To continue fanning the excitement for LEGO Lord of the Rings scheduled to be released this summer, here are some official images of the first wave of LEGO Lord of the Rings sets via Russian website Bricker. We have covered the LEGO Lord of the Rings line extensively in previous posts from the Toy Fairs and from LEGO’s own website, but this is the first time for nice and crisp pictures. (You can click on any of the images for a larger view.)

➡ #9469 LEGO LORD OF THE RINGS Gandalf Arrives – Relive the opening scene of “The Fellowship of the Ring” in LEGO form. As Gandalf the Grey makes his way through the Shire on his horse-cart, he meets an excited young hobbit, Frodo Baggins. Includes 2 minifigures: Gandalf the Grey and Frodo Baggins. 80 pieces. Available in June. Price: $12.99
➡ #9470 LEGO LORD OF THE RINGS Shelob Attacks – Plotting to reclaim The One Ring, Gollum lures Frodo into the lair of the ancient giant spider, Shelob. Will Shelob cast her web and capture Frodo or can Samwise Gamgee rescue him in time? Includes 3 minifigures: Frodo, Samwise Gamgee, Gollum. 227 pieces. Available in June. Price: $19.99
➡ #9471 LEGO LORD OF THE RINGS Uruk-hai Army – Under attack by the evil Uruk-hai army, the ancient fortress of Helm’s Deep is the last refuge for the people of Rohan. As the Uruk-hai draw near, they fire hooks from the armored hook-shooter and try to scale the fortress walls. Can Éomer and the Rohan soldier hold back the Uruk-hai and save the day? Includes 6 minifigures: Éomer, Rohan soldier and 4 Uruk-hai. 257 pieces. Available in June. Price: $29.99
➡ #9472 LEGO LORD OF THE RINGS Attack on Weathertop – Resting in the ancient fortress ruins of Weathertop, Aragorn, Frodo and Merry are suddenly attacked by the Ringwraiths. Will they take The One Ring from Frodo or can Aragorn stop them in time? Includes 5 minifigures: Aragorn, Frodo, Merry and 2 Ringwraiths. 430 pieces. Available in June. Price: $59.99
➡ #9473 LEGO LORD OF THE RINGS The Mines of Moria – On their epic journey across the lands of Middle-earth, the heroic Fellowship of the Ring travels through the abandoned Mines of Moria. Pursued by the evil Moria orcs and a giant Cave Troll, Pippin, Boromir, Gimli, and Legolas make a stand in Balin’s Tomb. Includes 6 minifigures: Pippin, Boromir, Gimli, Legolas, and 2 Moria orcs along with a giant cave troll and 2 skeletons. 776 pieces. Available in June. Price: $79.99
➡ #9474 LEGO LORD OF THE RINGS The Battle of Helm’s Deep – The walled fortress of Helm’s Deep is under attack by the mighty Uruk-hai army and the forces of men, elves, and a dwarf must do everything they can to stop them from breaching the fortress walls. Includes 8 minifigures: Aragorn, Gimli, Haldir, King Théoden, Berserker Uruk-hai and 3 Uruk-hai. 1368 pieces. Available in June. Price: $129.99
I hope these images gave you an even better idea of what’s coming! I particularly like that the forts and other structures are brick-built, instead of using those large pre-made pieces. And of course the minifigs and the new poseable horses are on my favorites list! What about you? What do you think of the upcoming LEGO Lord of the Rings sets? Share your thoughts in the comment section below! 😉
You might also want to head over to the LEGO Lord of the Rings section to see even more pictures, videos, and join the discussions. Or just select some of the highlighted posts:
Awesome sets. I am the first to comment on this one!
Thanks admin, these pics just boosted my interest in the Lego LOTR franchise.
I am sorry, but this is in no way a decent replacement for Kingdoms/Castle. NONE of these sets looks anywhere near complete, they all look like they are missing more than half of the set. Where’s all the detail that we were getting with the Medieval Market Village, Kingdoms Joust, and Mill Village Raid, looks like it all went out the door. I do so hope they release more KIngdoms sets this summer.
Micho, there is no need to be sorry, we welcome whatever your opinion is. The more honest the better. 😉
Please note that this is the first wave of the LEGO Lord of the Rings sets. It makes sense for LEGO to offer a large variety of smaller, more affordable sets as the first to cater to a the largest LEGO fan base. Then, according to customer feedback, and if the demand is there, they can expand to larger, more complex, more expensive sets.
The economy is really bad pretty much everywhere right now, and no matter how much someone would love to buy huge LEGO sets, it may not be possible financially. With smaller sets people have a chance to start their collection, play with them, aquire their favorite minifigures, and gradually add other sets as it becomes possible. I have read that LEGO is very conscious of the current financial climate and they adapting their strategies accordingly – a smart move in my opinion.
