As you probably know already; the LEGO SUPER HEROES website for DC Universe has been up and running for some time. (It is actually quite fun, you should check it out at

And now the LEGO SUPER HEROES Marvel website is also open. Not much there yet, but it is still fun to visit in anticipation of the new LEGO SUPER HEROES Marvel sets coming out shortly.

You can click on each of the characters to reveal their strength-card. Here is Hulk’s – not much brain but lots of strength. 😀

Iron Man – on the other hand – is full of brains; presumably that is why his helmet is so huge! (I know LEGO will be teased about Iron Man’s helmet forever and ever.) 🙄

Here is awesome Captain America’s strength-card, and you can also check out the other characters’ strengths like Thor, Loki, Wolverine, Deadpool, etc. by visiting

You might also want to browse the LEGO SUPER HEROES section for more news of your favorite comics characters. To see the already released LEGO SUPER HEROES sets from the DC Universe go here: LEGO SUPER HEROES Sets Available Now! And if you would like to check out what’s coming in the LEGO SUPER HEROES Marvel line, go here:
Admin, Are those going to be actual cards, or it that just like the minifugres strengths and speed??
I believe they are only for the website just to show the skills of the characters. I haven’t heard these being made into actual cards, like for a game or something. But I could be wrong. 🙄