, NRG doesn’t include vowels.
Sales, I think you and me are really the kind of top-notch Ninjago experts in the Lego community! 😉
-Once Again, the Anonymous Ninjago Fan
Sorry with the bad spelling on your name. I misspell a name kind of like once in a blue moon… so, Skales… (see, I got it right :P)
-Once Again, the Anonymous Ninjago Fan
whos ur favorite ninja mines is Jay
Me want samurai x mech!
I want all of them
i agree with thomas
I have the ultra sonic raider.
admin what fangblade does the samurai mech come with
I think constrictai
yah its what pizza thinks
patients my friends
we can all wait even though i want all so bad
4 months later, yey the sets are out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hah hah very funny and i mean it. admin were are these sets going to be?
What do you mean where they are going to be? You mean which stores will carry them? All of the usual places like LEGO Stores, TRU, Walmart, Target, etc.
Admin, when will they be released? Also I found a youtube video which has all the sets, spinners and booster packs. Only if u want it.
Great video! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
thanks admin my friend landon wanted to know!
Skales I have a question , how many pounds do the four headed dragon is?
If my calculations are correct (which they should be) the Epic Dragon Battle will cost 75.59 pounds.
my calculasion i got 75.750 pounds, i don’t know if it is correct
The Samurai Mech is 38.57 AUD, the Ultra Sonic Raider is 67.50 AUD, the Epic Dragon Battle is 115.72 AUD, and Lasha’s Bite Cycle is 24.10 AUD.
Thanks, Skales! 😀
Either way, it would be about 76 pounds.
I want the green ninja and phytor!
Ya I love pythor!!!!!! And lord garmadon pythors my fav so is the venamari tribe and great devourer !!!!!!!! Can’t wait!!!!!!!
Sorry it is that I cannot find it
This sets come in agust 14
Skales it’s really that ninjago finished in episode 14?
Not in Season 2, but one season might in in Episode 14.
there will be another 2 seasons after season 2
I need the green ninja or one of my friends will give me a slap super strong I need it!
that sounds hurtful
his friends are threating
Yeah I know it
This is a song for ninjago yeah when I am in in great deavaour I fight like a nerd get the sword get the nun chucks us them I’m ninjago and I know it yeah yeah so train I train ii train (sexy and I know it rime)
only season 1 is ending. Lloyd still has to defeat garmadon
Is there a fangblade for the anacondri. I don’t think so. Does anyone know?
The 4 fangblades are not related to the 5 serpentine tribes. There are only 4 fangblades to awaken the Great Devourer. 😯
there is one fangblade in all 4 new sets i checked
No because it is not in the series or any of the sets. Though they might make an anacondria staff.
Patience, all of you.
Lord Garmadon sacrifices himself (And the golden weapons but 1 shuriken) To explode the devourer into green slime. If you go into episode 13: Day of the devourer part 2, you can see that the Ninja tangle the devourer after they gave the weapons to Garmadon, then, Garmadon is on top of a tall building, after Ninjago goes dark, Garmadon jumps off with the golden weapons, when they glow purple, Garmadon went straight through a hidden vortex inside the devourer then Wu returns!
Word is Season 4 is when he returns and Season 3 is pirates i think
In the UK to get summer sets, go to Argos or some place like that.
thee sonic raider is mine
i want the pythor minifigure so bad
he’s comeing out
who wishes for lego set today????????????????????????????????
i know i do
i wish nya in the samuri mech had one side of her head a face with her techy gogles :p
All the sets together cost $254.96.In America I have 54.46 right now!
I just wanted to let everyone know that epic dragon battle is beast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
adim’ can you pleas mak a page for the 2012 summer spiners
Thomas, now that that Series 2 is over, I will have more time to write about other aspects of Ninjago. I will still dedicate at least one day a week to it, so I can do the spinners, previous episodes, news and other stuff. 😉
can you allso tell me when all the set’s and spiners are coming out 😀
Thomas, the official release date is June first. 🙂
thanx for tellin’ me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WANT ALL THE SETS!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!1!!100000000!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!111110111111111!1001010000101001 WHAT THE?!
i live in ausrtalia and i want to know how much the sets will cost PLEEEAAASSSEEE help me
So sorry, but I’m not familiar with the Australian LEGO market. Perhaps call your local LEGO store? 😕
oh and when will all the sets come out
PLEASE help admin or any other people (sad face)
what do you suggest? admin
admin can you suggest what sight to go to i have tried them all
Hm… sorry, I’m lost. what site to go to for what? 😕
any site that might tell me… HOW MUCH LEGO NINJAGO SETS WILL BE?
what the next ninjago article going to be about and when will you make it?