It has been a long cherished dream of many LEGO fans for LEGO to acquire the LOTR license. This is a happy beginning and hopefully it will have a long and healthy future. Also, please note that LOTR is not a replacement for castle. According to LEGO reps the castle line will continue separetely from LOTR. This way both camps of fans can be happy. 🙂
Well said admin, remember, Lego is built for kids who, unlike colectors, have small alowances.
Yeah, that’s a really good point too; after all LEGO is for children! I keep forgetting about that! 😛
Are you kidding me? The smallest set is $14, and is way overpriced. All these sets are huge, but still only half complete. Ninjago, on the other hand, makes small sets like Kai’s Blade Cycle that still have good accessories and vehicles.
Lloyd, please remember that LOTR is a licensed line. LEGO has to pay licensing fees to the LOTR franchise. In contrast, Ninjago is LEGO’s own product line, so they don’t have to charge as much, as they don’t have to pay anybody else. 😉
“Just play and be happy,” -Hal Leonard, artist with LEGO as his
Although I love almost every thing about the sets I’ve seen, I have to agree with Micho on some of the sets, as they feel more playset like than I would have preferred, but I like them enough anyways. Also, many of the characters I was hoping for are not in the sets, and neither are any “non-minifig” creatures save for the cave troll (thankfully this is a multi-year theme, so hopefully this will not be as big of a problem as it is for Indiana Jones or Pirates of the Caribbean). I said this before, but I love that the “Uruk-hai Army” and the forge set not pictured are made mostly like expensive battle packs. I do hope they make a minifigure battle pack as well like they did with the firefighters (hopefully just of the orcs and possibly a Ringwraith, preferably without protagonists, especially not the ones that are in the least expensive sets already (see PotC, Alien conquest for ones that are mostly useless because of their makeup)).
Fantastic! Love that cave troll and those orcs. Looks like they’ve spent a lot of attention on detailing the figs – which isnt a bad thing :-). The only set that doesnt grab me much is ‘Weathertop’. Its pretty lame and I might even give it a miss.
I agree.
Thanks for these great pictures! My bros and I are oohing and ahhing. lol Uruk hai army is my fav!
Alec, you are welcome. Yep, the minifigs in these sets are pretty sweet! 🙂
I love the orc forge.
That you copied my information from Eurobricks without naming the source out of common curtesy is very unprofessional!
Hey, Grogall, I always link original sources if I quote from another website or individual, but in this case I’m not sure what part of the information shared here you refer to as copied from you. Would you please be more specific? 😕
I don’t visit EuroBricks that often so I’m not sure what is all there. The set descriptions are from Brickipedia and I have shared that in previous posts. The images were sent to me by one of our readers. Please let me know what information is specifically from you, and also if you would have a link to the original and I will link it. Thanks! 😉
I have never seen LOTR but lots of the faces and new hair pieces could be used for young Boba fett or something. I do plan on buying the giant spider though because I have a tarantula in my room and I love spiders!!!!
This is what happened in my mind when I saw the first set:
(to under stand what im talking about look ing the back of Gandalf’s
Ahh! Gandalf has a fangpyre snake with him!
😛 did you notice he has a red ninjago snake in the chariot! 😛 XD
Tydroid, yeah for Ninjago fans that’s quite funny. But that snake suppose to be one of the fireworks Gandalf carried. 😉
Lol, Gandalf has a has sided with the Fangpyre!
That’s funny!!!!
Thanks Admin, I sure hope the new Kingdoms sets come out this year, and that they look more like complete sets/structures than most of these LOTR ruins sets, to me they just look like incomplete castle sets. Can’t wait for more of those Falcon Knights. I do like the minifigs and all the new elemnts in the LOTR sets, but I gotta say even the POTC sets looked more completed A LOT more completed than all these ruins from LOTR… I guess I’m just a whiny fan that started from 1990 at age 8 and am used to a certain level of detail on my sets LOL
Micho, naw, a little whining (especially from old LEGO fans) is all right. It keeps LEGO on their toes. 😉
More Kingdoms, Please! We should send a petition to Lego, because as of right now, they are not planning on coming out with any more kingdom sets this year. Look on Brickipedia for proof.
Lloyd, a LEGO rep on Twitter said that they are continuing the castle line in 2012. I’m not sure why he would have said that if it is not true. Of course he could have been wrong, but I rather believe him than Brickipedia, which is often wrong. 🙁
these look so cool!
Can you tell me how much it is in England money (£ ~Pounds~) please? I’m thinking of buying them…
Ammy, I do not know it yet. I’m sure as we get closer to the release date prices in other currencies will be revealed as well. 🙂
brickepedia has the prices just type on google the set your after then click on the brickepedia site
lord of the rings lego are sweet
i dont care if the sets are incomplete, all that matters is that lego is finally getting these sets. i have been waiting for 11years for this to come. i cant wait to buy them!!! 🙂
even though I think the lord of the rings sets are cool,I dont think that there good enough to spend money on
is lego going to come out with battle packs for lord of the rings? somthing like rohan soldiers or elves aiding rohan at helms deep, or ring wraith???
Uruk- Hai army is like one, only it only has Uruk-Hai and the two hero dudes, not any regular soldiers.
thank you.. i just hope they have more, like all elven warriors, or rohan soldiers.
That’s a good question! My guess is they will, but we will have to see. 😉
Legofan your suggestion sounds good.
if they bring out a battle pack of ringwraiths they should include the witch king and a morgul blade because they are some of the most iconic characters.and it should probly be priced the same as something like star wars battle packs so about $10-$12
I agree. They should also have a Nazgul and the witch king and gandalf, like in the third movie in minis tirith. Anotherthing is frodo in the void. Or in amen hen with Boromir, frodo, uruk-hia, and the building frodo climbs up in the first movie.
Sounds fun 😉
My dad loves LOTR, so I’m looking forward to these sets coming out.
Battle of helms deep is slightly incomplete, I’m a 13 yr. old, I understand copyright fees. But I think they could do better honestly I know about budget because I am a kid myself. But I would pay more for a complete set. Or being myself I would order parts and finish the job myself (Like a real AFOL! Adult fan of LEGO!). About the comment from Micho, I agree about castle, but I also would like to point out that the latest castle was also incomplete, (The jail was way too small, no stable for the horse, almost no figs, etc) it is losing its steam and could use a replacement (not that this is better). For a second, we should compare this to… Lets say LEGO Knights Kingdom, I have their castle, very detailed and high quality, nothing left out, nice playability, I could still build it even though I was 7. It had cool minifigures, and was good for starters who had little to no LEGO Castle. This is a standard which we should hold all Castle, (or things that have fortifications, or castles. Whatever) up to. All that LEGO LOFTR needs to do is make their sets more complete. Keep in mind that budget of LEGO and the kids alike should be kept in mind, while catering to the vast buying power of an AFOL adult fan of LEGO. LEGO is doing their best to cater to all of the above while making a high quality set, its not easy!
You are 13??? Are you sure??? Excellent review! You should be a writer! 🙂
yes, thank you. I’ve never gotten that comment before.
personally, i think you you should be a writer. are you in any IB classes or somthing? if not you should think about it. you have potential. i myself am only 16 turning 17 in july. You should also think about becoming a critic. you are right though, the sets now are almost complete, but dont have every detail.
IB? Can you explain that to me please? Is it like the John Hopkins program because I have been offered a chance for that.
it is a class that gives you an extra challenge if your up to it. you can take it and learn better. but you do get a little bit more work. it is similar to the John Hopkins programs. you should consider it.
You are very welcome, and I really meant it! 🙂
Thanks, by the way I now know what IB classes are,
(to keep down irrelevant chatter I just searched it)
and im 13, IB classes are for high school, im only in 8th grade…
These sets do look awesome and I will be getting a job this summer just to pay for them all however a few of those prices are a tad high such as Weather Top Hill. I wish they will eventually make a complete $300 Minas Tirith set, it’d be the one set to rule them all.
That may be too expensive, if I could I would buy it but 300? Maybe somewhere near 200 would do (like town hall) remember, kids will have probably at MOST 200 USD of buying power at one time. IF THEY SAVE MONEY. So they make the sets for kids less than 200, the interested adults will buy the death star, the Taj Mahal, etc.
I think the lego sets could be better, i admit, but they are good just the way they are. Ke shouldnt complain about how other sets are more complete. LOTR lego is one of a kind and is different from lego kingdoms. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING. I for one think that lego is doing a great job. Take an example: the Attack on Weathertop. It is big enough to have as a model, and play inside of it. And it has as much minifigures as any other set out there. the world isnt spending as money on legos because of the recession we are in. When the world gets out the recession we will buy more lego sets, and in turn lego will make bigger sets again. But for now we should be grateful for what we get from Lego, and not find all the things they could’ve done better.
Weathertop is cool, but it is an awful representation of the real weathertop. I mean, could you actually walk inside weathertop in the book or movie?
to answer you question, lloyd zx,yes you could walk into weather top in the movie and book.