I would suggest you head over to the main LEGO Ninjago section to see all posts and updates. 😉
what about my previous question?
Just to let everyone know Pythors mouth doesnt open
no it is open already it cant be closed
proof! pythors mouth is STUCK OPEN i got the ultra sonic raider set!!!!!!!!
The big sets come out in August, some spinners come out in June, some in September, some in August… I think…
I know season 3 it is vs pirates
Name : venom. Tribe : venomari. Possession : general Weapon : Gray scythe
great devouer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!must have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the ultra sonic rider looks awsome plus it comes with pythor and i want the epic dragon battle for the green ninja
You can buy the summer sets on Im waiting for it to be realesed in stores.
I was bored so I made a serpentine boat. I name it the ViperJet. Spitta is the driver 😀
Mezmo, that sounds awesssssome! 😀
I have mezmo
Hypnobrai general = Skales
Fangpyre general = Fangtom
Constrictai general = Scalidor
Venomari general = Acidicus
Where I live there have all the new summer sets!!!!!!!
I have Lasha’s Bite Cycle and the Ultra Sonic Raider!!!!!!
I also have all the NRG ninjas 🙂
Pythor is so cool he looks like he’s gonna eat you.
Jay, congratulations on the awesome haul! Have fun playing! What about NRG Zane though? He won’t be released until the fall. So you probably mean you have 3 of the NRG ninja? 🙄
Hey biggest Lego (***),you need to be quiet with your (***) mouth cuz
I’m the biggest lego fan and I have the green ninja spinner( beat that!!!!)
(***) = censored by admin due to inappropriate content
Jay, I would suggest you watch your language. This is not a website to insult others. Thank you. 😐
Hey by the way im not the guy who swore uptop, im a different nrg jay.
Are these sets released yet? They are online!
sorry admin it just made me mad!
And I’m also sorry that I have the name I’m changing it to something else.
Jay, it’s all right to get mad at times – there are legitimate reasons – but there is no need to be insulting. You can be mad and polite at the same time. That’s the way of a real ninja. 😉
Gosh I”m so sorry to every one I have said mean things to, lets just now on talk about Lego Ninjago
I screw up on those last comments.(I’m NRG Zane now).
Thanks admin,you rock.
And I have a Question how old are you?
Please tell :0
Zane, it is impolite to ask girls their age. At least that’s what my grandma always said. 😉
I have seen on youtube that loads of people have epic dragon battle and it doesnt come with NRG jay. Insted it comes with Jay ZX.
Please note that this is an old post. (Please check the date). At that time nto all information was correct. Please check the newer post for updated info. 😉
I updated it anyway, in case someone lands on this page. Please go to the Ninjago section (found in left-hand sidebar) for fresh news. This post is four months old! 😉
Admin do you know what the epic dragon set would because I have $202.56
Plz answer back
I mean what will the epic dragon battle set cost because at toy r us the price for this set is $140.00
Plz answer back
Pythor, I would suggest you wait a little. TRU always have inflated prices. 🙁
I just checked and they are selling write now!!! P.S:They messed up the samurai mech pic its the venomari shrine
Sweet! 😀
On Epic Dragon Battle is only 119.99$ Samurai Mech is only 39.99$
lego is giving free shipping for sets over 75$
I had no clue you were a girl admin. no offense.
sorry, please don’t take it the wrong way.
oh please, I really want to know your age.
P.S. I will tell you mine
LOL! Girls rule! My grandma always said that asking a girl’s age is rude. 🙄
Well Cool
on the bite cycle,look closely at the box.lasha is missing something
his cobra headpiece.
do you see it?