Really? They walked inside it? I thought they were only on the top, and they only had a fire on the top…
It was kind of like a ruin. At least in the movie. I can’t remember the description in the book. So yeah, it had some walls around (although in ruins). That’s where the Hobbits took shelter for the night.
I have made estimations of the value of each Lord of the Rings Lego set.
Gandalf arrives:$10
Shelob attacks:$18
The Uruk-Hai army: $25
The Attack on Weathertop: $50
The Mines of Moria: $75
The Battle of Helm’s Deep: $125
As you can see, I think the battle of Helm’s Deep is the best. It is not big enough, but the cost is pretty reasonable. I recommend the following sets: Shelob Attacks, The Mines of Moria, and The Battle of Helm’s Deep.
You forgot to recommend Uruk Hai army. It’s the best army builder by far and that awesome brown horse is included as well. Uruk hai are so cool! Here are my recommendations: Uruk Hai Army, Mines of Moria and The Battle of Helm’s Deep.
My fav: Uruk Hai Army
Thanks for the prices, I was wondering how you got those estimates
(1 brick=10 cents?)
NO DONT LIST PRICE VALUES! sorry, but wat if u recommend some price value and lego sees, and they raise the price?
i think that some fo the sets are really good like the battle of helms deep but they should bring out more sets with gollum(mount doom?)
i wonder if the LOTR goes well lego may bring out sets of the hobbit in time for the new movie?=)
Yeah, I was really hoping for Sauron’s tower, sort of as a counterpart to a Minas Tirith set…
Yeah, that’s the idea! Hobbit sets supposed to be coming with the movies! 😉
maybe lego will bring out a downscaled version of the march of the ents in isengard because that looked awesome from the pictures admin showed us
I hope Lego will give us an Arwen and Eowyn Minifig too 😉 😀
I really hope that too! They are major players in the saga, and can’t be left out! 😐
I want to see something like Smaug’s lair. Or the town with the guy firing the black arrow fighting Smaug…
Can someone tell me where I can see a photo of the Orc Forge?
I do have three pictures here: LEGO Lord of the Rings Sets – First Pictures. They are the last ones in the post. 😉
Nice, thank you.
I’m liking those orcs!
As a person whom looks up to Tolkien and his canon, loves learning & reading old english & loves lego too I was hoping and at the same time dreading Lego obtaining a licence to make sets. Mainly due to the commerciality of it all. Now Tolkien LOATHED Disney and all that it stands for. I get the impression that he had no liking for american culture and would be horrified at how the NWO are slowly subverting this planet and its people to their nefarious plans, not to mention how we in turn allow them to do this. The works of Saruman(meaning man of craft in OE) and his master Sauron in Mordor he would apply all this to. Thankfully with these first sets I like to think that he would be pleased and would not apply any of these fears to what is going on here. Firstly because of his love of all things Northern(tho NOT neccessarily Nordic.Tolkien was NOT a bigot, nor was he a racist(I’m not saying that all Nords are bigots nor racists)). As a professor of anglo saxon at Oxford and teacher of old Icelandic I think he would be happy to see a Danish company with their “Northern” mindset and ways of making things managing his canon in this way. I like to thing he would finally approve of what Peter has done down here in NZ making the films too, and I believe that after seeing how films pan out he would accept the changes. I have preordered Gandaalf arriving in the Shire. I look forward to Gandalf the White in the next batch of sets too and I really want some little lego copies of his two staves. Thanks Lego. I for one am pleased. I think Tolkien would be just as happy as well…
1. massive run-on sentence
2. What about LEGO’s other manufacturing plants?
3. how is this “northern”?
4. improper use of canon, he is NOT the church
5. you misspelled “Gandalf” like “Gandaalf”
nice comment, I see what you are saying…
I dont think LEGO cares what he thinks
Lol lego chronicler, not everyone’s grammer is as perfect as yours, and if you took a look at some of the comments on the Ninjago Posts, you would be horrified.
LOL! Yep, it seems like ninja are terrible at grammar and spelling! Any teacher or lover of the English language would get a heart-attack browsing that section! 🙄
that’s cos all the ninjago fans are baby’s
Procyon, very thoughtful review! It is hard to say how Tolkien would have viewed the movies or the upcoming LEGO sets. We live in a very different world now, so it is hard to say how someone would have adapted and responded to all the changes. Personally, I love both the books and the movies, and I believe the LEGO sets are simply another way for Tolkien’s fans to immerse themselves in his magical world. Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts! 🙂
nice, well said admin. But since Tolkien is dead does he really care? I like that perspective a lot Procyon, scratch what I said earlier.
Hm… we are getting in the land of mysticism here; does Tolkien care? Who knows? Maybe he is there somewhere in the elven lands, or maybe his spirit is watching us all and he is very much involved in some subtle way, or perhaps when someone is gone they are just gone. Those are questions thinkers and sages have been pondering for ages. I believe the movies are true to the books, and the LEGO sets are just a way for Tolkien/LEGO fans to act out their favorite stories. It will be interesting to see how well these sets are going to be received by Tolkien fans. We shall see… 😉
nice… maybe we’ll find out some day.
I agree with you procyon, Tolkien probably never meant for his works to be used commercially like this, and probably would have been very sad at our culture today, but what can you say? Tolkien influenced many, many, many people for the better, and he would have been happy about that.
Does anyone know the cost of these sets in Euros? If someone told me if they cost even more in central EU europe (even with the conversion from USD to Euro) then I could tell.
So far I have only seen the USA and Canadian prices. 🙁
i wonder if they will bring out a set about smaug like the ninjago dragons because the detail on them was awesome
LOTR Lego isn’t that bad, I assume – may definite not the ideal of adding it into my LEGO collection.. It’s too much grey color & makes it less interesting – that’s my honest opinion & with my perspective that there’s nothing wrong about buy LOTR set if someone likes these!!! Dive into it instead of missing out the opportunity because it’s licensed by the LEGO!, I am wondering what LEGO is thinking of invent after LOTR & these products launch in 2013?, why doesn’t LEGO have enough lights & sounds set like mid 80’s with L&S construction set, fire truck & commando van also a few in space species too.. Will it happen again?, I must admit Alien Conquest was a great starter especially these lovely purple/lime color – groovy!!. A deaf friend of mine was asking if there will be “BTTF” Back to the Future Lego and Avatar following up especially on other hand I am finding it a bit odd that LOTR Lego are about to release after LOTR was out about 12 years ago??? What bought on, I’m Deaf myself and started collecting LEGO in 1989 after I was given a 1985 town airport set for my eighth birthday 🙂 I’m 30 and still collect LEGO LOL, does it sound a bit weird? Heh heh
Please note that LEGO just got the LOTR license, and it is timed with the release of the Hobbit movies scheduled to be released later this year – so the timing is not at all bad. 😉
I really like Alien Conquest as well. And yeah, more light and sound bricks would be awesome! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
By the way there may be a LEGO BTTF, they are passing it through LEGO Cuusoo at along with the LEGO Minecraft (so exciting!) and LEGO Western, in modular (also exciting!). When you purchase rights to stuff they bump up the price of the set to make sure that the purchase pays for itself. That is why lines like city cost less than Indiana Jones. Well said admin.
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…………..sort of
🙂 yeah, some of these are going to be REALLY expensive and overpriced, because they are paying royalty fees to the people who thought of making that. I really want to have the oriental style buildings pass the first stage
Cant wait when will they be released 🙂 gonna get battle of helms deep and uruk hai army
I’m saving up for all of them 🙂 I’m at around 170 USD in saving
the orcs are too rare, there are too many uruk-hai
When is the release date?
The official release supposed to be at the beginning of June. Which means we should probably start to see them at some locations in mid May. 😉
Battle of Helm’s deep seems overpriced
I am not really digging the Gandalf Returns, Shelob Attacks, or Attack on Weathertop sets. I probably would skip them completely if not for the fact they include figures only available in those sets as of right now (Gandalf, Gollum, Samwise, Merry, Frodo in different clothing, and the Ringwraiths). The Orc Forge set is also kind of meh, but is the only set with Mordor Orcs and Lurtz right now.
As for the other sets, I absolutely LOVE them. I really like how they included an army builder set of Uruk-Hai which includes a catapult and also can be used as additional wallage with the Helm’s Deep set. The Helm’s Deep set is also very impressive but I do think 100-110 seems more resonable. My favorite set of them all though, has to be the Mines of Moria. My only complaint is it’s an 80 dollar set and the only one you can (currently) get the Cave Troll and Moria Orcs.
do you knoe if there will be a lego lord of the rings game this is something i need to know so please reply. tom
Claire/Tom, I can’t tell the future, but it is very likely there is going to be a game. LEGO has been making a game for every major series – and definitely the lincensed series – so yeah, I would expect one for LOTR. 😉
im ganna get the mines of moria this year!
It’s old post, but nevertheless – where shoud I buy it now? It’s almost impossible to get even on ebay.
Admiral, you can get all the Lord of the Rings sets you want on BrickLink, BrickOwl or eBay. As long as you know the set numbers, you should have no problem finding them. 🙂